Board of Adjustment Regular Public Meeting Agenda 20141125
Village of Ridgewood Zoning Board of Adjustment
November 25th, 7:30 P.M.
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.
Roll call
Approval of minutes – January 29, 2013
Non-agenda items:
Board member comments
Members of the public comments
Public hearings
Old Business:
Victor and Laurie Joseph – An application for the construction of two story additions which will result in a Gross Building Area of 23.8% and 5,136 square feet where 24% and 5,000 square feet is the maximum permitted, and Gross Building Area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 29.3% and 5,136 square feet where 24% and 5,000 square feet is the maximum permitted at 275 Manor Road, Block 2708 Lot 18 in an R-1 zone. Carried from November 11, 2014.
New Business:
New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless – An application requesting a D1 Use variance, and preliminary and final site plan approval with other variances and waivers, interpretations, and/or approvals as are necessary to permit the installation of a wireless telecommunications facility on Valleau Cemetery property located at 660 East Glen Avenue, Block 3003, Lots 17 & 18.
AGENDA – CONTINUATION November 25th, 2014
Resolution memorialization
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