Board of Adjustment Regular Public Meeting Agenda 20141014

Village of Ridgewood Zoning Board of Adjustment


                                                                October 14th, 2014

                                                                     7:30 P.M.

Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.

Roll call

Approval of minutes; February 25th, 2014

Non-agenda items:

            Board member comments

            Members of the public comments

Public hearings

            Old Business:



            New Business:

Morgan and Michelle Haley – An application for the    construction of a two story addition which will result in a front yard setback on Linwood Avenue of 5.6 feet where 40 feet is the minimum required at172 North Van Dien Avenue, Block 3603 Lot 2 in an R-1 zone.

Jonathan MatheyAn application for the construction of a detached garage and second floor dormer on the dwelling which will result in a front yard setback to the detached garage of 25 feet and to the dormer of 19.79 feet on Walthery Avenue where 40 feet is the minimum required for both structures. The garage construction will result in total lot coverage of 25.9% where 20% is the maximum permitted at 642 East Glen Avenue, Block 3306 Lot 1 in an R-2 zone.

AGENDA – CONTINUATION                                                        October 14th, 2014

Steven Libenson and Elaine DivelblissAn application for the construction of a front porch, one story and second story additions, which will result in a height above grade of 34 feet where 30 feet is the maximum permitted, a front yard setback to the porch of 32.24 feet where 40 feet is the minimum required. The proposed construction will result in a lot coverage within 140 feet of the front lot line of 23.1% where 20% is the maximum permitted, Gross Building Area of 26.2% and 5,230 square feet where 24% and 5,000 square feet, and Gross Building Area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 37.4% and 5,230 square feet where 29% and 4,620 square feet is the maximum permitted at 41 Clinton Avenue, Block 2402 Lot 18 in an R-1 zone.

Victor and Laurie Joseph – An application for the construction of two story additions which will result in a Gross Building Area of 23.8% and 5,136 square feet where 24% and 5,000 square feet is the maximum permitted, and Gross Building Area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 29.3% and 5,136 square feet where 24% and 5,000 square feet is the maximum permitted at 275 Manor Road, Block 2708 Lot 18 in an R-1 zone.

Jonathan and Diana Ruhl – An application for the construction of an addition to a second principal structure (a detached garage) which is not permitted by ordinance. The addition is an expansion of the structure which contains a non-conforming use at 322 Crest Road, Block 1916 Lot 6 in an R-110 zone.

            Resolution memorialization




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