20230815 - Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes
The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of August 15, 2023. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.
Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Ms. O’Brien called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.
Roll Call – The following members were present: Rob Willis, John Young, Councilwoman Perron, Dianne O’Brien, Fran Barto, Darlene Johnson, Sergio Alegre and David Refkin. Also present were Steven Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; John Barree, Village Planner; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Richard Joel, Michael Stern and James Van Goor were absent.
Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – There were no comments at this time.
Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Councilwoman Perron noted that Ridgewood Water broke ground on the Ravine PFAS Treatment Facility.
Garret J. Pinke, Jr., 204 Walton Street, Block 3710, Lot 8 – Application for minor subdivision, soil movement and drainage approval, and variance approval – This hearing will be carried until further notice.
Ridgewood Water Capital Project, PFOA/PFOS Treatment Project, 1156 East Ridgewood Avenue, Block 4205, Lot 44 – This review was carried until September 19, 2023, without further notice.
Ridgewood Water Capital Project, PFOA/PFOS Treatment Project, 270 Cedarcroft Road, Block 2312, Lot 7 – Matthew Rogers, Esq., Village Attorney entered his appearance on behalf of Ridgewood Water and made opening remarks.
Richard Calbi, Director of the Ridgewood Water Department, was sworn. Mr. Calbi testified regarding PFOS issues and the requirement to provide treatment facilities. The NJDEP Order was marked as Exhibit A-1.
Mr. Calbi described the treatment needed and the existing operation at the West End Treatment facility. Mr. Calbi stated that the facility is run from a central control center and that no traffic is generated as it is an unoccupied site with camera security.
Board members asked about the PFOA/PFAS treatment chemicals which the EPA is testing and if the EPA goes forward with those regulations will it change the equipment needed. Mr. Calbi said they are designing in anticipation of those regulations.
Board members asked if resin is recyclable the way carbon is, Mr. Calbi said it is not, explained how the purpose of the treatment is to reduce the number of particles below the maximum contaminant level limit. The resin needs to be disposed as hazardous waste.
Mr. Rutishauser asked if there would be any discharge to the sanitary sewer system. Mr. Calbi said only during the initial flush of the resin to get it acclimated to the ground water. Mr. Rutishauser asked about the well water and if there are any volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and if they would be treated. Mr. Calbi said the VOCs are treated via an air stripper.
Board members asked if there were any other alternatives that do not generate hazardous waste to treat the water. Mr. Calbi explained the other methods and why they were not feasible.
Earl Schneider was sworn and his credentials as an engineer accepted. Mr. Schneider testified regarding the existing conditions at the site and the site plan he prepared, which was marked as Exhibit A-2. Mr. Schneider described the location and the size of the fenced in area and the proposed addition. The existing fence will be replaced in the same location with an arborvitae screening. Mr. Schneider explained that 2 vessels will be enclosed inside a new building which will be in front of the existing building on the Cedarcroft side, but behind the fence. Mr. Schneider explained how the facility will work. The new impervious coverage of the structure and walkways will be 666 square feet, a minor development.
Board members asked if there were any odors coming from the plant. Mr. Schneider said there was not. Board members asked where the waste goes from taking out the PFAS contaminant. Mr. Schneider explained the process and how the 2 vessels are used. No waste stays on site.
Board members asked about the height of the fence, which will be 8 feet tall, but no variance is required as this is a public facility and 8 feet is the recommended height by Homeland Security.
Mr. Rutishauser recommends that the applicant be required to adhere to the Village storm water requirements.
Steven Casano was sworn and his credentials as a licensed architect accepted. Mr. Casano testified regarding the proposed building, stating that the siding will match what is on the existing building, with a roof in a similar style. The building will have a height of 25 feet. Mr. Casano described the interior.
Board members asked about screening, which Mr. Schneider said would be relocated and replaced.
Board members asked about the energy efficiency of the design and if they had considered using solar panels. Mr. Calbi said that given the constraint in regards to the NJDEP order, they were not considered at this time.
Mr. Rutishauser asked if the building will have marked spots for the Fire Department. Mr. Rogers said they would work with the Fire Department to do what is required.
Mr. Barree said that his concerns regarding lighting have been addressed.
There were no questions or comments from the public.
Mr. Rogers made closing remarks.
Discussion re: Ordinance #3962 to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code to add a new section entitled “Privately Owned Deicing Material Storage Facilities” – Mr. Rutishauser explained that the ordinance was taken from the DEP and written to fit into the Village Code book. Ms. O’Brien identified one typographical error in the ordinance.
Mr. Barree stated that the proposed ordinance fits within the overall goals and objectives of the Master Plan.
Board members asked if this was an issue in town. Mr. Rutishauser said there are no known problems regarding this issue, but that it is mandated by the State to put into the ordinance.
The Board voted to recommend approval of the ordinance to the Village Council.
Adoption of Resolution re: Amendment of various sections of Chapter 190 of the Village Code, Land Use and Development
Board members discussed the issue of circular driveways and permeable surfaces and if they should be considered due to the existing problems of flooding. Mr. Barree explained that impervious coverage standards that apply no matter the shape of the driveway and the storm water management ordinance would also limit what is permitted. Mr. Rutishauser said that any additional impervious coverage greater than 250 square feet requires storm water management.
Board members had further discussion regarding the impervious coverage issues. Board members said that sometimes circular driveways are needed for safety.
Mr. Barree explains that the circular driveway issue is for clarity for the Zoning office trying to interpret the code which is silent on this issue. The proposed ordinance would clarify when they are permitted. Mr. Barree said the Council gets the final say on the issue. Mr. Barree said that meetings were held with the Zoning Officer and other Village officials regarding the issue as well as part of the Zoning Board of Adjustment Annual Report. The Planning Board is part of the process of reviewing the amendments and recommending or not recommending them to the Council.
Mr. Wellinghorst said the Board is giving an advisory opinion to the Council who decides the law and it is ultimately the responsibility of the Council to take it as it is or to amend it further.
There was Board discussion regarding what the message to the Council should be.
The Resolution was adopted with the recommendation that the Council pays close attention to the language regarding circular driveways, particularly with respect to impervious coverage, safety, aesthetics and the removal of trees, shrubs and landscaping.
Discussion re: Implementation of Master Plan –
Mr. Refkin handed out a packet to the Board which addressed the suggested 2023/2024 goals in regards to the Master Plan and the timeline in which it could be done.
Adoption of Minutes: The minutes from June 20, 2023 were adopted.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Wondergem
Board Secretary
Date Approved: September 5, 2023
- Hits: 222