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Planning Board Public Meeting Agenda 20140902

Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Village Hall Court Room - 7:30 P.M.
 (all timeframes and the order of agenda items below are approximate and subject to change)

1. 7:30 p.m.- Call to Order, Statement of Compliance, Flag Salute, Roll Call  - In accordance with the provisions of Section 10:4-8d of the Open Public Meetings Act, the date, location, and time of the commencement of this meeting is reflected in a meeting notice, a copy of which schedule has been filed with the Village Manager and the Village Clerk, The Ridgewood News and The Record newspapers, and posted on the bulletin board in the entry lobby of the Village municipal offices at 131 North Maple Avenue, and on the Village website, all  in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act.
 Roll call: Aronsohn, Bigos, Knudsen, Nalbantian, Joel, Reilly, Dockray, Peters, Thurston, Altano, Abdalla
2. 7:35 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. – Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board

3. 7:45 p.m. – 7:55 p.m. – Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics

4. 7:55 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – Correspondence Received by the Board

5. 8:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. – Resolution – Amendment to the Land Use Plan Element of the Master Plan for the H-Hospital Zone

6. 8:15 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. – Discussion re: Legal overview regarding Open Public Meetings Act requirements and Board obligations as per the Municipal Land Use Law

7. 9:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Planner Report: Status update re: calendar/applications

8. 10:00 p.m. – Executive session if needed

9. Adjournment

 In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, all meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work sessions, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings, which are always open to members of the general public.

 Members: Mayor Paul Aronsohn, Nancy Bigos, Councilwoman Susan Knudsen, Charles Nalbantian, Richard Joel, Kevin Reilly, Wendy Dockray, Michele Peters, David Thurston, Isabella Altano, Khidir Abdalla
 Professional Staff: Blais L. Brancheau, Planner; Gail L. Price, Esq., Board Attorney; Christopher J. Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary

  • Hits: 2686

Planning Board Public Meeting Agenda 20140520

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Ridgewood High School Student Center
627 E. Ridgewood Ave., Ridgewood, NJ – 7:30 P.M.
 (all timeframes and the order of agenda items below are approximate and subject to change)

1. 7:30 p.m.- Call to Order, Statement of Compliance, Flag Salute, Roll Call  - In accordance with the provisions of Section 10:4-8d of the Open Public Meetings Act, the date, location, and time of the commencement of this meeting is reflected in a meeting notice, a copy of which schedule has been filed with the Village Manager and the Village Clerk, The Ridgewood News and The Record newspapers, and posted on the bulletin board in the entry lobby of the Village municipal offices at 131 North Maple Avenue, and on the Village website, all  in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act.
Roll call: Aronsohn, Bigos, Pucciarelli, Nalbantian, Reilly, Joel, Dockray, Peters
2. 7:35 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. – Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board

3. 7:45 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. – Correspondence Received by the Board

4. 7:50 p.m. – 10:15 p.m. – Public Hearing on Amendment to the Land Use Plan Element of the Master Plan for the H – Hospital Zone, The Valley Hospital, 223 N. Van Dien Avenue, Block 3301, Lot 51  - Public Comment

5. 10:15 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. – Approval of Minutes – November 5, 2013; November 26, 2013
6. 10:30 p.m. – Executive Session if needed

7. Adjournment
In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, all meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work sessions, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings, which are always open to members of the general public.

Members: Mayor Paul Aronsohn, Nancy Bigos, Councilman Pucciarelli, Charles Nalbantian, Kevin Reilly, Richard Joel, Wendy Dockray, Michele Peters
Professional Staff: Blais L. Brancheau, Planner; Gail L. Price, Esq., Board Attorney; Christopher J. Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary


  • Hits: 2632

Planning Board Public Meeting Agenda 20140506

Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Benjamin Franklin Middle School Auditorium
335 North Van Dien Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ - 7:30 P.M.

*all timeframes and the order of agenda items below are approximate and subject to change*

1. 7:30 p.m.- Call to Order, Statement of Compliance, Flag Salute, Roll Call  - In accordance with the provisions of Section 10:4-8d of the Open Public Meetings Act, the date, location, and time of the commencement of this meeting is reflected in a meeting notice, a copy of which schedule has been filed with the Village Manager and the Village Clerk, The Ridgewood News and The Record newspapers, and posted on the bulletin board in the entry lobby of the Village municipal offices at 131 North Maple Avenue, and on the Village website, all  in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act.
Roll call: Aronsohn, Bigos, Pucciarelli, Nalbantian, Reilly, Joel, Dockray, Peters
2. 7:35 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. – Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board

3. 7:45 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. – Correspondence Received by the Board

4. 7:45 p.m. – 9:15 p.m. –Public Hearing on Amendment to the Land Use Plan Element of the Master Plan for the H – Hospital Zone, The Valley Hospital, 223 N. Van Dien Avenue, Block 3301, Lot 51  - Continuation of Board expert presentations.
5. 9:15 p.m. – 10:45 p.m. – Public Hearing on Amendment to the Land Use Plan Element of the Master Plan – AH-2, B-3-R, C-R & C Zone Districts

6. Adjournment
In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, all meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work sessions, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings, which are always open to members of the general public.

Members: Mayor Paul Aronsohn, Nancy Bigos, Councilman Pucciarelli, Charles Nalbantian, Kevin Reilly, Richard Joel, Wendy Dockray, Michele Peters
Professional Staff: Blais L. Brancheau, Planner; Gail L. Price, Esq., Board Attorney; Christopher J. Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary

  • Hits: 2691

Planning Board Public Meeting Agenda 20140318

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Benjamin Franklin Middle School Auditorium
335 North Van Dien Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ - 7:30 P.M.
(all timeframes and the order of agenda items below are approximate and subject to change)

1. 7:30 p.m.- Call to Order, Statement of Compliance, Flag Salute, Roll Call  - In accordance with the provisions of Section 10:4-8d of the Open Public Meetings Act, the date, location, and time of the commencement of this meeting is reflected in a meeting notice, a copy of which schedule has been filed with the Village Manager and the Village Clerk, The Ridgewood News and The Record newspapers, and posted on the bulletin board in the entry lobby of the Village municipal offices at 131 North Maple Avenue, and on the Village website, all  in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act.
Roll call: Aronsohn, Bigos, Pucciarelli, Nalbantian, Hurley, Reilly, Joel, Dockray, Peters
2. 7:35 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. – Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board

3. 7:45 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. – Correspondence Received by the Board

4. 7:50 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. – Discussion re: Review of North Walnut Street Redevelopment Plan  

5. 8:45 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. – Public Hearing on Amendment to the Land Use Plan Element of the Master Plan for the H – Hospital Zone, The Valley Hospital, 223 N. Van Dien Avenue, Block 3301, Lot 51  - Continuation of Board expert presentations.

6. 10:30 p.m. – 10:40 p.m. – Calendar Update
7. 10:40 p.m. – Executive Session if needed

8. Adjournment
In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, all meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work sessions, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings, which are always open to members of the general public.

Members: Mayor Paul Aronsohn, Nancy Bigos, Councilman Pucciarelli, Charles Nalbantian, Morgan Hurley, Kevin Reilly, Richard Joel, Wendy Dockray, Michele Peters
Professional Staff: Blais L. Brancheau, Planner; Gail L. Price, Esq., Board Attorney; Christopher J. Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary

  • Hits: 2655

Planning Board Public Meeting Agenda 20140304

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Ridgewood High School Student Center
627 E. Ridgewood Ave., Ridgewood, NJ – 7:30 P.M.
 (all timeframes and the order of agenda items below are approximate and subject to change)

1. 7:30 p.m.- Call to Order, Statement of Compliance, Flag Salute, Roll Call  - In accordance with the provisions of Section 10:4-8d of the Open Public Meetings Act, the date, location, and time of the commencement of this meeting is reflected in a meeting notice, a copy of which schedule has been filed with the Village Manager and the Village Clerk, The Ridgewood News and The Record newspapers, and posted on the bulletin board in the entry lobby of the Village municipal offices at 131 North Maple Avenue, and on the Village website, all  in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act.
Roll call: Aronsohn, Bigos, Pucciarelli, Nalbantian, Hurley, Reilly, Joel, Dockray, Peters
2. 7:35 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. – Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board

3. 7:45 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. – Correspondence Received by the Board

4. 7:50 p.m. – 10:20 p.m. –Public Hearing on Amendment to the Land Use Plan Element of the Master Plan – AH-2, B-3-R, C-R & C Zone Districts

5. 10:20 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. – Approval of Minutes: September 30, 2013

6. 10:30 p.m. – 10:45 p.m. – Executive Session if needed

7. Adjournment
In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, all meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work sessions, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings, which are always open to members of the general public.

Members: Mayor Paul Aronsohn, Nancy Bigos, Councilman Pucciarelli, Charles Nalbantian, Morgan Hurley, Kevin Reilly, Richard Joel, Wendy Dockray, Michele Peters
Professional Staff: Blais L. Brancheau, Planner; Gail L. Price, Esq., Board Attorney; Christopher J. Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary

  • Hits: 2584


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