Food Recycling Pilot Program - Ridgewood,NJ



Would you like to participate?

We accept a limited number of Ridgewood households for participation in our DROPOFF food scrap recycling program on an ongoing basis.  Participants are asked to keep all allowed food scraps out of their household trash. The food scraps should be placed into an official bucket and taken to the recycling center each week. When at the center, participants simply drive up to our attendants. They will empty your bucket and return it to you.

To get started:
1) Interested residents submit an application (the application questions may help you to determine if this program is right for you)
2) We review the application and respond to the resident
3) If accepted, the resident receives an official bucket, refrigerator magnet, and welcome brochure
That’s it!

You may use this link to submit your application:

Questions? Contact us: Sean Hamlin, Recycling Coordinator, | Johanna Luttrell, Recycling Program Aide,

Lessons Learned from Phase 1 of our Pilot (March 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021)

Food Scrap Recycling Pilot Program _ Final Results

Food Scrap Recycling Pilot Program Update #1

Ridgewood's Program - In The News

Information & Resources

Let's Stop Wasting Food (Helpful Tips & Tricks)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Archived Communications

Slideshow shared at Bergen County Utilities Authority Recycling Workshop on 4/29/2021

Photo Gallery (under construction)

  • Hits: 7931


If you have any trouble with accessing information contained within this website, please contact the MIS Department - 201-670-5500 x2222 or by email
