Sealed bid proposals will be received by the Village of Ridgewood, in the 3rd Floor Conference Room, 131 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07451, on

Wednesday, February 8, 2017, 10:30 am, prevailing time, and then publicly opened and read aloud by the Director of Parks and Recreations or his designated representative for

the following project:

Supply of Coach Bus Transportation Services

The work of the Contract shall be to supply: Coach Bus Transportation Service for the Village of Ridgewood, Department of Parks and Recreation as needed and described

in the contract specifications.  

        Specifications and bid forms may be obtained from the office of the Ridgewood Parks and Recreation Department, 259 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07451,

        weekdays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., by telephone (201) 670-5560, or by Email request to  Documents may be examined or picked

        up in person between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the offices of the Parks and Recreation Department, 259 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07451,

        Monday through Friday. Prospective bidders requesting bid documents be mailed to them shall be responsible for providing their own postage/delivery service remuneration.  

The contractual obligation of the Village of Ridgewood under this Contract for these items is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for this

Contract can be made. 

Prices quoted must be net and exclusive of all Federal, State and Local Sales and Excise Taxes. Bids may be submitted prior to the bid opening in person or by mail, addressed to the
Office of the Village Clerk. The Village assumes no responsibility for loss or non-delivery of any bid sent to it prior to the Bid opening.  

         Each bid must be enclosed in a sealed envelope with the name of the bidder thereon and endorsed, Supply of Coach Bus Transportation Services and must be accompanied by the following:

  • A certified check, cashier's check, or Bid Bond (Schedule B), drawn to the order of the Village of Ridgewood in the amount of $1,500.00;
  • A Consent of Surety (Schedule A);
  • A Corporation or Partnership Statement (Schedule C);
  • A Non-Collusion Affidavit (Schedule D); a Statement of Responsibility (Schedule E);
  • A copy of the bidder’s State of New Jersey Business Registration Certificate.

Any award or awards may be made at a later or subsequent time or meeting of the Village Council. All required schedules, that is Schedule A, B, C, D, E, and F, are required to be

submitted on the forms attached to the bid documents. No other forms will be accepted.

The successful bidder shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Prevailing Wage Act, as determined by the New Jersey Department of Labor. All contractors, their

subcontractors, and material suppliers shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Public Works Contractor Registration Act, pursuant to Public Law 1999 Chapter 238 and t

he Contractor Business Registration Program, pursuant to Public Law 2004 Chapter 57. Evidence of satisfactory registration shall be submitted at the time of the bid (where applicable).

The successful bidder shall furnish and deliver to the Village of Ridgewood a performance and payment bond (Schedule F) in the amount of 100 percent of the accepted bid amount

as security for the faithful performance of the Contract. Additionally, the successful bidder shall furnish policies or Certificates of Insurance required by the Contract. In default

thereof, said checks and/or bid bond and the amount represented thereby shall be forfeited to the Village of Ridgewood as liquidated damages, not as a penalty.

Proposals submitted by Bidders and/or Bidder's Insurance Company(ies) not chartered in the State of New Jersey, must be accompanied by proper certificate(s) from

the Secretary of State, indicating that such Bidders, Bidder's Insurance Company(ies), and/or Surety Company(ies) is (are) authorized to do business in the State of New

Jersey. The Village of Ridgewood reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality, or to accept a bid which, in its judgment best serves the interest of the Village.

No bids may be withdrawn for a period of sixty-days (60) after the date and time set for the opening of bids.

"BIDDERS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27).  A complete statement as to

these requirements is included in the specifications.

By Order of the Village Manager

  • Hits: 3612


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