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Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

12/12/2023 Meeting Minutes


In attendance: Carolyn Jacoby, Neil Gallone, Nancy Bigos, Deborah Steinbaum, Vicky Van Dyke, Adam Brown, Nancy Brennan-Hill, George Wolfson, Mahmoud Hamza, Tim Graham, Cavan Sieczkowski, Andrew Lowry, Matt Chase, Grace Kim, Candy Hall.


--Meeting in the Senior Lounge called to order by Chair Carolyn Jacoby at 7:32 pm.


--November 2023 meeting minutes recorded by Mahmoud Hamza approved.



--Neil Gallone, Ridgewood Water Department, presented an overview of the street tree Inventory as it is now incorporated in the Village GIS software. The rich database promises to inform decision making pertaining to trees at many levels. Based on feedback, Neil will work to find a way for STC members to access the database. Please note that all STC requests for work on GIS data require approval from Nancy Bigos for overtime payment, as it is outside of Neil’s purview through the Water Dept.


--Siobhan Winograd said revisions to the Tree Ordinance continue be a priority among the Village Council and administration. The key stumbling block is figuring out how to enforce any regulations. More to come in 2024.

--Momentum is building in support of the Big/Heritage tree initiative following last month’s posting and promotion of the NJDEP nomination forms. Siobhan is gathering nominations and suggestions almost daily.

--Nancy Bigos said key decisions are expected on the proposed $580,000 2024 budget in mid-January.


--Mahmoud Hamza is stepping down, with much appreciation from his STC colleagues for his efforts and commitment to Village trees.

--Carolyn Jacoby and Siobhan Winograd introduced Deborah Steinbaum, who is joining the STC. She brings a valuable dimension to the STC as a physician and advocate for the health benefits of trees.


--Current members Cavan Sieczkowski, Adam Brown and Carolyn Jacoby are to be reappointed to new 3-year terms.


--An improved Village website, including updated STC pages, is being launched in January. It will be important for STC members to check the new pages and recommend edits to Tim ASAP.

--At the next meeting in January, per bylaws, election of STC officers will take place. Please consider officer/sub-committee positions and commitment for participating in training and CEU programs.  New members as of 2023 should be Core Trained within 2 years of appointment.  Everyone must accrue at least 2 CEUs per year.


--Holiday pizza party. Donation of $20 from each member.


--Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.


Minutes recorded by Tim Graham



  • Hits: 153

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

11/14/2023 Meeting Minutes


In attendance: Carolyn Jacoby, Eilat Kissel, Courtney Bernhardt, Vicky Van Dyke, Adam Brown, Nancy Brennan-Hill, George Wolfson, Mahmoud Hamza, Tim Graham, Ian Keller, Declan Madden, Andrew Lowry, Matt Andruela.


·       Meeting called to order by Chair Carolyn Jacoby.


·       October 2023 meeting minutes approved.


·       Details:


o   Fall Tree planting: Carolyn Jacoby / Declan Madden: 120 trees were planted in residential areas and 37 for business district. 4 residents declined, but trees were planted at other locations. Future plan, will consider planting trees near parking lots and by the train station.


o   Adopt-a-Sapling: Adam Brown and  Nancy Brennan-Hill: 31 saplings were planted. The cost was $1280 for trees and $835 for material. Need to confirm Money is coming from Trust Fund from Tree Ordinance. Hope to plant 50 trees next year, depending on the demand.


Questions and issues to be addressed by STC for next years plans :

1.      Do we replace trees that don’t survive?

2.      What area do we do next year?  Should we do areas with lease trees?

3.      How do we pay for next year project?

4.      Do we collect water bags after two years and reuse them?

5.      Do we amend letter to include that the resident is responsible if the curb watering system breaks?

6.      Do we want to try for 50 trees next year? Maybe we could get high school kids to canvass area?

7.      Select deadline and date for planting ahead of time.

8.      Approach project, pride, and green Ridgewood.

9.      Should we adopt a sapling fundraiser to cover the expenses?

10.  Schedule inspection to see if trees survived.


Recommendation for next year

1.      Different distribution, take half a day for Adam and Nancy to distribute trees and mulch.

2.      Different organization of groups. One group only had one person!

3.      Can we identify group leaders in advance - perhaps a group leaders could distribute mulch, water bags, steaks, topsoil.

4.      Specify tools required: sledges, buckets, rake, gloves, shovel.

5.      Specify where dirt will be removed to.

6.      Water plants before distributing.

7.      Order trees earlier.


o   Big/Heritage Tree recognition initiative NJDEP, Carolyn Jacoby. The flier describing the program was reviewed . The plan is to post the flyer on social media. It is worthwhile to note that big trees are not necessarily old trees.


o   Grants; can be a very good source of funding to get more trees planted. Discussion Community tree planting/Fundraising letter, identify Fundraising sub-committee to develop initiatives, work with Millenium, beginning 2024, to identify and submit grant applications.


o   2024 Budget proposal of $580k.


o   Review of NJSTF Conference. Carolyn, Declan decribed their experience. It was beneficial.


o   Holiday Pizza party. Donation of $20 from each member.


·       New business, Neil Gallone will be presenting the results of the completed street tree inventory at the December 12 meeting.


·       Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM


·       Minutes records by Mahmoud Hamza




  • Hits: 82

 Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission 10/10/2023 Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Carolyn Jacoby, Nancy Brennan-Hill, Mahmoud Hamza, Cavan Sieczkowski, Siobhan Winograd, Declan Madden, Ian Keller, Andrew Lowry. Joined by guests Keith Kazmark, Grace Kim, Anne Burton Walsh

Meeting called to order by Chair Carolyn Jacoby

September 2023 meeting minutes approved.

Keith Kazmark: 90 days on the job, STC is doing a good job with PR and will be able to take advantage of better communications with the Village website redesign. CBD planting is planned to begin 10/23. STC should plan another Adopt-a-sapling effort in '24. Openly supports trees, recognizes STC's importance to Ridgewood. '23 budget was very difficult because federal aid funds disappeared, but '24 budget should not be so tight. George Wolfson/Siobhan Winograd/Keith Kazmark agree to meet before upcoming presentation to council. Millenium may be contracted to seek grants for STC and others.

Nancy Brennan-Hill: 32 trees for Adopt-A-Sapling program. Markouts complete, trees and donuts purchased, planting will be done in small groups meeting at Orchard School. Andrew Lowry expressed concern about whether residents will be willing and capable of filling the donuts as intended.

Declan Madden: CBD planting scheduled to begin 10/23. Beuchler doing removals and stump grinding, Tode to plant 37 trees. Scheduling is tight with paving and shade tree conference, which complicates supervision. Fall planting of 120 trees to be done by Downes. November watering of all new plantings TBD.

Carolyn Jacoby: 2024 budget proposal of $580k. Planting of 350 trees, with $200k for outsourced removals. 65 trees to be planted in Schedler neighborhood, other low canopy areas to be targeted.

George Wolfson: Three main parts of the tree ordinance: a) land development (Planning Board), b) home improvement (Zoning Board), and canopy preservation (STC and Parks). Certificate of Occupancy should be contingent on tree plantings (Planning Board) and as-built surveys should be required by the Zoning Board. Enforcement should be a priority, and replacement calculation must be determined. Siobhan Winograd comments that the ordinance must not be a burden to homeowners, and Ian Keller discusses the loopholes created by the "qualified tree" stipulation.

Carolyn Jacoby presents the draft of the (first?) STC tri-fold brochure. Group discussion regarding the definition of a commission, fundraising in the future, and "the letter." Champion tree nomination is a great PR exercise, we should look for others candidates (Heritage, Champion, Significant). Core Training and minimum annual CEUs to be mandatory for future STC members. Reminder of Daffodil festival in Spring, and obligatory subcommittee participation. George Wolfson identifies possible fungus issue due to gator bags in CBD.

  • Hits: 201

20230711 - Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2023


The regular meeting of the STC held in the Garden Room, Village Hall, was called to order at 7:32 pm by C. Jacoby



Carolyn Jacoby, Mahmoud Hamza, Tim Graham, Nancy  Brennan- Hill, Andrew  Lowry, Adam Brown, Declan Madden, Maria Damasco,

Matt Andreula

Liaison PRC: Vicky Van Dyke




Paul Vagianos, Mayor Ridgewood NJ

David Refkin, Chair of Green Ridgewood NJ

Anne Burton Walsh


Grace Kim





Minutes of the June 11, 2023 meeting were unanimously approved.





Central Business District (CBD)

June weeding and mulching was initiated: Evaluation and lessons learned:

Reported by A.Brown and T. Graham


It took about 150 man hours for employees from Tri-County(A. Brown) and 14 volunteers to weed and apply mulch around the east and west side.           

No pesticides were used to avoid damage to baby roots.  A. Brown suggested possibly repeating the project one more time in 2023.

Mayor Vagianos discussed the need to revise the current system of maintaining trees in the CBD because property/business owners are not keeping up with tree well (per ordinance) care, especially in the case of chain stores.  C. Jacoby will be working on a Special Improvement District (SID) plan with Councilwoman Pam Perron who is taking the lead on this project.





Reported by D. Madden


Quotes have been submitted for 37 trees in the CBD along Chestnut Ave, Oak and Franklin Streets. This Phase III will complete the CBD tree well refurbishment initiative,  Watering cost will need to be a separate quote.  Watering of newly planted trees will need to continue for another two years to ensure best growth and vitality of trees. 


120 trees on residential streets based on resident requests.  Bid has been out for 65 large trees and 55 small trees and will be opened on July 20th.  In order to have a tree planted, residents requesting a tree will need to agree to a commitment of adequate watering (filling of gator bags provided) for two years. 






Reported by N. Brennan-Hill and A. Brown


A draft of the Flyer introducing the Adopt a Sapling program was presented along with a letter of instruction on how to sign up. Revisions are needed and when finalized the Flyers will be posted on the Ridgewood Village website, the Stable and the town Facebook groups along with a letter of instruction on how to sign up.








Tree Inventory data will be collected mid July and entered into GIS which will give us an accurate account for tracking purposes. Hopefully this data will be available by the end of September. A press release will be sent to inform the community.



Schedler Property:


A Ridgewood resident made a complaint at a Village Council meeting about the buildup of dirt and debris around large trees that can be harmful to the life of the trees.  No further information is available.



PSE&G Tree Pruning in and around electric wires:


Residents have complained about the terrible cutting of Village trees by the PSE&G contractors.  It was reported by N. Brennan-Hill that the arborist in Ho-ho-kus inspects the work PSE&G is doing as it is being done and conducts regular inspections to ensure trees are trimmed appropiately. D. Refkin said he would bring up the issue at the next  meeting of the Bergen HUB.





D. Refkin, Chair of Green Ridgewood introduced the possibility of working on some key joint issues with Green Ridgewood and STC.  As a member of the Ridgewood Planning Board he will also focus on highlighting/promoting sustainability recommendations in our Master Plan.  There are issues about planting trees in circular driveways. 

Other such issues GR will address: recycling, green building and sustainability, EV’s, resilience flooding and sewer water, preparing for extreme weather, storm water system, emergency management services and evacuation.




Volunteer Hours: 20


Meeting Adjourned at 9:31 pm


The next meeting will be on September 12, 2023


Minutes submitted by Maria Damasco, Recording Secretary

  • Hits: 178


Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2023


The regular meeting of the STC held in the Garden Room, Village Hall, was called to order at 7:29 pm by C. Jacoby



Carolyn Jacoby, Siobhan Winograd, Tim Graham, Nancy Brennan Hill, George Wolfson, Declan Madden, Ian Keller, Adam Brown, Andrew Lowry, Maria Damasco


Liaison PRC: Vicky Van Dyke


Guests: Heather Mailander, Derick White, Nina Megonn Mcgonnell, Cavan Sieczkowski


Minutes of the May 9, 2023 meeting were unanimously approved




Report given by H. Mailander who thanked the committee for a job well done. Some efficient ways to communicate among the members of the commission and municipal staff was discussed.  In addition to serving on the Commission, Parks and recreation staff have regular daily municipal jobs.

H. Mailander requested that emails consist of short highlighted statements and using links and e-notes.  Direct emails to the member relevant to the issue you are addressing, rather than forwarding emails to “all”,  Brief statements for inclusion in a forthcoming e-blast should be sent to H. Mailander by Tuesday.    




      Research Management

      Adopt a Sapling proposal presented by A. Brown, N. Brennan Hill and S. Winograd who will use volunteers to send out flyers.  Currently the flyers are in draft form but can be ready before the next STC meeting.  Feedback on the flyers is requested and welcomed. 

      Sapling tree planting event is scheduled for October.

      CBD Tree Well Maintenance

Report given by D. Madden, C. Jacoby, and S. Winograd.

      Some of the CBD trees are not responding as expected and 3 will  be removed by the village and replaced by Eastern in the fall.

      Another walk through will be done in September 2023


Report given by T. Graham and S, Winograd

      Trifold brochure

      Social media outreach

      Village web page

      Press releases

Volunteers are working on a draft trifold which is available for viewing and comments. There are 22 pictures of Ridgewood trees to select from. S. Winograd is working on a letter to go out to the schools and sports teams to ask for volunteers and/or donations.


      Tree Ordinance

       Report given by G. Wolfson and M. Damasco

      G, Wolfson met with Engineering to discuss possible tree ordinance concerns.

      There will be a review of tree ordinances of 10 towns in general categories so we can follow along successful lines and therefore move forward. 

      Hopefully the review with recommendations will be completed by the October, 2023 STC meeting.


      Funding and Grants

Report given by A. Lowry


Capital Expenses

$118,000 remaining from 22-23

$13,000 EAB treatments which are completed

$42,200 CBD watering twice weekly

$26,000 Tree inventory

$16,800 Street watering;June 9-October 21 weekly

$1000 +Transferred to CBD planting


      September 2023 Budget

Report given by C. Jacoby


      How we manage fall planting and the CBD  is important because there is a limited number of manpower resources. Supervision is needed to oversee the planting.

      The following bids will go out for proposed planting

      37 for CBD

      120 for Residential

                Going forward, working with N. Bigos, we are only planting per residents’ requests. Residents will sign an agreement to be responsible and maintain and water the trees.


      Forms SubCommittee

      Alternate funds sources through donations and contributions

      Grants: There is no follow up on grants to report



      Tree Inventory Phase II reported by Declan Madden

      GIS met with Civil Solutions and inventory was established

      Tentative inventory is for July 10

      Tentative date for quality control is mid August

      Inventory will be up to 2000 trees, stumps and right of way

      Civil Solutions is giving GIS all the data so we can keep track of  trees

      Criteria for planting will stay the same: small, medium and large.


      PSEG and Tree trimming

      PSEG Utility has free rein in the context of cutting down/pruning trees,  Their Primary standard for public service and tree cutting is different from usual standards. The utility has the authority to cut/trim trees with regard to public safety.

      As one solution, we can plant trees that will not grow so high and interfere with the cables.

      A subcommittee will be formed to study this issue and will be co-chaired  by N. Brennan Hill and A. Brown


      Report by S. Winograd

      A letter has been sent to the property/business owners  to establish a connection with regard to caring for their trees and to make them aware through the guild and the chamber.  H. Mailander will make the determination of when to send the final letter.

      Residents that are looking for community service can get involved by working on improving tree wells:

      Mulch Monday

      Get neighbors involved

      Get kids involved

      Adopt a sapling



      Schedler Property 

Discussion about what responsibility if any the STC has to this property.  No further action will be taken by the STC at this time.





Volunteer Hours: 20


Meeting Adjourned at 9:32 pm


Minutes submitted by Maria Damasco, Recording Secretary STC




  • Hits: 160


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