Ridgewood Shade Tree Comission Meeting Minutes 20180313



Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2018


The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:30PM on March 13, 2018 by Andrew Lowry.

Commission members -  Andrew Lowry, George Wolfson, Melody Corcoran, Bron Sutherland, Ian Keller, Mike Sedon, Dan Cramblitt

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes for February 13, 2018 was made by Ian Keller, seconded by Bron Sutherland, and approved by all present.

Graydon Tree

The Graydon tree topic will be tabled until more experts can be contacted for their opinions and input. Nick Polanin, Andrew Hillman and Jason Grabosky will be contacted.


Quotes from Ridgewood Press have not yet been received.

CBD Trees

Need to get CBDAC and both store and building owners on board with upkeep and replacement of CBD trees. Need to build enthusiasm and participation. Need an expert to design CBD tree wells, perhaps Jason Grabosky or someone he could recommend. There has been a positive response from street tree recipients after they saw the arborist personally trim and shape their trees; could this also work in the CBD? A plan to raise awareness in the CBD and recruit more STC volunteers is needed.


Every year $50,000 to $60,000 must be in the village budget for tree replacement.

CFMP Accomplishment Report

This report needs to be finished by 3-14-18. Keeping track of what was accomplished this year will make next years report easier to complete.


The library auditorium is booked for Thursday, November 15, 2018. Speaker not scheduled yet. Two CEU’s will be awarded for Wayne Cahilly’s talk on April 10, 2018:

“Risk Assessment in Municipal Arboriculture: The Graydon Sycamore Case Study”


At the next STC meeting a date will be set to move and plant the nursery trees in the nursery at the recycling center.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:05PM by: Andrew Lowry.

Minutes submitted by: Melody Corcoran

Volunteer Hours March 13,2018 Meeting – 7.5 hours


  • Hits: 1377


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