Ridgewood Shade Tree Comission Meeting Minutes 11132018
Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission
Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2018
The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:35PM on November 13, 2018 by Ian Keller.
Melody Corcoran, Ian Keller, Carolyn Jacoby, George Wolfson, Declan Madden
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes for October 9, 2018 was made by Carolyn Jacoby, seconded by George Wolfson, and approved by all present.
Tree Protection Ordinance
The Tree Protection Ordinance needs to be re-introduced to and approved by the village council. In the future, a one-to-one tree replacement for trees cut down on private property needs to be added to the ordinance. Input from the planning board and the engineering department is needed about how to enforce compliance with the provisions of the ordinance.
Fall Tree Plantings
Utility mark-outs for the plantings have been completed and planting is proceeding.
Adopt-a-Tree Communication
The STC webpage has been updated. To assist in communicating with the Adopt-a-Tree residents, input is needed from the Parks Department as to how the members of the STC can help. Dan Cramblitt and Candace Fitzpatrick will be asked for their suggestions.
New Nursery Location
After the village council has approved the new nursery location off Bellair Road, a site plan needs to be drawn up including the exact location and dimensions, needed fencing, and an irrigation system.
Tree Seedlings
Free tree seedlings are available for pick-up from NJ Tree Recovery Campaign in April. It was decided that 200 seedlings will be requested; the seedlings will be given to residents during the village Earth (Arbor) Day celebration in April (date TBD).
Central Business District
The STC presentation to the village council concerning suggested improvements to the CBD tree wells was well received and the response was positive.
No update on the bid for the CBD tree wells is currently available.
Required CEUs
Carolyn Jacoby will contact Bron Sutherland to find out how our annual required CEUs are reported to the state.
Budget Status
There is $50,000 in the budget for trees. Ian Keller will ask Dan Cramblitt if that money can be used for a tree inventory. Declan Madsen said that if the village has a tree inventory, it will improve our chances of receiving grants. A tree inventory is also one of the goals of the STC’s five year plan.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM by: Ian Keller
Minutes submitted by: Melody Corcoran
Volunteer Hours: 5
- Hits: 1398