20220913 - Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes
Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission
Meeting Minutes 13 September 2022
The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:30pm on 13 September 2022 by Andrew Lowry. The meeting was held in the Garden Room of Ridgewood Village Hall.
Andrew Lowry, Carolyn Jacoby, Declan Madden, Yamini Chinni, Nancy Brennan- Hill, Vicky Van Dyke, Adam Brown, Ian Keller, Pam Perron
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes for the August 9, 2022 STC meeting and all prior meeting minutes not previously approved was made by Carolyn Jacoby, seconded by Nancy Brennan-Hill, and approved by all present.
- All members voted in favor of rotating the responsibility of taking meeting minutes.
- Status must be determined for all Commission members as some appointments were mistakenly not renewed in a timely manner.
Master Plan overview, presented by Pam Perron
- Master Plan delves into many topics, including Sustainability, Resiliency, Disaster response, utilities, CBD economics, DPW, Historic Preservation, and others. Shade Trees play a role in almost all aspects of the Master Plan.
- “Principle 4: Protect and Enhance the Tree Canopy” - a clear mandate.
- Master Plan will inform many decisions made by the Council and Planning Board in the coming years.
- STC should voice priorities before the Planning Board and Council
Discussion about CFMP
- Presently past the 5-year mark but all CFMPs were extended due to covid.
- We should consider revising our plan proactively despite several years of validity remaining.
Discussion about tree loss vs replanting rate
- Current Shade Tree staffing cannot easily support additional planting. Despite tremendous progress in planting more trees we are still at a net loss every year.
We cannot begin to reduce the number of vacant planting sites until we match or exceed annual tree loss.
- A “tree plan” would allow for better planning and appropriate staffing levels.
Discussion about sidewalk/tree conflict
Village will conduct a trial of a porous paving product that may help to minimize the amount of root pruning required when repaving sidewalks that are lifted by Village tree roots.
Van Neste Square Banner
A banner will be made and displayed explaining the tree plantings that will soon take place in the CBD.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm: 12.25 Volunteer hours
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