20230214 - Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes

 Shade Tree Commission Meeting of February 14, 2023 at 7:34 pm at Village Hall


 In Attendance

 Vicky Van Dyke, Adam Brown, Maria Demasco, Carolyn Jacoby, Ian Keller, Declan Madden, Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd, Mahmoud Hamza, Nancy Brennan Hill



 Call to Order

 Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd expressed her enthusiasm for working with and supporting the Shade Tree Commission. This support includes providing monthly updates to the budget and access to any information required. (Last year despite over  4,000 potential spots for tree planting available, between $197,00 and $180,00 tree planting money was unspent.  (The money was unspent because the Village did not have enough staff to manage the project.) It will be carried over to this year. (The use of this money will be discussed with the Parks Department.)  Siobhan also described the importance of Social Media in stimulating support for tree planting in the Village. Due to budgetary constraints it is more and more important to involve Villagers and local organizations in the planting of trees. 


 Tree Ordinance

 Interest expressed in getting a resolution to go back and amend the tree ordinance. And there appears to be zero enforcement of the ordinance. 


 2022 Budget

 Between $197,000 and $180,000 money left and carried over to 2023. This money could be used for completing the Tree Inventory (85 per cent complete and over 4,000 potential spots for trees), watering newly planted trees and planting additional trees. 


 There were a total of 292 trees planted in 2022 and 320 Trees removed. (It will be determined if removal number includes other than street Shade Trees.)


 2023 Budget

 $42,000 for CBD planting

 $129,000 for Ash Tree Removal

 $100,000 for Tree Planting

 $25,000 for Treating Ash Trees


 Tree Inventory Software

 Hoping to correct glitches in software such that information about trees removed is dropped from the Inventory. Currently, even though a tree is removed information about the tree remains. 


 Grant Writing

 Possibility that Dina Kats could write a grant for trees. Also, Councilwoman Siobhan expressed a desire to explore the possibility of hiring a grant writer for the Village. 


 By Laws

 Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd wrote a draft of By Laws for the Commission. George Wolfson is taking the responsibility for completing them hopefully by the next meeting. 


 Earth Day

 Earth day this year will be on April 23. Carolyn Jacoby plans on securing 325 saplings for the event. Adam Brown and Nancy Brennan Hill volunteered to help label the trees. 



  • Hits: 328


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