20230411 - Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

April 11, 2023



The regular meeting of the STC held in the Garden Room Village Hall, was called to order at 7:33 pm by Carolyn Jacoby. 




Maria Damasco, Nancy Brennam Hill, George Wolfson, Carolyn Jacoby, Andrew Lowry,Siobhan Winograd, Declan Madden, Adam Brown, Ian Keller, Matt Andreula



Matthew S. Rogers, Esq. Village Attorney.  Discussion of legal issues/liabilities of volunteer participation in tree planting on municipal property.

Tim Graham



Minutes of the March 14, 2023 meeting were unanimously approved.


Discussion with Village Attorney, Matthew S. Rogers regarding resident volunteers permission/liability to plant in the right of way.  This will require further discussion with the Village Council and Parks and Recreation.



2023 BUDGET;


Cuts, Allocations and Implications were discussed.

Amounts allocated:

      $89,000 capital for the year 2023

       $162,000 carried over from 2022

       $47,000 for Ash tree removal

       $24,000 for Downes residential weekly watering


Still waiting for approval of twice weekly watering in the CBD area.


Bids will hopefully go out in July  for CBD and residential Fall planting.




Amended by-laws were presented by G. Wolfson and unanimously approved.







  Leadership and member participation was selected as follows:


1.Community Outreach:

      Leader: A. Brown  Member: N. Brennam Hill

2. Resource Management:

      Leader: G. Wolfson  Member: M. Damasco

3.  Funding.

      Leader: M.Hamza  Member: TBD

4, Earth Day

      Leader: C. Jacoby

5.  Central Business District

       Leader: A. Lowry  Member: I. Keller


Nominations and election for Chair and Vice Chair:

Chair-Carolyn Jacoby nominated by N. Brennam Hill and seconded by A. Brown and approved unanimously.

Vice Chair-N. Brennam Hill  and A. Brown were nominated by C. Jacoby  as co-vice chair and approved unanimously. 





A.Brown and N. Brennam Hill are proposing a resident volunteer program which will  initiate an "adopt and plant” sapling day on Municipal strips. Smaller trees will be less expensive and easier to plant and maintain. They will communicate their proposal to Nancy Bigos, Director of Parks and Recreation. 







Sunday April 23, 2023 at Van Neste Park from 11 am to 2 pm

STC members should report to Van Neste Park at 10:45 am and plan to stay until 1:30 pm at the end of the event.  After that we will break down and clear up.


On Saturday, April 22, 2023, we will be organizing the seedlings for final distribution.  Volunteers are requested. 






S. Winograd suggested the STC coordinate efforts with Project Pride.

She also mentioned that there will be a memorial to honor Linda McNamara, funded by friends of Linda, “Linda Grove” which will be located behind the stable.




Items tabled for future meetings:


Dunham Trail  removal of large trees along the brook

Schedler property





Volunteer Hours: 20


Meeting Adjourned at 9:57 pm


Minutes submitted by Maria Damasco Recording Secretary


  • Hits: 256


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