20231114 - Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

11/14/2023 Meeting Minutes


In attendance: Carolyn Jacoby, Eilat Kissel, Courtney Bernhardt, Vicky Van Dyke, Adam Brown, Nancy Brennan-Hill, George Wolfson, Mahmoud Hamza, Tim Graham, Ian Keller, Declan Madden, Andrew Lowry, Matt Andruela.


·       Meeting called to order by Chair Carolyn Jacoby.


·       October 2023 meeting minutes approved.


·       Details:


o   Fall Tree planting: Carolyn Jacoby / Declan Madden: 120 trees were planted in residential areas and 37 for business district. 4 residents declined, but trees were planted at other locations. Future plan, will consider planting trees near parking lots and by the train station.


o   Adopt-a-Sapling: Adam Brown and  Nancy Brennan-Hill: 31 saplings were planted. The cost was $1280 for trees and $835 for material. Need to confirm Money is coming from Trust Fund from Tree Ordinance. Hope to plant 50 trees next year, depending on the demand.


Questions and issues to be addressed by STC for next years plans :

1.      Do we replace trees that don’t survive?

2.      What area do we do next year?  Should we do areas with lease trees?

3.      How do we pay for next year project?

4.      Do we collect water bags after two years and reuse them?

5.      Do we amend letter to include that the resident is responsible if the curb watering system breaks?

6.      Do we want to try for 50 trees next year? Maybe we could get high school kids to canvass area?

7.      Select deadline and date for planting ahead of time.

8.      Approach project, pride, and green Ridgewood.

9.      Should we adopt a sapling fundraiser to cover the expenses?

10.  Schedule inspection to see if trees survived.


Recommendation for next year

1.      Different distribution, take half a day for Adam and Nancy to distribute trees and mulch.

2.      Different organization of groups. One group only had one person!

3.      Can we identify group leaders in advance - perhaps a group leaders could distribute mulch, water bags, steaks, topsoil.

4.      Specify tools required: sledges, buckets, rake, gloves, shovel.

5.      Specify where dirt will be removed to.

6.      Water plants before distributing.

7.      Order trees earlier.


o   Big/Heritage Tree recognition initiative NJDEP, Carolyn Jacoby. The flier describing the program was reviewed . The plan is to post the flyer on social media. It is worthwhile to note that big trees are not necessarily old trees.


o   Grants; can be a very good source of funding to get more trees planted. Discussion Community tree planting/Fundraising letter, identify Fundraising sub-committee to develop initiatives, work with Millenium, beginning 2024, to identify and submit grant applications.


o   2024 Budget proposal of $580k.


o   Review of NJSTF Conference. Carolyn, Declan decribed their experience. It was beneficial.


o   Holiday Pizza party. Donation of $20 from each member.


·       New business, Neil Gallone will be presenting the results of the completed street tree inventory at the December 12 meeting.


·       Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM


·       Minutes records by Mahmoud Hamza




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