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20201110 - Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2020


The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:40PM on March 10, 2020 by Andrew Lowry. The meeting was held virtually on Zoom.


Andrew Lowry, Michael Sedon, Melody Corcoran, Ian Keller, Carolyn Jacoby, Declan Madden, Steve McCabe, Manish Shrimali, Mahmoud Hamzah

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes for October 13, 2020 was made by Carolyn Jacoby, seconded by Mike Sedon, and approved by all present.


Tree Inventory

Manish Shrimali is preparing a 15-minute presentation for the village council to be given at the first council meeting in December. The presentation will be a summary of the key findings of the tree inventory and will include the following:

  • overall tree population is in fair condition
  • annual eco-benefits of the inventoried tree population appraised at $1.1 million
  • tree population is sufficiently diversified, no one species significantly over 20% of total tree population, 135 tree species identified
  • ash tree management necessary to control loss of trees from Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation
  • tree diameter size class distribution – 40% of trees should be young, the village needs to plant younger trees
  • tree plantings should focus on creating a canopy in the CBD, parking lots
  • next steps include completing the inventory by including county roads and village parks; ash tree maintenance and removal; new plantings; additional funds allocation for 2021
  • Parks and Recreation Dept. will be using and updating the tree inventory data on a daily basis as work and maintenance on the village tree canopy continues.

Civil Solutions will also be presenting to the council.

Ash Trees

Ash trees usually die 2-3 seasons after being infested with EAB. On Wyndemere Avenue and Abbey Court, the policy has been to take down the ash trees before they become a hazard.

EAB infestation has a 15-20 year cycle; trees, therefore, need to be treated for 15-20 years. Ash trees can be treated for EAB at a cost of approximately $200 per year.  Treating high value or prominent ash trees should be considered. Village residents need to made aware of the available treatment options. An ash tree treatment presentation should be made before the 2022 village budget meetings take place. Funds for the treatment of ash trees and for the replacement of removed ash trees need to be included in the budget request.


Fall 2020 Plantings

The fall planting of trees is continuing. However, there are residents who refuse trees or request the removal of trees that have been planted in front of their properties. The reasons cited for requesting removal include interference with mowing, blocking of security cameras, etc. It was suggested that residents be informed in the spring of scheduled fall plantings allowing them the opportunity to accept or refuse a tree to be planted in front of their properties.

Residents need to be educated on the value of trees to the environment, to their property and to people. Residents also need to be reminded that there is an ordinance which prohibits residents from interfering with Parks and Shade Tree work.


2021 Objectives

  • long term plans to control EAB, bacterial leaf scorch, oak wilt and other threats
  • manage and improve tree canopy
  • CBD trees – understand problems, plans for improvement
  • Carolyn Jacoby will look-out for large grants from the DEP and NJ Shade Tree Federation
  • Mahmoud Hamzah will speak to Jeannie Johnson about writing grants for the STC
  • LWV, Carolyn Jacoby, and Ellie Gruber are undertaking a one-year project to revamp the Parks and Shade Tree Department. The goal is to separate Shade Tree from Parks so that Shade Tree can concentrate on revitalizing and increasing the tree canopy.
  • ask Nancy Bigos if it would be possible for STC members to view the Shade Tree Dept. work on trees planted in previous years
  • continuation of tree plantings at Somerville School by each new kindergarten class
  • Carolyn Jacoby will continue to forward information about webinars to the STC members, the STC members need to commit to learning and active volunteering


Meeting was adjourned at 9:35PM by: Andrew Lowry.

Minutes submitted by: Melody Corcoran


Volunteer Hours: 12

  • Hits: 838

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2020


The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:35PM on March 10, 2020 by Andrew Lowry.
Andrew Lowry, Michael Sedon, Melody Corcoran, Ian Keller, Carolyn Jacoby, Declan Madden, Steve McCabe, Susan Nashel, Lorraine Reynolds
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes for February 11, 2020 was made by Andrew Lowry, seconded by Carolyn Jacoby, and approved by all present.

Tree Inventory
Declan Madden will be meeting with Davey Tree on March 25 for the start of the tree inventory in Area A. Civil Solutions has received the $50,000 purchase order for the tree inventory from the village.

CFMP Annual Report
Manish Shrimali has submitted the completed annual accomplishment report to the New Jersey Community Forestry Program (NJUCFP).

Tree City, Arbor Day, Earth Day
The village has been approved as a Tree City for 2020. A Tree City resolution is needed from the village council. Mike Sedon and Andrew Lowry will follow-up on this.
For the Earth Day event, Susan Nashel has requested two tables and four chairs. A canopy for sun protection will also be requested.
2018 Planting
Andrew Lowry will speak to Nancy Bigos about ensuring that Declan Madden is given the time to check on the 2018 plantings and prune the trees as required.

League of Women Voters and Budget
The LWV submitted a letter to the Ridgewood News urging the village council to fully fund the Parks and Recreation Department’s budget request this year for the planting of municipal shade trees.
$150,000 was requested. $110,00 was approved.
Trees must be kept in the forefront of village council considerations. The council needs to be continually reminded of the immeasurable value of trees. Scout, LWV, community, and STC presentations to the council must continue to reinforce the importance of trees to our village and to future generations.

October Public Presentation
Carolyn Jacoby has reserved the library auditorium for October 20, 2020 at 7pm. Pat Burke from Bartlett Tree has agreed to be the speaker. The topic of the presentation has not been decided yet. The results of the tree inventory may suggest the topic.

Licensed Tree Companies
Declan Madden informed the STC that Licensed Tree Companies (LTCO) do not have to employ a Licensed Tree Expert (LTE). Only an LTE can assess tree health and determine if a tree needs to be cut down because of disease or damage.
Landscapers must be registered with the village; it would be a good idea to have LTCOs and LTEs also registered with the village. This is a project to present to the village council in the future.

Central Business District
Ian Keller met with Mayor Hache to discuss trees in the CBD and tour the new parking garage site. There are to be five trees planted on the Hudson Street side of the garage and one on the Broad Street side. It is an excellent opportunity to use structural soil in a long trench and under the sidewalk, giving the new trees the best chance of growing successfully. The trees themselves would be planted in soil. Bartlett Tree has recommended using Biochar as a soil amendment. The trench and tree wells need to be designed; a permeable surface chosen; a water source provided; and, possibly, a port included in each tree well to permit the application of fertilizer.
The plans for this type of tree planting need to go through Chris Rutishauser, Heather Mailander and the village council. Mike Sedon will put this on the agenda for the next village council meeting. Ian Keller will email Mayor Hache about the plan.
The warranty on Adopt-a-Trees is not currently known. At a resident’s request, Declan Madden replaced a 2018 Adopt-a-Tree that had died. A warranty time limit for tree replacement needs to be included in the Adopt-a-Tree application form.
Because many trees are now being planted in the village, whether or not Adopt-a-Tree will be continued needs to be discussed further.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:05PM by: Andrew Lowry.
Minutes submitted by: Melody Corcoran

Volunteer Hours: 7.5

  • Hits: 1013

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes February 11, 2020


The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:35PM on February 11, 2020 by Andrew Lowry.

Andrew Lowry, Manish Shrimali, Melody Corcoran, Ian Keller, Carolyn Jacoby, Declan Madden, Susan Nashel, Steve McCabe

Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes for January 14, 2020 was made by Andrew Lowry, seconded by Carolyn Jacoby, and approved by all present.

Tree Inventory
On February 19, 2020 the funds needed to accomplish the tree inventory will be finalized by the village council and become available for use.
On February 11, 2020 Andrew Lowry attended the final grant meeting with NJUCF. It was reported to NJUCF what the grant was requested for; the contract for the tree inventory was shown; and all needed signatures were obtained. The village meets all criteria to minimize liability for damage caused by trees – Tree City status, Arbor Day proclamation, and a Shade Tree Commission.
On February 19, 2020 a pre-project meeting will be held with representatives of Civil Solutions and Davey Resource Group to go over specifics of the tree inventory. Steve McCabe, Declan Madden, Nancy Bigos, Matthew Andreula and members of the Shade Tree Commission will be in attendance.

CFMP Annual Accomplishment Report
The annual CFMP report needs the mayor’s signature. Steve McCabe will supply the final numbers needed and obtain the needed signature and village seal. The report will be emailed and a hard copy sent to Michael Martini, NJ DEP.

Arbor Day, Tree City and Earth Day
Susan Nashel has ordered small giveaway items, such as pencils and stickers, from the Arbor Day Foundation. The “eco-warrior” Girl Scouts from the middle schools will be at Earth Day. Colin Milde will again be at Earth Day and will have a tree or two to give away as prizes. There will be two hundred saplings to give away to residents. Bartlett Tree has provided brochures to give away. Correct mulching of trees and shrubs will again be demonstrated.
The Tree City renewal application needs the mayor’s signature.

2018 Plantings

Gator bags, guide straps and stakes need to be removed and pruning done on the trees planted in 2018. Declan Madden needs to be given time to perform these tasks.

Central Business District
Mayor Hache wants to see a plan for the CBD trees. A demonstration project needs to be done to get an idea of the cost and time needed to improve the trees in the CBD.

League of Women Voters
The LWV subcommittee on the environment will send a letter to the village council supporting the capital budget line item for municipal shade trees.

Public Presentation
A proposed topic for a public presentation this fall is “Do your trees pose a risk?”

Somerville School Tree Planting
Each of the three kindergarten classes at Somerville School with be planting trees on the school grounds. Joann Hanrahan has requested that Declan Madden be present at the plantings to ensure that the trees are planted properly and he has agreed.

No-net-loss Policy
A “no-net-loss” policy for trees – a tree planted for every tree removed - needs a resolution from the village council.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM by: Andrew Lowry.
Minutes submitted by: Melody Corcoran

Volunteer Hours: 6

  • Hits: 903
Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2020
The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:35PM on January 14, 2020 by Andrew Lowry.
Andrew Lowry, Michael Sedon, Melody Corcoran, Carolyn Jacoby, Declan Madden, Susan Nashel, Steve McCabe, Judith Driver, Bob Upton
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes for December 10, 2019 was made by Carolyn Jacoby, seconded by Andrew Lowry, and approved by all present.
Tree Inventory
All monies for the tree inventory will be available, both the requested $50,000 and the $10,000 from the grant that the village received. The resolution to finalize these funds will be voted on by the village council on Feb 19, 2020.
CBD Tree Wells
Soldier bricks have been removed from some CBD tree wells. This has caused other bricks in those wells to become loose. Tree roots need to be air spaded and adventitious roots removed where possible. Currently there is no money to do a tree well demonstration project. Possibly this project could be done this fall.
Evaluation of 2019 Tree Planting
Gator bags, guide wires and stakes are still out on the trees and need to be removed.  Declan Madden did structural pruning of the new trees last winter and this pruning should be done again this year. Andrew Lowry will discuss this with Nancy Bigos.
Council Presentation
The eco-warrior Girl Scouts from both BF and GW middle schools have been making presentations at the public village council meetings. They are dedicated in their support of trees, especially of the role trees play in combating global warming. They are asking for full funding of the $150,000 line item for tree planting in the capital budget for 2020.
Community Forestry Management Program
For the annual CFMP accomplishment report, budget numbers, salaries, monies spent, etc. are needed. Steve McCabe will furnish Manish Shrimali with the required information and Manish will complete the report. The report is due February 15, 2020.

Tree City
For Arbor Day and continuing certification of Ridgewood as a Tree City, a resolution is needed from the mayor and the village council. This is due in February.
Public Lecture
A speaker could not be scheduled for this spring so the public educational program will be postponed until September or October. One suggestion for this program was to present the results of the tree inventory to the residents. Included in this presentation would be the value of trees in increasing property values, the benefits of trees in reducing pollution and water runoff, etc. A panel discussion at this presentation to include Declan Madden and members of the STC was also suggested.
Earth Day
Colin Milde will again be invited to participate at the STC table. The proper mulching demonstration will be repeated. Two hundred tree whips are planned to be available to be handed out to residents. Fact sheets on Adopt-a-Tree and how to request a tree from the village will be available to hand out. Two tables and a canopy need to be requested for the STC area which will be located with or near the Green Ridgewood tent.
Stickers need to designed for the gator bags. The information on the stickers needs to include instructions to “please water 2X a week” and an arrow indicating where the opening to add water to the bag is located. Village identification and contact information will also needs to be included.
A list of grants that the village and the STC could apply for needs to be generated. Frank Martini of the NJDEP, Pam Zipse of NJUCF, and Sustainable Jersey are sources of grant information. A project needs to have been identified and ready to go before a particular grant can be applied for.
Village Support
A statement is needed from the League of Women Voters supporting full funding of the capital budget items for tree planting and tree inventory.
The Chamber of Commerce and the Guild have expressed interest in the trees in the CBD but they want the village alone to fund the trees and tree wells. Andrew Lowry will contact them about the need for them to be involved.
“No-net-loss of trees” should be made a campaign issue for the upcoming village council election in May. This issue can be raised at candidates’ nights. The candidates could be invited to a joint STC/Green Ridgewood meeting where this topic would be discussed.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:05PM by: Andrew Lowry.
Minutes submitted by: Melody Corcoran
Volunteer hours: 6
  • Hits: 920
Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes December 10, 2019
The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:35PM on December 10, 2019 by Andrew Lowry.
Andrew Lowry, Melody Corcoran, Ian Keller, Carolyn Jacoby, Steve McCabe, Declan Madden, Judith Driver
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes for November 12, 2019 was made by Andrew Lowry, seconded by Carolyn Jacoby, and approved by all present.
Tree Inventory Status
The quote received from Civil Solutions regarding the tree inventory follows industry standards as to how the inventory will be performed and what attributes will be collected for each tree. Empty viable tree planting locations will also be noted. The field collection will be conducted by Davey Resource Group. The inventory software is user friendly and training will be given in its use to the village employees who will be using it.
There will be a meeting December 19, 2019 concerning the inventory process and use of the $10,000 NJUCF Stewardship grant that has been awarded the village. It would be ideal if the inventory could be done this winter, possibly in February. Chris Rutishauser, Nancy Bigos, Heather Mailander, Declan Madden, Steve McCabe, Andrew Lowry, and Ian Keller have been invited to attend this meeting.
CBD Developer Project Tree Wells
The names of the developers’ representatives that Susan Knudsen spoke to about tree planting guidelines are still not known.
Train Station Structured Soil Planting
The CU Structured soil was received and used to plant two willow oaks in the center planting strip, closest to the train station. One tree was planted in CU soil alone. The other tree was planted in regular soil with the CU soil off to the sides of the rootball.
Ideally, the CU soil should have been put in place under the area covered by the sidewalk before the sidewalk cement was poured. This placement of the CUsoil allows the trees to spread their roots over a much larger area. The information about how to use CU soil had been distributed previously.
2019 Tree Planting
Over one hundred trees were planted this fall. Declan Madden trained the crews that planted these trees. The crews were instructed to remove the wire baskets around the rootballs; the trees should be properly planted this year.
Approximately 25 trees were planted in places not originally designated because some residents did not want trees planted in front of their properties.
2020 Plans and Priorities
     o CFMP accomplishment report – due Jan./Feb.
     o Arbor Day Tree City Certification – picture of tree planting, timely application filing
     o Adopt-a-Tree – continue
     o Earth Day 2020 – plan for event
     o Grant identification and application – village grant writers released
     o STC membership – need to recruit new members
     o Village support – LWV, scouts, schools, Chamber of Commerce, residents
     o Social media – work with Green Ridgewood to get information to residents
     o Line item in capital budget for tree planting - $150,000 requested ($50,000 for tree inventory, remainder for tree planting)
     o “No net loss” commitment from village council – for trees on village streets, parks and Board of Education property
Meeting was adjourned at 9:10PM by: Andrew Lowry.
Minutes submitted by: Melody Corcoran
Volunteer Hours: 6
  • Hits: 1026


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