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Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2023



The regular meeting of the STC held in the Garden Room, Village Hall was called to order at 7:33 pm by C. Jacoby.



Maria Damasco, Nancy Brennam Hill, George Wolfson, Carolyn Jacoby, Andrew Lowry, Siobham Winograd, Declan Madden, Ian Keller, Tim Graham, Mahmoud Hamza


Liaison PRC: Vicky Van Dyke


Guests: Alexis Rana, Grace Kim, Chris Houghton


Minutes of the April 11, 2023 meeting were unanimously approved




Report given by S. Winograd


  • Two student interns were introduced and will be helping with such duties as powerpoint presentations, social media and community awareness
  • The By-Laws have been approved by the STC and will be posted on the web site this week
  • The Schedler Sugar Maple Heritage tree is leaning over due to wires entangled in the branches but the tree still remains standing
  • Village Calendar:  Various tree species will be featured on the calendar.  Heather will reach out to Larry.  Suggestion was made to include Declan in formulating the calendar  Also the calendar will be digitized on instagram to show the community how important trees are to Ridgewood-especially for newcomers.
  • Linda’s Grove: Close friends, family and members of the community will share memories and tribute to Linda McNamara of her service to the Ridgewood Community at a dedication of her namesake grave and remembrance of her life on May 21, 2023 behind the Stable.  




  • Leadership and membership participants were confirmed

Community Outreach: Heritage trees, neighborhood involvement and village calendar

  • N. Brennan-co-leader
  • A. Brown-co- leader
  • H. Mahmoud









Earth Day

  • C. Jacoby and STC members

Resource Management:Protective Tree Ordinance and Tree planting

  • G. Wolfson-Leader
  • M. Damasco-member


  • A. Lowry leader


  • No designated leader as of this time

Communication: Brochures and Website

  • T. Graham




Report given by A. Lowry


  • Summary for 2022-2023
  • $137,000 remaining including $26,000 for tree inventory
  • Starting amount was $640,000 for CBD, $200,000 for EAB and $100,000 for street trees
  • Summary for 2023-2024
  • $13,000 for EAB treatments (this was done 2 years ago)
  • $24,000 watering for residential street trees
  • $54,000 for watering CBD twice weekly which is above the threshold of $44,000. Therefore this proposal will go out for bidding. Hopefully we can lower the threshold down to $42,000.  It is possible the number of waterings will need to be reduced from June to November.




Report /presentation of proposed project given by N. Brennan


  • Volunteers will plant trees for 3-4 hours on a specified Saturday in front of a median strip
  • The cost is $3,500 plus $400 for mulch and $1500 for donuts to be used for watering
  • Volunteers are covered by the village for liability
  • We are hoping for volunteers.  We will accept up to 100, but will undertake the project with as little as 20. Based on 100 volunteers, the cost for Adopt-a-Tree will be $5400




C. Jacoby introduced a New Jersey grant awarded through NJDEP for Federal money given to NJ towns








that meet specific criteria. The grant for tree planting is up to $150,000 and we may be able to qualify. This calls for someone who will take on the leadership role and manage all the details involved in the application process.

G. Wolfson spoke about our dependence on money to accomplish our goals, our current issue of lack of funds and looking beyond our need for trees and defining money resources. There are ways of funding such as private funds and donations.

C Jacoby will email the NJ Grant application to all members for review and comments.




Report by C. Jacoby


  • Location was not optimal
  • Received only Oak trees for distribution
  • Did not distribute as expected


PROJECT PRIDE/CBD Tree Well Maintenance:


Report by S. Winograd


Project Pride is requesting volunteers to plant trees on May 21 at 8 a.m. Lorraine Reynolds would like to liaison and join forces with STC to plant trees and make sure the tree wells are tended to. Mulch and gardening equipment will be provided.  


Letters are being sent to shop owners to weed and water and keep tree wells in front of their shops maintained. A copy of the Tree Ordinance was included in the letter to apprise the owners of their responsibilities.




Report by C. Jacoby


Two years ago Ridgewood High School Seniors wrote a grant to Jersey Sustainable for tree planting.  As a result, 17 trees were awarded and planted by the students.  A tree assessment is now being conducted to determine the number of trees the High School currently has.




Report given by M. Hamza.  


The outreach to the clerics resulted in sharing of some main issues with regard to trees and the tree roots lifting up the sidewalks along the right of way.  Siobhan worked with the Community Outreach committee to draft a solicitation letter to all clergy and sports groups. M. Hamza will give a two part presentation to the congregation to review their concerns and how STC is addressing them.








Report given by T. Graham


Brochures highlighting the benefits of shade trees along with information about the purpose and functions of the STC will be developed in the coming weeks.  Our student interns are expected to play a key role in driving this initiative, and their efforts will substantially reduce production costs.


  •  Printing cost of the tri-fold brochures projected at $40 to $80 per 100 depending on paper stock and other considerations
  • Will be available online
  • Much of the content can be sourced from a number of agencies/organizations                   





Dunham Trail Tree removal:


Reported by A. Lowry


Ten to fifteen healthy trees were removed on the right of way because they were potentially going to fall into the stream, clog the stream and erode the soil.


The plan is to speak to Heather to determine the role of STC and if an arborist should be the person to evaluate trees to be taken down. A letter will be written to Heather by A. Lowry  to request  the procedure  to follow to inquire about an action taken.


Schedler Property:


Report given by C. Jacoby


This property will no longer be discussed at the STC monthly meetings.






Volunteer Hours:11.5


Meeting Adjourned at 9:45 p.m.



Minutes submitted by Maria Damasco, Recording Secretary STC

  • Hits: 126

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

April 11, 2023



The regular meeting of the STC held in the Garden Room Village Hall, was called to order at 7:33 pm by Carolyn Jacoby. 




Maria Damasco, Nancy Brennam Hill, George Wolfson, Carolyn Jacoby, Andrew Lowry,Siobhan Winograd, Declan Madden, Adam Brown, Ian Keller, Matt Andreula



Matthew S. Rogers, Esq. Village Attorney.  Discussion of legal issues/liabilities of volunteer participation in tree planting on municipal property.

Tim Graham



Minutes of the March 14, 2023 meeting were unanimously approved.


Discussion with Village Attorney, Matthew S. Rogers regarding resident volunteers permission/liability to plant in the right of way.  This will require further discussion with the Village Council and Parks and Recreation.



2023 BUDGET;


Cuts, Allocations and Implications were discussed.

Amounts allocated:

      $89,000 capital for the year 2023

       $162,000 carried over from 2022

       $47,000 for Ash tree removal

       $24,000 for Downes residential weekly watering


Still waiting for approval of twice weekly watering in the CBD area.


Bids will hopefully go out in July  for CBD and residential Fall planting.




Amended by-laws were presented by G. Wolfson and unanimously approved.







  Leadership and member participation was selected as follows:


1.Community Outreach:

      Leader: A. Brown  Member: N. Brennam Hill

2. Resource Management:

      Leader: G. Wolfson  Member: M. Damasco

3.  Funding.

      Leader: M.Hamza  Member: TBD

4, Earth Day

      Leader: C. Jacoby

5.  Central Business District

       Leader: A. Lowry  Member: I. Keller


Nominations and election for Chair and Vice Chair:

Chair-Carolyn Jacoby nominated by N. Brennam Hill and seconded by A. Brown and approved unanimously.

Vice Chair-N. Brennam Hill  and A. Brown were nominated by C. Jacoby  as co-vice chair and approved unanimously. 





A.Brown and N. Brennam Hill are proposing a resident volunteer program which will  initiate an "adopt and plant” sapling day on Municipal strips. Smaller trees will be less expensive and easier to plant and maintain. They will communicate their proposal to Nancy Bigos, Director of Parks and Recreation. 







Sunday April 23, 2023 at Van Neste Park from 11 am to 2 pm

STC members should report to Van Neste Park at 10:45 am and plan to stay until 1:30 pm at the end of the event.  After that we will break down and clear up.


On Saturday, April 22, 2023, we will be organizing the seedlings for final distribution.  Volunteers are requested. 






S. Winograd suggested the STC coordinate efforts with Project Pride.

She also mentioned that there will be a memorial to honor Linda McNamara, funded by friends of Linda, “Linda Grove” which will be located behind the stable.




Items tabled for future meetings:


Dunham Trail  removal of large trees along the brook

Schedler property





Volunteer Hours: 20


Meeting Adjourned at 9:57 pm


Minutes submitted by Maria Damasco Recording Secretary


  • Hits: 256

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

March 14, 2023



The regular meeting of the STC, held in the Garden Room, Village Hall,was called to order at 7:30pm by Carolyn Jacoby.



ATTENDEES:  Maria Damasco, Nancy Brennan-Hill, George Wolfson, Carolyn Jacoby, Andrew Lowry, Adam Brown, Matt Andreula (Shade Tree Dept), Vicky Van Dyke (Liaison, PRC), Councilwoman Pam Perron, Jacqueline Horn, guest, Cynthia O’Keefe, guest.  Kristina Malian, via Zoom.



Minutes of the February 14, 2023 meeting were approved.  It was noted that Yamini Chinni resigned due to other obligations.  One new member is now needed to fill the ninth open position.



2023 BUDGET:  Updated proposed Capital and Operating costs were presented. Perron distributed copies of 2022 budget to review outstanding Capital available for 2023.  Edit to the budget were made and the Capital spent amended to reflect a balance of $162,948.



Capital expenses proposed by the Shade Tree Dept. for 2023:  a Mason Dump truck, $108,000, a Chip Truck for $300,000; Ash tree removal and treatment $49,000, CBD (Chestnut, Oak, Walnut Sts) planting $42,000; tree replacement (EAB/Ash tree loss) $100,000.



The 2023 budget should be finalized/approved by Council by our April meeting.j






Completion of Tree Inventory: a revised estimate of $28,000 from Civic Solutions for completion of the Tree Inventory (county roads) was given to Nancy Bigos.  This is more in line with anticipated costs.  An additional quote (Almsted) might be needed. (Repurposed 2022 capital funds.)



Tree Watering: Schedule for seasonal watering of 2022 trees will be discussed with Declan and Matt.  Suggestion was made that watering begin in May and continue through September.  Number of times per week might be different in the CBD than residential areas.  Chris Rutishauser puts the bids together.  Anticipated cost ~$70,000 (2022 capital funds).



Tree Planting: Too late to put out bids for a Spring 2023 planting.  Depending upon budget allocation, residential Fall planting will be reviewed.  Bids should be completed and sent by, hopefully, July 1.



Due to anticipated significant budget (staffing) cuts, more outsourcing of tree services may be needed to support proposed initiatives.






G. Wolfson presented new/revised by-laws for internal use of the STC.  In addition to street trees, an expanded scope of the STC can include parks, wild scapes and other public areas within the Village. 



By-laws now include membership commitments: Ordinance #3907 requires that member absences in excess of three consecutive meetings per year required the Council Liaison to intercede.  Members will be expected to be actively involved in specific sub-committee project(s), in addition to participation in the annual Daffodil and Earth Day Festival.



Membership will consist of 9 members for a staggered 3 year term (Article 3, now combined with Article 9).  



An annual accomplishment/goals reported will be presented to the Council at a public meeting, at the beginning or early in the municipal budget process.



Further discussion included membership requirement of Core Training (NJSTF) within a 3 year term  and attendance in one webinar/in person training program each year for CEU credit.



Perron, Winograd and Wolfson will amend/edit and revised By-Laws will voted on at the April, 2023 meeting.






Wolfson had sent to members and presented proposed SUB-COMMITTEE  projects for member review and suggestions for further amending.  Projects need leadership and member participation in order to move them forward.  



N. Brennan-Hill suggested volunteer resident participation in municipal tree planting. Legality needs to be reviewed.



GRANTS are an ongoing (and underutilized) source of revenue for tree planting. Hopefully, resident volunteers will participate in grant writing.



DAFFODIL AND EARTH DAY FESTIVAL:  Sunday, April 23rd, 11am-2pm, Van Neste Park. C. Jacoby asked for suggestions for Swag and materials for distribution.  Bare root tree planting demos and give away, in addition to free seedling (325) distribution.






Cherry trees planted between the Library and Village Hall as a memorial for residents lost in on 9/11 are in decline.  Should the STC be involved in remediation /replacement?

Need for further discussion.



J. Horn and C. O’Keefe spoke about their concerns about loss of trees and lack of replacement planting over many years in the Schedler neighborhood.  Horn questioned how to enforce new tree ordinance requirements for replacement tree planting.  



Meeting adjourned at 9:53pm.



Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary, Maria Damasco.  Volunteer hours: 18

  • Hits: 273

 Shade Tree Commission Meeting of February 14, 2023 at 7:34 pm at Village Hall


 In Attendance

 Vicky Van Dyke, Adam Brown, Maria Demasco, Carolyn Jacoby, Ian Keller, Declan Madden, Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd, Mahmoud Hamza, Nancy Brennan Hill



 Call to Order

 Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd expressed her enthusiasm for working with and supporting the Shade Tree Commission. This support includes providing monthly updates to the budget and access to any information required. (Last year despite over  4,000 potential spots for tree planting available, between $197,00 and $180,00 tree planting money was unspent.  (The money was unspent because the Village did not have enough staff to manage the project.) It will be carried over to this year. (The use of this money will be discussed with the Parks Department.)  Siobhan also described the importance of Social Media in stimulating support for tree planting in the Village. Due to budgetary constraints it is more and more important to involve Villagers and local organizations in the planting of trees. 


 Tree Ordinance

 Interest expressed in getting a resolution to go back and amend the tree ordinance. And there appears to be zero enforcement of the ordinance. 


 2022 Budget

 Between $197,000 and $180,000 money left and carried over to 2023. This money could be used for completing the Tree Inventory (85 per cent complete and over 4,000 potential spots for trees), watering newly planted trees and planting additional trees. 


 There were a total of 292 trees planted in 2022 and 320 Trees removed. (It will be determined if removal number includes other than street Shade Trees.)


 2023 Budget

 $42,000 for CBD planting

 $129,000 for Ash Tree Removal

 $100,000 for Tree Planting

 $25,000 for Treating Ash Trees


 Tree Inventory Software

 Hoping to correct glitches in software such that information about trees removed is dropped from the Inventory. Currently, even though a tree is removed information about the tree remains. 


 Grant Writing

 Possibility that Dina Kats could write a grant for trees. Also, Councilwoman Siobhan expressed a desire to explore the possibility of hiring a grant writer for the Village. 


 By Laws

 Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd wrote a draft of By Laws for the Commission. George Wolfson is taking the responsibility for completing them hopefully by the next meeting. 


 Earth Day

 Earth day this year will be on April 23. Carolyn Jacoby plans on securing 325 saplings for the event. Adam Brown and Nancy Brennan Hill volunteered to help label the trees. 



  • Hits: 253

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission
Draft Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2022

The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree   Commission was called to order at 7:35PM. The meeting was held in the Village Hall Garden room.


Andrew Lowry, Adam Brown, Carolyn Jacoby, Declan Madden,

Nancy Brennan-Hill, Mahmoud Hamza,Victoria Van Dyke, Pam Perron, Ian Keller, Cynthia Gorey, Maria Damasco


The minutes for the October meeting were approved.


Membership & Terms of Service

    Pam Perron is working on the membership and terms issues for  Ian Keller and Andrew Lowry.  Also working on new members for STC.   Keep a list of possible members as 4 volunteered and only 2 open spots.  The others are more than welcome to join the meetings as non members.




   Cynthia spoke about opportunities – what grants are available.  Carolyn to look into grant availability.  Cynthia would help guide us to who could possibly help as well.


  Is there money in Village of Ridgewood budget from grants that would be used towards our budget or in addition to the annual budget allocated to STC.



Review Fall Planting

CBD – removal 59 trees & 19 stumps and 90 trees planted total.


CBD 57 large trees and 33 small trees were planted by bid plantings

Water bags to be installed in the spring


Residential area 190 trees planted.




2022 tree installation.  Whichever trees weren’t watered per the bid contractor will water in spring.  Whichever trees in the residential are that haven’t had water bags installed will be installed in the spring.


Water trees for 2023.  There are additional funds left in ST budget.  In case we have a hot summer like 2022.


The contractor for the CBD and residential planting was acceptable. Installation & tree material was sufficient.





Capital & Operating Proposed Budget 2023

   $580,960   2023-2024    Asked for 400 trees residential and 25 trees for the CBD.



New Business

    Repurpose left over capital funds from 2022.

Idea to plant in the spring.  Uses for additional watering.  Use for finishing tree inventory.


Dina Kat completing  Tree City USA application.






Meeting ended 9:37 pm  


Volunteer hours 14



  • Hits: 156


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