CSAC Meeeting Minutes 20180215


CSAC Members/Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sheila Brogan, Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Robert Fuhrman, Lt. Brian Pullman, Councilwoman Bernadette Walsh

Others: None



1)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- 2018 Budget process underway. CSAC interested in seeing initiation and funding for this project and "fill-in" sidewalk sections.

2)  Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/ Traffic Calming--Survey to support County improvements underway. Plans to be prepared for construction after new development.

3)  Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/ Hampshire Road--No changes reported.

4)  Pedestrian/ Bike Safety SRTS Grants--No report.

5)  CBDAC--Report on valet parking pilot program presented to Village Council on January 31, 2018. No safety issues to report.

6)  CSAC By-Laws-- Councilwoman Walsh reported the Council's intention to have all Village Advisory Committees follow a standard By-Laws template. CSAC will review the final draft when available.

7)  Proposed Parking at RR Station/Pedestrian Walkway-- No changes to status of revised plans reported.

8)  Senior Walkability Workshop Report/Sidewalk Condition Audit-- CSAC continues to support a defined and funded Village program to evaluate/implement the findings in the Report/ Audit.

9)  MUTCD and Traffic Control Devices--CSAC continues to support a funded Village program to meet all current MUTCD standards.

10) CSAC Members/Liaisons-2018-- Village Council approved Resolution 18-66 on February 14, 2018 appointing to the CSAC for two-year terms ending December 31, 2019: a) Sheila Brogan, Board of Education; b) Members of the Public-- Anastasia Bamberg, Joyce Docktor, Barbara Sacks, Jane Shinozuka, Robert Fuhrman, Martin Walker and Charles S. DiMarco; and Advisors (or designee) Village Engineer, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE and Chief of Police, Jacqueline Luthcke. According to the existing CSAC By-Laws, the President of the Federated HSA is a Member of CSAC.  Ms. Melinda Cronk currently serves in that capacity.

11) Complete Streets Policy--  On January 31, 2018, Mr. Rutishauser presented a discussion of the goals and focus of the Complete Streets Policy to the Village Council with several examples of implemented designs including Monroe and Grove Streets (lane- narrowing, traffic calming and shoulder use for bicycles), special pedestrian safety markings  and lane-narrowing along North Van Dien Avenue at Overbrook Road/ Wyndemere Avenue, and, high-visibility crosswalks along East Ridgewood Ave in the downtown area.

12) Long-Term Programs/Policy Discussions (On-Going)-- No topics presented.


1)  Pedestrian Incident Analysis-- An update to the statistical summary on pedestrian incidents was requested. Lt. Pullman will provide an update. He also will provide a poster on Distracted Driving prepared by a RHS student.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall

  • Hits: 1585


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