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Supplemental Form Is Required

Operation Northern/Southern Watch

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Operation Enduring Freedom       

"Joint Endeavor/Joint Guard" - Bosnia & Herzegovina         

"Restore Hope" Mission - Somalia             

Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm Mission       

Panama Peacekeeping Mission   

Grenada Peacekeeping Mission  

Lebanon Peacekeeping Mission   

Lebanon Crisis of 1958   

August 27, 1992 - March 17, 2003

March 19, 2003 - Ongoing

September 11, 2001 - Ongoing

November 20, 1995 - June 20, 1998

December 5, 1992 - March 31, 1994

August 2, 1990 - February 28, 1991

December 20, 1989 - January 31, 1990

October 23, 1983 - November 21, 1983

September 26, 1982 - December 1, 1987 

July 1, 1958 - November 1, 1958

Supplemental Form Not Required

Vietnam Conflict                                                             

Korean Conflict

World War II      

World War I

December 31, 1960 - May 7, 1975

June 23, 1950 - January 31, 1955

September 16, 1940 - December 31, 1946

April 6, 1917 - November 11, 1918       

  • Hits: 916

Property Tax Deductions


Veterans or Surviving Spouses of a Veteran $250 Real Property Tax Deduction

TO QUALIFY, you must be an honorably discharged US Armed Forces veteran or the unmarried surviving spouse of such a war veteran or the surviving spouse of a serviceperson who died while on active duty. You must be a property owner and a legal resident of New Jersey and, where applicable, prove that the deceased veteran or serviceperson was a legal resident of New Jersey. Eligibility criteria must be met as of October 1 of the year prior to the tax year for which deduction is claimed. Applications must be filed with the municipal tax assessor by December 31. Applications are available by clicking on the forms link to the left or at the Assessors Office.

Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons or Surviving Spouses $250 Real Property Tax Deduction

TO QUALIFY, you must be by December 31 of year before year deduction is requested a senior citizen, age 65 or older, or a permanently and totally disabled individual, unable to be gainfully employed, or a surviving spouse, age 55 or more and age 55 at time of spouse's death. You must be a legal resident of New Jersey for one year immediately prior to October 1 of the year before the year for which the deduction is requested. You must be an owner of and a permanent resident in the dwelling on October 1st of the year before the year for which the deduction is requested. Income may be no more than $10,000 during the year for which the deduction is requested, excluding, with restrictions, monies received from social security, or Federal Government pension, disability and retirement programs or State, County, Municipal pension, disability and retirement programs. Applications along with the income statement and proof of age must be filed with the municipal tax assessor by December 31. Applications are available by clicking on the forms link to the left or at the Assessors Office.

Property Tax Exemption for 100% Disabled Veterans or Surviving Spouses

Certain permanently and totally disabled war veterans or the surviving spouses (widows/widowers) of such disabled war veterans and servicepersons are granted a full property tax exemption on their dwelling house and the lot on which it is situated. TO QUALIFY, you must be an honorably discharged veteran, who had active service in time of war in the US Armed Forces, or the unmarried surviving spouse of such a disabled veteran. Surviving spouses of servicepersons who died in active service in time of war also qualify. Disability must be certified as 100% permanent and total by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. You must be the owner and a permanent resident in the dwelling and legal resident of New Jersey. In the case of surviving spouses, the deceased spouse must also have been a legal resident of New Jersey. Applications can be filed with the municipal tax assessor at any time during the year. Applications are available by clicking on the forms link to the left or at the Assessors Office. 

The information that appears on this page is taken from the State of New Jersey Division of Taxation's Web site regarding general assessment issues specifically property tax deductions available in the State of New Jersey. Some language has been modified to better meet the needs of the Village. To view the information in its original format go to Division of Taxation - Other Property Tax Benefits

  • Hits: 9445

Tax Maps

Reproductions of the Village's Tax Maps are available by clicking on the links below. All maps show conditions as of October, 2007 and are not to scale. Full size copies can be obtained by contacting the Engineering Division. Before using them please review the Village's disclaimer below.

To find what sheet a street is on open up the Street Index below.  Locate the street name and the sheet number is next to it on the right.  In some case the street can be on multiple sheets.  If you know the Block Number you can determine what sheet it is on by the first two digits, (eg. 2303 is on Sheet 23). 


Street Index Key Sheet  
Sheet 11 Sheet 26 Sheet 39
Sheet 12 Sheet 27 Sheet 39.01
Sheet 13 Sheet 28 Sheet 40
Sheet 14 Sheet 28.01 Sheet 40.01
Sheet 15 Sheet 29 Sheet 41
Sheet 16 Sheet 30 Sheet 41.01
Sheet 17 Sheet 31 Sheet 42
Sheet 18 Sheet 32 Sheet 43
Sheet 19 Sheet 33 Sheet 44
Sheet 20 Sheet 34 Sheet 45
Sheet 21 Sheet 35 Sheet 46
Sheet 22 Sheet 36  Sheet 47
Sheet 23 Sheet 36.01  Sheet 47.01
Sheet 23.01 Sheet 37  Sheet 48
Sheet 24 Sheet 37.01  Sheet 49
Sheet 25 Sheet 38 Sheet 50

Printed maps, data, and or
digital files are being provided to you for your convenience by The Village of Ridgewood. Acceptance of these materials indicates acceptance of the Village's conditions for their use as outlined in the full disclaimer. To view the conditions click on the title above.

  • Hits: 22488


If you have any trouble with accessing information contained within this website, please contact the MIS Department - 201-670-5500 x2222 or by email mis@ridgewoodnj.net.
