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Open Space

In November 2001, Ridgewood residents voted to adopt a supplemental real estate tax of 1/2 of one cent of assessed property value (approximately $40 per year for the average home) in order to fund the preservation and development of open space in the Village. In January 2002, a Ridgewood Open Space Committee was constituted by Village Ordinance 2773. This Committee presented an Open Space and Recreation Plan in January 2003, in a format endorsed by the New Jersey Green Acres program in expectation of making the Village eligible for Green Acres funds, and the plan was promptly adopted by the Council. The Committee presented an update to the plan in July 2010 entitled "Achievements and Challenges 2003 - 2010" which was also adopted by the Village Council. The update highlights the notable accomplishments in the Village's effort to preserve open space when land is available, and lists the challenges that remain in securing adequate active and passive recreation space for Village residents.

Meetings are held the 2rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM

The Stable
259 N. Maple Ave.
RIdgewood, NJ 07450

  • Hits: 1140

Green Team Advisory Committee


The Ridgewood Green Team was established as a permanent advisory committee to the Village Council via Ordinance No. 3423 in July 2014. The Green Team manages the Village's submissions to Sustainable Jersey in order to achieve and maintain the municipality's sustainability certification. The committee functions as a subcommittee of the Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee (REAC),One third of the Green Team members are also REAC members.The Green Team also helps REAC identify grant opportunities through Sustainable Jersey to further support its mission and objectives.


  • Justin Manger- Chair
  • George Wolfson*
  • Eleanor Gruber*
  • Bob Upton*
  • Cathy Brienza
  • Serena Iacoviello
  • Michael Sedon - Village Council Representative
  • Christopher Ruthishauser, Village Staff Member
  • Open
  • Open

          *Indicates a member of Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee

ridgewoodgreenteam@gmail.com : To contact the group.

The Green Team and REAC hold joint meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:45 PM in the Garden Room. Meetings are open to the public.



SJ RIDGEWOOD silver logo rgb



The Village of Ridgewood is a Sustainable Jersey certified community, one of only 200 in the state. Ridgewood achieved Sustainable Jersey certification at the Silver level in 2017, one of only 48. Certified towns are making important contributions toward the long-term goal of a sustainable New Jersey.

To become Sustainable Jersey certified, Ridgewood had to complete a balanced number of the program’s sustainability actions. In addition, Ridgewood created a green team and achieved four priority actions by creating a green business recognition program, continuing prescription drug safety and disposal programs, recycling and waste reduction education and compliance programs, and passing a water conservation ordinance. Sustainable Jersey is a voluntary program that requires no fee for certification.

  • Hits: 4531

Financial Advisory Committee



        NAME                                     TERM EXPIRES

Charles DiMarco                               6/30/17

Alex Kisilevich                                    6/30/17

Brian Lahey                                        6/30/17

Evan Weitz – Chair                           6/30/18

Rei Shinozuka                                    6/30/18

John Cavanaugh                                  6/30/19

David Hough                                      6/30/19

Robert Kotch                                      6/30/19

Councilman Jeff Voigt is the Council liaison



A new committee known as the “Financial Advisory Committee” was created by the Village Council of the Village of Ridgewood on April 24, 2013, by Resolution No. 13-88.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The Committee is hereby charged with the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. The Committee shall assist the Village Council by marshaling and channeling its expertise and insight to complement the judgment of the Village Council and Village management with respect to financial matters.
  1. The Committee shall identify both short- and long-term financial challenges. As potential issues are raised, the Committee shall study selected issue(s) at its own initiative and at the request of the Village Council and recommend solutions/potential actions to the Village Council.
  1. The Committee shall have ongoing responsibility for the following:

    1. Analyze and evaluate the annual Village budget process (expense and capital) and the resultant budget, to advise the Village Council in their decision-making process to ensure that necessary revenues are raised in an equitable manner and that taxes are spent effectively and efficiently.
    2. Review the quarterly financial reports and the current year’s revenue and expenditure projections.
    3. Advise on the development and implementation of effective financial reporting policies and procedures for the Village Council and Village management that build upon and retain the public’s faith and trust in the Village’s policies and procedures.
    4. Assist in the review and improvement of organizational structures and recurring contracts arrangements, including collective bargaining agreements, with due regard for applicable legal requirements governing civil service, procurement and labor relations.
    5. Provide an annual report to the Council.
  1. The Committee may also perform the following:

    1. Study critical issues and perform independent research to formulate and develop thoughtful and well-developed recommendations on strategies and opportunities.
    2. Provide a forum for community education and discussion concerning the financial condition of the Village and various alternatives for improvement.


The Committee shall meet once per month and/or on an as-needed basis. Decisions shall be made by consensus and if necessary, by majority vote. The minutes for regular monthly meetings shall be kept, transcribed, and made available to the Village and Council and such other Village officials as the Village Manager shall direct. Public comment will be requested at the beginning of a meeting and will be capped at 3 minutes per person; public comment will not exceed 15 minutes. The Committee may also hold closed working sessions as needed.

Composition and Terms:

The Committee shall comprise up to nine (9) regular members of the public appointed by the Village Council, a liaison from the Village Council, and a liaison from the Department of Finance of the Village at the discretion of the Council and the Village Manager. The public members of the Committee shall be appointed on July 1 of each calendar year and serve for a term of three (3) years, with the exception of the initial Committee appointed as of July 1, 2013, with three members appointed for a term of three (3) years, two members appointed for a term of two (2) years, and two members appointed for a term of one (1) year.

If a public member resigns, the Village Council shall appoint a replacement as

soon as possible to serve out the remainder of his/her term. The Financial Advisory Committee, through the Village Council liaison, will provide input into this process.

  • Hits: 3288

Fields Committee

Fields Committee

This document embodies the policies and procedures which govern facility use and users in order to ensure optimal maintenance of athletic fields and other recreational facilities, owned by the Village of Ridgewood (VOR) and by the Ridgewood Board of Education (BOE), and to assure fair and efficient access to those facilities. The primary use of municipal recreation areas and facilities is for public recreation activities. The primary uses of school recreational facilities are (a) during school hours for school use exclusively (generally 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on days school is in session) and (b) during non-school hours and on non-school days, for school and public recreation use. Use of municipal facilities at Pleasant Park and Citizen’s Park, because of their proximity to Hawes and George Washington Schools respectively, is limited to school use during school hours on school days. Municipal facilities may be made available for activities of non-public schools during normal school hours if available and if not in conflict with maintenance of the facility or other community use. The recognized youth sports groups provide a valuable service to the community as well as to the youth of this Village. Factors to be considered in determining permission for use, as well as permission for type of use, are: current capital improvements or rehabilitation, regular maintenance, extent of wear and tear to be caused by use, coordination of uses, efficient scheduling, location of facility, and availability of services at a facility. All parties must comply with Federal and State anti-discrimination laws. All facility users shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws; such user shall pay all the costs, expenses, fines, penalties, and damages which may be imposed upon the owner of the property by reason of, or arising out of, the user’s failure to fully and promptly comply with all legal requirements and observe all the provisions of this policy.

Members and Contacts for the Fields Committee:

Ridgewood Baseball/Softball Association www.rbsa.us.comScott Muller, President s4a7m@netscape.netKarin Whalen, Administrator info@rbsa.usEd Seavers, Treasurer/Field Scheduler edseavers@earthlink.net

Ridgewood Hoops Association www.ridgewoodhoopsclub.org Tim Daly, President tdaly@janney.com Peter Thomas, Vice President pgthomas@optonline.net

Ridgewood Area Youth – RAY Rugby Association Ed Simpson ed.simpson@verizon.netSkip Cox skipcox@hotmail.com

Ridgewood Rebels Baseball www.ridgewoodbasketball.comJim Cosgrove, President jcos48@aol.comBryan Duffy, Vice President bduffy@mktg.com

Ridgewood Jr. Football Association www.ridgewoodfootball.comZach Pace, President zachpace@yahoo.comBob Lasky, Community Rep maroon20@verizon.netKevin Hogan kphogan@gmail.com

Ridgewood Jr. Wrestling Association www.ridgewoodwrestling.comRahul Sharma, President RSharma@schafer-cullen.com | rahuldsharma@yahoo.com

Ridgewood Lacrosse Association www.ridgewoodlax.comKeil Merrick, President keil@ontherighttrack.comBob Lynch Robert.g.lynch@hotmail.com

Ridgewood Soccer Association www.ridgewoodsoccer.orgTom Hartigan, President rsa17h@gmail.comLorenzo Scala, Registrar/Administrator registrar@ridgewoodsoccer.org

Maroons Soccer Club www.maroons.orgClay Fisher, President clay@maroonssoccer.comCarolyn Muccio, Administrator maroonssoccer@yahoo.comSkip Cox, Fields skipcox@hotmail.com

Ridgewood Roller Hockey Association www.ridgewoodhockey.orgMario Lanzisera, President Mario.lanzisera@gmail.com

Ridgewood High School Coaches Association Keith Cook, Athletic Director RHS kcook@ridgewood.k12.nj.us 

Community at Large Jeffrey Gluck jgluck@cbiz.com 

Ridgewood Board of Education HyunJu Kwak, Fields Committee Liason hkwak@ridgewood.k12.nj.us 

Village of Ridgewood/Parks and Recreation Nancy A. Bigos, Director of Parks and Recreation nbigos@ridgewoodnj.netMatt Andreula, Supervisor of Parks mandreula@ridgewoodnj.net

Parks, Recreation & Conservative Board Richard Brooks rymacRSB@aol.com   Paul Vagianos, Village Council Liason pvagianos@ridgewoodnj.net 

MEETING TIME: 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00am MEETING LOCATION: 2nd floor conference room at the Board of Ed Center, 49 Cottage Place. Presently they are held on Zoom.

Read more: Fields Committee

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