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Tree Care for Spring

Ridgewood, NJ — Winter blues bringing you down? Think Spring! The Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission is pleased to present Master Arborist, Colin Milde to discuss proper tree care for spring.

The wild weather we have experienced – from deep freezes to nearly 70-degree days this winter and excessive rain this fall – has affected our plants. Changes in climate are impacting our trees and shrubs and planning for a happy, healthy spring growing season is even more important this year. In addition to weather, over mulching, improper watering, and pests and disease all impact the health of our trees.

So, what should be done to make sure your trees are healthy after a rough winter? Milde will provide strategies such as proper pruning, mulching, and fertilizing that can provide relief for the stressors mentioned above and ensure your trees grow healthy and beautiful this spring.

This lecture is free and open to the public.

What:             Tree Care for Spring

Who:               Colin Milde, Ramapo Tree & Shrub Care LLC

Where:           Ridgewood Public Library, 125 N Maple Ave, Ridgewood, NJ

When:            Tuesday, March 12th | 7-9pm       

For more information, please contact Carolyn Jacoby, pearlaama@gmail.com.

About Colin Milde
Colin Milde is a Board-Certified Master Arborist with the International Society of Arboriculture in N.J.  He spent the first 25 years of his career as a tree climber, and later became a New Jersey Licensed Tree Expert. Milde owns and operates Ramapo Tree & Shrub Care LLC in Mahwah, NJ.

About the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission
The Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission’s (STC) purpose is to protect, preserve and enhance the shade trees in the village. Shade Trees are defined as trees planted next to streets on the Village’s property. The STC’s goals are to foster public-private partnerships to 1) educate the community about the contribution shade trees make to the Village environment and, 2) increase the number of shade trees in the village by actively promoting community tree planting programs.

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CSAC Meeting Agenda 20190221




1)  Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/ Traffic Calming-- Update on Survey Status; Response to Bergen County? ( Engineering/ Voigt)2)  The crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/ Hampshire Road-- Completion in 2019. Any Updates? (Engineering)
3)  Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- Any Comments from NJDOT? (Engineering)
CBDAC-- Activities Report. (Shinozuka)
5)  Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue-- STOP Logo Installation in Spring 2019. (Engineering)
6)  Sherman Place-- Recommendations for Washington Place/ Dead End? (Engineering/Police)
7)  North Walnut Street-- Report on Suggestions for Speed Control? (Engineering/Police)
8)  Union Street-- Report on Issues/Recommendations from October 18, 2018 Meeting. (Engineering)
9)  Parking Ordinance Audit-- Referral to CBDAC for Action. (Walker/ Shinozuka)
10) Pershing Avenue-- Report on Issues/ Recommendations from October 18, 2018 Meeting. (Engineering)
11) Pedestrian Safety Awareness Program-- Update on Status; HSA Grant Application
?( Bamberg/ Cronk)
12) Starbucks Driveway-- Signage? Enforcement? (Engineering/ Police)
13) Hope Street/Gilbert Street-- STOP Sign Installation/ Speeding Issues. (Engineering/ Police)
14) Long-Term Programs/Policy Discussions (On-Going)
   a) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- 2019 Capital Budget Item-- Heights Road-North Monroe Street
?(Voigt/ Engineering)
   b) Village Master Plan/CSAC Input-- Meeting with Visioning Consultant? (Voigt)


1)  NJ Bike/ Walk Summit- February 23, 2019-- see attachment
2)  Other  


2019 Bike Walk Summit

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CSAC Meeting Minutes 01172019


CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sheila Brogan, Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Robert Fuhrman, Barbara Sacks, Councilman Jeffrey Voigt. { Village Engineer, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, (CJR), was unable to attend meeting but submitted comments via e-mail as noted in BOLD}. 

Others: Jane Remis



1)  Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/ Traffic Calming-- Letter from Bergen County discussed and considered as a positive indicator. Councilman Voigt commented on the developer contributions to signal upgrades at Broad Street which could be applied in the future. No other changes to report. (CJR)

2) Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/ Hampshire Road-- No changes to report.(CJR)

3)  Pedestrian/ Bike Safety SRTS Grants-- No changes to report.(CJR)

4)  CBDAC-- No report.

5)  Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue-- No changes to report.(CJR)

6)  Sherman Place-- No changes to report. (CJR)

7)  North Walnut Street-- No changes to report.(CJR)

8)  Union Street-- No changes to report. (CJR)

9)  Parking Ordinance Audit-- Councilman Voigt raised the matter at the Council and reported little interest in pursuing an audit. Mr. Walker suggested an appropriate forum for an audit could be the CBDAC through the CSAC liaison, Ms. Shinozuka.

10) Pershing Avenue-- No changes to report. (CJR)

11) Pedestrian Safety Awareness Program-- Councilman Voigt has informed Council of the CSAC support for the effort and received Council endorsement. Ms. Bamberg agreed to join the Task Force along with Ms. Remis. It was noted that Ms. Jeanne Johnson has expressed interest in assisting the effort.

12) Long-Term Programs/ Discussions (On-Going)

      a) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Councilman Voigt acknowledged the need to include a 2019 Capital Budget item to develop a Concept Plan and initial engineering evaluation for the section between Hillcrest Road and North Monroe Street.

      b) Village Master Plan/ CSAC Input-- Mr. Di Marco distributed information regarding the " Our Village, Our Future"  at http://www.visionridgewood.org . A meeting with the visioning consultant, Mr. Michael B. Dannemiller, PE of NV5, and CSAC was suggested as a means to provide direct input to the process.


1)  2019 CSAC Officers-- Mr. Di Marco was selected as Chair by consensus. A Vice Chair and Secretary were not named.

2)  2019 CSAC Schedule of Meetings-- Third Thursday of the month: January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19.  All CSAC meetings are at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.

3) Other

     a) Ms. Bamberg discussed observations of violations of the "NO LEFT TURN" regulations entering and departing the Starbucks along Franklin Avenue. Councilman Voigt is to contact the Manager regarding enforcement efforts; Mr. Di Marco is to check the existing signage against the MUTCD and report the findings to the Police and Village Engineer. { NOTE: Findings reported on January 18th}.

     b) Councilman Voigt submitted correspondence to Mayor and Council from Mr. Joseph Alvaro regarding STOP sign installations on Hope Street at Gilbert Street and speeding issues along Gilbert Street. Mr. Di Marco forwarded the correspondence to Police and Village Engineer on January 18th.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.

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Village of Ridgewood & Ridgewood Water Emergency Alert Program

Read more: Home

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