20160124 - E Notice - January 24th Update

Crews were working all through the night and will continue to work all through today to remove snow from the streets.
As far as the downtown goes, we have accumulated 250 truckloads (!) of snow on the downtown streets to remove to the Graydon Pool parking lot. Snow piles are particularly large and high on Dayton. We have started the removal operation section by section, so as each section is completed parking will be available.  As has been the case in other large snowfalls, the meters are inaccessible and the mounds of snow against the curbs make it almost impossible in non-angled parking spots to get out on the passenger side of the car.  So please use caution.  The removal of snow from the curb area around the meters is the responsibility of individual business owners.  It's a lot of snow and we clearly do not want this snow thrown into the street today, so we will be working with the businesses community tomorrow to address this issue.
As far as the rest of the Village is concerned, our top priority today through tonight is to make the school routes safe and particularly to remove any visibility problems around the corners. We feel that the main streets are in good shape and that the secondaries are in decent shape.  In the event that we missed coming through an additional time with our plows, please email Linda Salvi at lsalvi@ridgewoodnj.net with your street information. 
With respect to sanitation and recycling: While we will keep to the schedule, all sanitation must be brought to the curb. Please help any neighbors that may need help in this regard.
I just got off the phone with Nancy Greene, the Director of the Library.  The Library will try to have a normal open at 1:00.  We have concerns about icing in the parking lot as well as some of the paths so we will be making a definite call later this morning.  Please check the library website for more information at www.ridgewoodlibrary.org.
Just a reminder: In your cleanup efforts for today, please do not throw snow into the streets.
We will be monitoring emails today so if you have questions or concerns please let me know.
Stay safe,

Roberta Sonenfeld
Village Manager
201-670-5500, ext. 203


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