My Social Security is a free, online service provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) through which people who currently receive a monthly Social Security and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit may obtain proof of income without having to visit their local Social Security office or call our national toll-free number. My Social Security also is the site where people age 18 and older who have a work history may check their annual Social Security earnings. Previously, Social Security mailed an annual Social Security earnings statement to workers age 25 and older, however, due to budget constraints, they stopped those mailings. Now the information is available online through My Social Security.

Anyone who has paid into Social Security can visit to register today. To create a My Social Security account, participants must provide some personal information about themselves and answer questions that only they are likely to know. SSA adopted these requirements to ensure that only authorized people are setting up a My Social Security account. Participants will, then, create a unique username and password to be used to access their online account. The process protects user privacy and keeps your personal Social Security information safe and secure. 

For more information, interested parties can access a fact sheet at, How to Create an Online Account (Publication Number 05-10540, ICN 459261, dd. March 2013).

  • Hits: 2658

Home Medical Waste - Safe Syringe Disposal

It is important to dispose of medical waste safely and responsibly. Syringes must be placed in rigid containers that will protect sanitation workers from needle sticks and will not break open in landfills. Empty laundry detergent bottles or soda pop bottles with screw-on caps can be used. 

For additional information on safe disposal:

Click Here

  • Hits: 3434


The Village of Ridgewood maintains a Lightening Detection System at several athletic fields throughout the village. The system is managed by the Office of Emergency Management (OEM), and governed by the Athletic Fields and Recreational Facilities Use Policy as established by the Department of Parks and Recreation’s Fields Use Committee and the Board of Education.

An effective lightning safety program is dependent on cooperation by field users, as well as properly functioning technology. We realize compliance with the Lightning Detection System will increase once residents and other users of our facilities understand how the system works and what to do when there is a threat of lightning. 

OEM and the Fields Use Committee are providing this summary about the Lightning Detection System to educate the public about the system and current policies.

Current Locations With Lightning Detection System

• Ridgewood High School/Stevens Field

• Veterans Field

• Maple Field

• Benjamin Franklin Middle School

• Somerville School

• Hawes School

Future Locations Not Currently Covered By Lightning Detection System

• George Washington Middle School/Citizens’ Field

• Habernickel Park

• Kenilworth Field

• Brookside Field

• Glen School

• Orchard School

• Willard School

• Ridge School

• Travell School

How the Lightning Detection System Works

• Each field is equipped with a rotating amber beacon (flashing light) and a siren.

• When the system detects a lightning strike within 10 miles, a text/email alert will be sent to anyone registered to receive electronic alerts (see below for more information). Within approximately one minute, the siren will sound for 15 seconds and the amber light will illuminate and rotate. The amber light will remain on for the duration of the alert (the siren will not sound again until the “all clear” signal is sounded).

• Once 30 minutes have passed with no lightning detected in the 10 mile area, an “all clear” signal will be broadcast.

o Important: Do not assume it is safe to return to the field after 30 minutes. The system tracks ALL lightning strikes within a 10- mile radius, but only activates after the first strike. There may be multiple consecutive strikes occurring. The system will only sound the “all clear” 30 minutes after the LAST lightning strike. In other words, the “all clear” may sound well beyond 30 minutes from activation. Wait until the “all-clear” signal is given before returning to the field.

• The “all clear” signal consists of three 5-second alerts on the siren and the amber light will shut off. The system will also send out an “all clear” text message and email.

• The system is active from 8am until 10pm, consistent with the hours the fields are open for use.

• The Lightning Detection System is an additional tool to provide warning of potential lightning strikes. If the system does not activate but you see lightning or hear thunder, clear the field immediately and seek shelter.

What to Do When the System is Activated

• While the alert is active the field is closed and users should seek immediate shelter. A safe shelter includes any building (grounded or with plumbing) or any vehicle with a metal roof. 

• Anyone arriving to use a field should check to see if the light is active, especially if it looks like others have left the field.

• Encourage others to leave the field and seek immediate shelter.

• Wait for the “all clear” signal before returning to the field. Remember: it may take longer than 30 minutes for the “all clear” to be given.

Your Obligation to Comply

• Rules for complying with the Lightning Detection System are posted at the fields.

• All field users have an obligation to comply with the alerts by immediately vacating the field and seeking shelter. This includes coaches, parents, referees/umpires. It applies equally to organized sports activities as well as casual field users.

• The safety of all participants, especially children, is of paramount importance. Lightning kills and heeding the alerts could be a matter of life or death.

What to Do at Location with No Lightning Detection System

• If you see lightning or hear thunder, clear the field immediately and seek shelter.

• Wait 30 minutes from the last lightning strike or sound of thunder before returning to the field.

• Use common sense.

Register for Receive Lightning Alerts by Text/Email 

• Residents are encouraged to sign up to receive email and/or text alerts directly from the Lightning Detection System. These electronic alerts serve as a redundant system in the event the sirens or rotating beacons are not functioning. They also serve to alert parents who are not present at the field but may have children that are on the field.

• 2 ways to register for email/text alerts

o Visit and click on “E-Notice sign up” or

o Visit and either click on “Register for Notifications” under the News & Information tab or click on the “Swift 911 Notification” icon

o Be sure to check the box that says “Lightning Detection Email Alerts”

Notify Us of System Problems

• The Village of Ridgewood has a dedicated email address to report problems with the Lightning Detection System. To report a problem or if you believe the system is not functioning properly, please send an email to

  • Hits: 2855

In preparation for road paving, on Monday, August 29th milling and paving  will begin on Kenilworth Road, Linwood Avenue (between Oak and Maple) and Robinson Lane (between Walnut and Cottage ).  See planned schedule below.

Schedule -

August 29th - Kenilworth - Milling

August 30th - Kenilworth - Paving

August 31st - Linwood (Oak to Maple), Robinson (Walnut to Cottage) - Milling

September 1st - Linwood (Oak to Maple), Robinson (Walnut to Cottage) - Paving


This work could take several days.

Please allow time for potential delays in  traveling on or near these roads.

  • Hits: 2790


If you have any trouble with accessing information contained within this website, please contact the MIS Department - 201-670-5500 x2222 or by email
