Ridgewood Plastic Bag Ban

Starting January 1st 2020, no single use plastic bags will be provided by supermarkets, street fairs, restaurants in Ridgewood. Residents are urged to bring their own shopping bags to the stores; if you don't have one, paper bags will be provided to you.

Ridgewood is one of dozens of towns in N.J. that have already passed such bans, which is a response to the damage to our waterways and sea life.





     BE IT ORDAINED by the Village Council of the Village of Ridgewood, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, that the following new Section of the Code of the Village of Ridgewood entitled “Single-Use Plastic Bag Reduction” be established as follows:



Food Handling Establishment: Any establishment, business, store or commercial property, properly licensed where required and inspected, which serves made-to-order food or beverages for dine-in, takeout or delivery, including food trucks and mobile carts.

Goods and Products: Things and items that are prepared and made to be sold, including, but not limited to, groceries, prepared food, foodstuffs, meat, dairy, beverages, alcohol and any and all other related items sold at retail by businesses and stores.

Produce Bag or Product Bag:  Any bag without handles that is used exclusively to segregate produce, meats, seafood, nuts, other food items and merchandise to carry them inside the store to the point of sale or to prevent such items from coming into direct contact with other purchased items, where such contact could damage or contaminate other food or merchandise when placed together in a reusable or recycled bag.

Recyclable Paper Carry-Out Bag:  A paper bag that is able to be recycled.

Retail: The sale of goods and products for use and/or consumption.

Retail Establishment or Retail Store:  For the purpose of this section, retail establishment shall mean any commercial establishment whether or not operated for profit, including, but not limited to, mercantile establishment or store that engages in the sale of goods and products. The definition includes, but is not limited to, pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, clothing stores, food marts, food service establishments seasonal and temporary businesses, home based businesses, indoor or outdoor markets, and street fairs, which utilize single-use plastic carry-out bags for the conveyance of merchandise.

Reusable Bag: A bag that is designed and manufactured to withstand repeated uses, is machine washable or made from a material that can be cleaned and disinfected regularly and meets the following criteria: i) has a minimum lifetime of 125 uses, ii) is capable of carrying a minimum of 22 pounds, and iii) does not contain lead, cadmium or any other heavy metal in toxic amounts (as defined by applicable state and federal standards and regulations), and iv) has handles.

Single-Use Plastic Carry-Out Bag: The term “single use plastic carry-out bag” means any bag made predominantly of plastic derived from either petroleum or a biologically-based source, such as corn or other plant sources that is provided by an operator of a retail establishment or store to a customer at the point of sale. The term also includes bags that are compostable or biodegradable, but does not include reusable bags, produce bags or product bags (as defined above). This definition specifically exempts the following from the category of “Single Use Plastic Carry-out Bag”:

 (a) bags provided by operators and used by consumers inside retail establishments or stores to: (1) package bulk items, such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains, candies, or small hardware items; (2) contain or wrap frozen foods, meat, or fish, whether packaged or not; (3) contain or wrap flowers, potted plants, or other items where dampness may be an issue; (4) contain unwrapped prepared foods or bakery goods, or (5) contain prescription drugs.

(b) newspaper bags, door-hanger bags, laundry and/or dry-cleaning bags, or bags sold in packages containing multiple bags intended for use as food storage bags, garbage bags, yard waste bags, or pet waste bags.


No retail establishment or store shall provide to any customer a single use plastic carry-out bag provided for the purpose of transporting products or goods out of the business or store at the checkout stand, cash register, point of sale or other point of departure, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter.

These prohibitions apply to single use plastic carry-out bags used for take-out and/or deliveries from retail establishments or stores within the Village of Ridgewood. The point of sale in such transactions is deemed to be at the retail establishment or store, regardless of where payment for the transaction physically occurs.


All retail establishments or stores, may make available to customers, for an optional fee, reusable bags and recyclable paper carry-out bags for the purpose of carrying goods or other materials away from the point of sale, subject to the provisions of this chapter. The fee charged shall be reflected in the sales receipt. The retail establishment or store may charge a fee for recyclable paper carry-out bags as it sees fit.    

Nothing in this chapter prohibits customers from using bags of any type that they choose to bring to retail establishments or stores themselves, in lieu of using bags available for a fee from the retail establishment or store, or from carrying away purchased goods that are not placed in a bag.   



Any fee shall be separately stated on the receipt provided to the customer at the time of sale and shall be identified as the “Checkout Bag Charge” or use similar identifying language.  Small recyclable paper bags without handles and measuring 8 inches by 16 inches or less are exempt from any fee.

All monies collected by retail establishments or stores under this chapter shall be retained by the store.


A retail establishment or store may choose, in its discretion, to provide a credit to customers that choose to bring their own bags.    

Each retail establishment or store is strongly encouraged to educate its staff to promote the use of reusable bags and to post signs encouraging customers to bring their own reusable bags.

If a retail establishment or store makes available reusable plastic bags made of plastic film, the retail establishment or store is strongly encouraged to educate customers about plastic film recycling.   

Each retail establishment or store that provides takeout or delivery services is encouraged to provide customers with a choice to avoid use of reusable bags made of plastic.


All retail establishments or stores must provide at the point of sale, free of charge, compliant bags of the retail establishment’s or store operator’s choice, to any customer who participates in or is the beneficiary of any United States government federal welfare program, or any local or Bergen County welfare assistance program, or any New Jersey State welfare program, including but not limited to the New Jersey Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) or the New Jersey State Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI).


1.  After the issuance of an initial written warning, any food handling establishment, retail establishment or retail     store found with subsequent violations of this chapter   shall be subject to the      following penalties:

     a.   For a First Cited Offense – A fine of fifty dollars              ($50.00).

     b.   For a Second Cited Offense – A fine of one hundred               dollars ($100.00).

     c.   For a Third Cited Offense - A fine of two hundred                dollars ($200.00).

     d.   Upon conviction of a Fourth Cited Offense and all                subsequent Cited Offenses - A fine not to exceed one             thousand dollars ($1,000.00), at the discretion of the           Court.  

2.   Violations shall be issued to, and be the responsibility    of, the food handling establishment, retail establishment      or retail store or its owner and shall not be levied against the end user or consumer.

3.   The regulations shall be enforced by employees of the Department of Buildings and Inspections and the Health     Department.


Nothing in this ordinance is intended to create any requirement, power or duty that is in conflict with any Federal or State law.


All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict or inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency.


All other parts, portions and provisions of the Village Code of the Village of Ridgewood, be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, except where inconsistent with the terms thereof.  In the event of any such inconsistency, the terms of this Ordinance shall be deemed to govern.


The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable and if any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance, but shall remain in effect; it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part thereof. 


This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2020.

  • Hits: 3925



The Village Council of the Village of Ridgewood is looking for residents who are interested in volunteering to serve on the following Boards and Committees:  The Planning Board, The Zoning Board of Adjustment, The Library Board of Trustees, The Historic Preservation Commission, The Citizens Safety Advisory Committee, The Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Board, The Open Space Committee, The Project Pride Committee, The Green Ridgewood Committee, The Green Team Advisory Committee, The Shade Tree Commission, and the Stigma-free Task Force.


All interested residents should fill out a Citizen Volunteer Leadership form found on the Village website  (click on “Forms”, then click on 2nd page of forms, then click on Village Clerk, then click on Citizen Volunteer Leadership form), and send it along with a cover letter indicating on which board(s) or committee(s) the resident wishes to serve, and a biography or resume to:


Donna Jackson

Deputy Village Clerk

Village of Ridgewood

131 North Maple Ave.

Ridgewood, NJ  07450

Or djackson@ridgewoodnj.net with the subject line:

Boards & Committees


Deadline for submissions is December 18, 2019.


The Planning Board reviews site plans and subdivision applications; prepares, adopts, and amends the Master Plan; makes recommendations to the Village Council regarding amendments to developmental regulations and the official map.


The Zoning Board of Adjustment hears variance applications and appeals from rulings and determinations arising from the enforcement of Village zoning ordinances.




The Library Board of Trustees is the governing board for the Ridgewood Public Library and its employees.  The Board of Trustees works with the community to establish Library policy and secures funds to carry on services to the public, and set goals and objectives.


The Historic Preservation Commission looking for Class A, Class B or Class C members. The Historic Preservation Commission identifies, records, and maintains a survey and inventory of all buildings sites, landmarks of historical or architectural significance.  Oversees the preservation of structures and properties which reflect the heritage of the community.  Acts as an advisory board to the Planning Board. The candidate is knowledgeable or with a demonstrated interest in, local history.  Class A member: is a person who is knowledgeable in building design and construction or architectural history and who may reside outside the Village. Class B member: is a person who is knowledgeable or with a demonstrated interest in local history and who may reside outside the Village. Class C member: is a resident of the Village who shall hold no other municipal office, position or employment except for membership on the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment.


The Citizens Safety Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the Village Council on issues concerning pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular safety on all roads, parks and open space in Ridgewood and promotes awareness of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular safety in order to improve the safe travel of all people in Ridgewood. 


The Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Board recommends rules for use and monitors recreation facilities.  The Board coordinates community recreation programs and develops and updates the long-range Master Plan for recreation in the Village.


The Open Space Committee assists in identifying specific types of open space, and makes recommendations to the Village Council on the development of existing open space acquisitions.  


The Project Pride Committee plants and waters flowers, throughout Ridgewood’s Central Business District and organizes the Village Garden program with local landscapers.


The Green Ridgewood Committee assists the Village Council in long-range planning concerning environmental issues as well as anticipating environmental problems and recommending solutions. The Green Ridgewood shall also have the on-going responsibility to study and recommend solutions to problems concerning solid waste management, open space preservation, flood plain development, stream channelization and rehabilitation, air pollution control, noise control, soil and landscape protection and the protection of flora and fauna.


The Green Team Advisory Committee assists in making Ridgewood a sustainable community. Those who are interested in sustainability, or are LEED Certified or have working experience with sustainable practices such as solar energy or recycling or have experience in obtaining grants for sustainable purposes should apply.


The Shade Tree Commission works closely with the Parks and Recreation Department, the Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee, and the Green Team to promote awareness and education of the residents as well as advise and provide recommendations to the Village Council in promoting and sustaining a safe and productive shade tree resource.


The Stigma-free Task Force aims to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness so that residents who have the disease, and their families, feel supported by their community and neighbors and feel free to seek treatment without fear of stigma. Resident Members of the Task Force include two residents working within the field of mental healthcare or healthcare; and three other residents who are interested in supporting the Stigma-free program initiatives, including educating residents that mental illness is a disease and must be treated as such; raising awareness of mental health issues; and helping those in need by linking them to local mental health resources.

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Changes to Interim Permit Parking Spaces

Based on surveys done by the Ridgewood Police Department of the usage of the interim parking permit spaces, both during the day and into the evening, the Village will be restoring some of the interim parking spaces to 3-hour meters.  The interim parking spaces being restored to meters are the spaces on Dayton Street by the park and the spaces on the one block of South Broad Street that has the dry cleaner and restaurants.  This will provide additional parking for the holiday season for shoppers and diners.

Those with interim parking space permits, who used to park in the locations delineated above will use the interim parking spaces which remain.  The remaining interim parking spaces are in the following locations:

  • Dayton Street, on the side of the church
  • South Broad Street, by the NY Sports Club
  • Prospect Street, by the offices located in the large homes

In addition, the interim parking spaces will exclude Sundays and Federal holidays.  On those days, the meters are not in effect, which means that those with interim parking permits may park in any parking space.

  • Hits: 4229

Thanksgiving Holiday Closures

All Village Offices will be closed November 28 & 29 , 2019 in observance of the Thanksgiviing holiday.  There will be no  garbage or recycling collection on November 28th.  Garbage collection will take place on the Eastside and Recycling Collection will take place on the Westside Area 4, on November 29th.  The Recycling Center will be closed November 28, & 29th, but  will be open on November 30th.

  • Hits: 3287


If you have any trouble with accessing information contained within this website, please contact the MIS Department - 201-670-5500 x2222 or by email mis@ridgewoodnj.net.
