20170912 Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes



Meeting Minutes

SEPTEMBER 12, 2017


The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood was called to order at 7:35 p.m.


Present:       Hans Lehmann, Sergio Alegre, Diana Ruhl, Alyssa Matthews (8:05PM), Greg Brown, Ines Bunza, and Jonathan Papietro. Also present were Bruce Whitaker, Esq., Board Attorney and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.


Absent:         Isaac Lebow, Gary Negrycz

Chairman Lehmann announced the following:

McClellan, 612 Wyndemere Avenue, carried to October 10, 2017.

309 Westgate Assoc. LLC, carried to October 24, 2017.

O’Brien, 338 S. Irving, carried to January 2018 with new notice.

Approval of minutes – The minutes from August 22, 2017 were approved.


Non-agenda items:

            Board member comments: There were no comments at this time.

            Members of the public comments: There were no comments at this time.

Public hearings


Old Business:

New Business:

MICHAEL & BARBARA JASNOSZ – An application to permit a second floor addition and one story addition which will result in a side yard setback of 15.8 feet where 17.76 feet is the minimum required; gross building area of 35.2%/4,472 square feet, where 32%/4,060 square feet is the maximum permitted and 35.49%/4,472 square feet within 140 feet of the front lot line, where 32%/4,060 square feet is the maximum permitted at 699 Wellington Road, Block 1307, Lot 12, in the R-1 zone. David Rutherford, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of the applicants and gave a brief overview of the proposed improvements and the variances being requested. Jose Carballo was sworn and accepted as a professional architect. Mr. Carballo testified regarding the architectural drawings revised to 8/30/17. The Board members had questions regarding the amount of additional impervious coverage and the side yard setback. Board members expressed concern regarding the mass of the left side elevation. Mr. Rutherford said that the applicant wants to address the Board’s concerns and the hearing was carried to October 10, 2017 without further notice.


WILLIAM & WYLIE VAN NESS – An application to permit an addition and detached garage which will result in a height of 35 feet, where 30 feet is the maximum permitted; front yard setback of 24.3 feet, where 40 feet is the minimum required; side yard setback of 19.7 feet, where 23.3 feet is the minimum required; coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 21.9%, where 20% is the maximum permitted; gross building area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 5,000 square feet, where 4,600 square feet is the maximum permitted at 321 Bedford Road, Block 1311, Lot 6, in the R-1 zone. Greg Brown recused himself from this hearing. Roger Schlicht was sworn and accepted as a professional architect. William VanNess, the homeowner, was sworn and Lenny DiTomasso was sworn and accepted as a professional landscape architect. Mr. VanNess made some introductory comments. Mr. Schlicht testified as to the existing conditions and what is proposed and the variances being requested. A packet with a section of the tax map, 2 pages of photos, a setback diagram and a rectangular lot diagram, prepared by Mr. Schlicht was distributed and entered as Exhibit A-1. Mr. Schlicht testified that the variances were due to the lot conditions and slope as well as the irregular lot shape. Board members had questions regarding the dormers, the area of the attic that is over 7 feet in height and the height of house.

Len DiTomasso, landscape architect, distributed renderings of the proposed improvements and a landscape plan and testified as to what was proposed regarding the landscape and the planting and screening. There were no questions from the Board or the public.

Andrew Ahlborn, 313 Bedford Street, made a statement in support of the application.

Mr. Schlicht made closing comments and the hearing was closed. Following Board deliberation, Mr. Papietro made a motion to approve with the stipulation that the landscaping is extended along the garage, Ms. Matthews seconded, and the application was approved.


DINESH DCOSTA & GAYLE MENEZES – An application to permit a first floor and second addition which will result in a front yard setback of 34.3 feet on Upper Boulevard, where 40 feet is the minimum required and 38.5 feet on Barrington Road, where 45 feet is the minimum required, and a rear yard setback of 24.8 feet, where 30 feet is the minimum required at 520 Upper Boulevard, Block 1507, Lot 3, in the R-2 zone. Dinesh DCosta was sworn. Rocco Orlando was sworn and accepted as a professional architect. Mr. Orlando stated that he made an adjustment in the zoning information to reflect that the site is a corner lot and distributed the revised chart which was marked as Exhibit A-1. Mr. Whitaker asked about the combined side yard setback number on the revised zoning chart and a correction was made. Mr. Orlando distributed photos of the existing conditions on the property taken from various locations. The photos were marked as Exhibits A-2, A-3 and A-4. Mr. Orlando described the existing conditions on the property and what is proposed. A rendering showing an optional front elevation was distributed and marked as Exhibit A-5. Board members had questions regarding the side yard setbacks and which front elevation is being proposed. Mr. DCosta stated that the one shown on Exhibit A-5 would be preferred. There were no public questions or comments and the hearing was closed. Following Board deliberation Mr. Alegre made a motion to approve, Ms. Ruhl seconded, and the application was approved.

Resolution memorialization:       The following resolutions were memorialized:

-       Boshart, 296 Mountain Avenue

-       Higgins, 33 North Pleasant Avenue

Discussion: Mr. Whitaker said that the Whispering Woods hearing regarding 657 Ridgewood LLC would be continuing at the next meeting and that will be the last opportunity for the Board to make a decision or the court will push forward for a hearing. The Board members were reminded that any discussion about any hearing needs to take place in a public forum.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:58 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary

Date Approved:        December 12, 2017

  • Hits: 2207


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