20220614 - Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes
Meeting Minutes
JUNE 14, 2022
The public meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood was called to order at 7:45 p.m.
Present: Greg Brown, Matthew Bandelt, Gary Negrycz, Isaac Lebow, Jonathan Papietro, Michael Pickholz (8:05), Harold Maxwell and Jason Curreri. Also present were Bruce Whitaker, Esq., Board Attorney and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.
Absent: Diana Ruhl
Minutes: The minutes from May 10, 2022 and May 24, 2022 were adopted.
Non-agenda items:
Board member comments: There were no comments at this time.
Members of the public comments: There were no comments at this time.
Public hearings
Mr. Brown announced that the Schmidt, 123 South Irving Street, application was carried to August 9, 2022 without further notice.
Old Business:
ANTONY ARACKATHARA – An application to create a rockery which will result in the disturbance of a steep slopes and height of a retaining wall in the front yard at 481 Upper Boulevard, Block 1513, Lot 1, in an R-2 Zone. (Continued from April 12, 2022 without further notice)
Mr. Arackathara acknowledged David Rutherford and commented that he would be moving forward with his professionals.
Malcolm McBurney was sworn and his qualifications as a registered consulting arborist accepted. Mr. McBurney testified as to the existing trees on the property and the conditions of those trees and how they have little to no value in mitigating storm water due to the steep slope.
Board members commented that the roots of those trees must do something.
Mark Martin, Engineer, previously sworn testified regarding the revised plans which showed existing and proposed conditions and a colorized slope comparison.
Board members asked about the height of the slope, if part of the yard was flattened and how the neighbor to the south may have been affected. Board members asked for clarification of the slope comparison.
There were no questions from the public.
Mr. Arackathara read an email from the Village Engineer which supported the proposed method of slope stabilization.
Scott Greer, landscape designer, was previously sworn and testified regarding proposed landscape plan.
Board members asked how storm water would be managed while the plants are growing.
Mr. Whitaker asked if the applicant would follow soil erosion and control measures. Mr. Martin said they would.
There were no questions from the public.
Jordan Rosenberg was sworn and his credentials as a licensed architect accepted. Mr. Rosenberg testified regarding the proposed new dwelling on the property, which does not need variance relief, and why the house was placed in that location.
There were no questions or comments from the public.
Mr. Arackathara made closing remarks and the hearing was closed. Following Board deliberation, Mr. Papietro made a motion to approve, Mr. Lebow seconded, and the application was approved.
Mr. Pickholz arrived at the meeting.
SALIM BHORE & GAZALA DAVE – An application to permit the construction of a two story addition which would result in total coverage by improvement of 51.2% where 45% is the maximum permitted; total coverage by improvement within 140 feet of the front lot line of 52.9% where 45% is the maximum permitted; gross building area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 39.9%/3,348 sf where 39%/3,276 sf is permitted at 85 Oak Street, Block 2010, Lot 21, in an R-3 Zone. (Continued from April 12, 2022, carried from May 24, 2022 without further notice)
John Musinski, architect, was previously sworn and testified as to the revised plans. Mr. Musinski stated that there was an additional variance being sought for gross building area after the required area was added to the calculations.
Mr. Negrycz asked if the whole basement should be added as per the definition of gross floor area. Following discussion regarding the difference between gross building area and gross floor area the application was carried to June 28, 2022 without further notice.
DAVID & JULIA BUCKLEY – An application to permit the construction of a two story addition and second floor balcony enclosure which would result in a side yard setback of 14 feet where 25 feet is required; gross building area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 31% where 29% is the maximum permitted at 141 South Irving Street, Block 4005, Lot 22, in an R-1 Zone. (Continued from May 24, 2022 without further notice)
Robert Garibaldi, Esq., recapped the issues from the prior meeting.
Mr. Buckley, previously sworn, showed a historic map showing that the house was built in 1890 and stated that they desire to preserve the historic nature of the home.
John Gilchrist, architect, previously sworn, testified regarding the revisions made, stating that the family room area was reduced significantly and the elevations were softened. Mr. Gilchrist identified the remaining variances.
Board members asked if the applicant would stipulate that the porch would always remain open and never be enclosed. Board members asked about the area of the driveway in the rear. Ms. Buckley stated they would use grass pavers.
There were no questions or comments from the public.
Mr. Garibaldi made closing remarks and the hearing was closed.
Following Board deliberation Mr. Bandelt made a motion to approve with the conditions discussed, Mr. Pickholz seconded, and the application was approved.
New Business:
CHARLES OHREL - An application to permit the construction of a one story addition which will result in a coverage by above grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 29.8%, where 20% is the maximum permitted; coverage by improvements within 140 feet of the front lot line of 49.5%, where 40% is the maximum permitted; and gross building area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 29.5%, where 29% is the maximum permitted at 444 Eastgate Road, Block 4908, Lot 9, in an R-1 Zone. (Carried from May 31, 2022 without further notice)
Zachary Gidich was sworn and his credentials as a licensed architect accepted. Mr. Gidich testified as to the drawings he prepared. Mr. Gidich identified the variances being sought.
Board members asked about the existing gross building area, which Mr. Gidich said was approximately 3,200 square feet, and why additional space is needed to ‘age in place’. Board members asked about the hardship. Mr. Gidich said the location of the house within the first 140 feet limits any addition. Board members did not see hardship or need for the substantial increase. Mr. Whitaker explained the criteria for hardship to the applicants.
The hearing was carried to August 9, 2022 without further notice.
DANIEL & CAITLIN ZILINSKI – An application to permit the construction of a second floor addition which will result in a front yard setback of 34.6 feet, where 40 feet is required at 154 Monte Vista Avenue, Block 2109, Lot 1, in the R1 Zone.
Daniel Zilinski, homeowner, was sworn.
Gary Irwin was sworn and his credentials as a licensed architect accepted. Mr. Irwin testified that the hardship is the size, narrowness and grade issues of the corner property. Mr. Irwin testified that the proposed second floor addition will extend the existing non-conforming front yard setback on Monte Vista. Mr. Irwin stated that there are no coverage variances being sought.
Board members asked about the cantilever and Mr. Irwin said it would conform.
There were no questions or comments from the public.
Following Board deliberation, Mr. Bandelt made a motion to approve, Mr. Pickholz seconded, and the application was approved.
Resolution memorialization: The resolution denying the request for a one-year extension of variance approval for Devins, 79 Park Slope, was memorialized.
Discussion: Zoning Board Reorganization 2023 and Extension of Board Member terms – The formal Board reorganization will take place in January rather than in July. The Council extended Board member terms accordingly.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:14 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary
Date Approved: August 9, 2022
- Hits: 764