Meeting Minutes
JANUARY 10, 2023
The public meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Matthew Bandelt, Jonathan Papietro, Jason Curreri, Harold Maxwell and Jamie Fox took the Oath of Office.
Present: Greg Brown, Matthew Bandlet, Diana Ruhl, Jonathan Papietro, Jason Curreri, Harold Maxwell and Jamie Fox were present.
Absent: Gary Negrycz, Diana Ruhl and Michael Pickholz
Board Attorney: Bruce Whitaker/McDonnell & Whitaker LLC
Chairman: Greg Brown
Vice Chairman: Matthew Bandelt
Chairman Pro Tem: Gary Negrycz
Board Secretary: Jane Wondergem
Board Professionals: Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer;
John Barree and McKinley Mertz/Heyer, Gruel & Associates, Village Planners
Site Plan Committee: Gary Negrycz, Jonathan Papietro, Diana Ruhl
The By-Laws of the Zoning Board were adopted. The Resolution of Adoption in the Matter of Compliance with the Requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act was approved. The schedule of meetings for the year January 10, 2023 through December 31, 2023 were approved.
The Reorganization meeting was closed.
Diana Ruhl joined the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
The Regular Public Meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m.
Present: Greg Brown, Matthew Bandlet, Diana Ruhl, Jonathan Papietro, Jason Curreri, Harold Maxwell and Jamie Fox were present. Also present were Bruce Whitaker, Esq., Board Attorney; John Barree, Village Planner; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.
Absent: Gary Negrycz and Michael Pickholz
Minutes: The minutes from November 29, 2022 and December 13, 2022 were adopted.
Non-agenda items:
Board member comments: Chairman Brown acknowledged that Isaac Lebow resigned after 6 years of service to the Board, welcomed Jamie Fox to the Board and thanked Mr. Whitaker and the Board Professionals for their continued work with the Board.
Mr. Whitaker thanked the Board for the appointment as Board attorney.
Members of the public comments: There were no comments at this time.
Resolution Memorialization: The following resolutions were memorialized:
- Maggia/Martinez, 573 Barnett Place
- Chou, 564 Cliff Street
Discussion: Rosenholz, 450 Summit Street – Request to extend variance relief. Leo Rosenholz was present to request an extension of variance approval as he had circumstances that made him delay starting the project and he is now searching for a contractor. Following discussion, the Board voted to extend variance approval for one year, through March 9, 2024.
Public hearings
Mr. Brown announced that the Christian and Gianna Adam, 562 Morningside Road, application is carried to February 14, 2023 without further notice.
New Business:
LES Dann, LLC – An application for preliminary and final major site plan approval, expansion of a nonconforming use, and use variance approval for the construction of an autobody shop, which will serve as the principal use at 246-264 South Broad Street, Block 3905, Lots 12, 13 and 14, in an R-3 Zone.
Mark Semeraro, Esq., entered his appearance and made opening remarks, describing the property and the variances being requested. Mr. Semeraro commented that there is currently an autobody use on the property and the applicant is proposing to internalize the autobody work and clean up the property.
Michael Daniel, business owner, was sworn. Photos were distributed to the Board. Mr. Daniel testified that their company, Mountain View Autobody, owns three autobody shops, including the subject property. Mr. Daniel testified that they bought all three lots and have cleaned up the property. Mr. Daniel described the business they do and testified that all work is done inside and all parts are stored inside.
The photos were marked as Exhibits A-1 and A-2.
Mr. Daniel testified as to the specifics of the business and how many vehicles would be worked on per month. Photos of the existing conditions on the property, and photos of the Mountain View Autobody shop in Wayne, showing the storage of vehicles and parts and the bays.
Mr. Daniel testified as to the proposed building, stating that the second floor will house parts. Mr. Daniel testified regarding the work that will be done, including repairs, body work and painting. The hours of operation would be from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Part delivery would primarily be in the morning. There would be 22 bays and 15-20 employees. Vehicles would be dropped off during working hours.
Mr. Whitaker asked where the shop was located in Wayne and if there would be tow trucks at this location. Mr. Daniel said they have 2 tow trucks and they are stored at the Wayne location.
Board members asked about the type of area the Wayne shop was in. Mr. Daniel said it was an industrial area, but within 200 feet of a school.
Board members asked about employee parking, deliveries, dumpsters and vehicle storage. Mr. Daniel said there would be designated employee parking. Board members were concerned that there would not be enough parking spaces for the vehicles stored in the lot.
Board members asked it here were underground oil tanks. Mr. Daniel said it had been removed with permits.
Board members asked about lighting and the hours of lighting. Mr. Daniel said the lot would be illuminated until midnight and the lights would be on a timer. Mr. Semeraro said the lighting would not go beyond the property.
Mr. Rutishauser asked about the wash water disposal after the oil and water separator, Mr. Daniel said it would go to the sanitary sewer system. Mr. Rutishauser asked if the vents would run overnight and Mr. Daniel said they would not.
Mr. Barree asked about security measures, Mr. Daniel said there would be cameras. Mr. Barree asked if they would offer rental car pickup. Mr. Daniel said they work with a rental company and they pick up the client and bring back to their location.
Public questions:
Frank Mortimer, 426 Van Buren Avenue, asked about the parking and if the lot could handle the number of cars serviced per month. Mr. Mortimer asked about the zoning of the other two shops owned by the applicant. Mr. Whitaker said that is not relevant to this application.
Carolina Pusterla, 42 Leonard Place, asked about the expected time of construction if the application is approved and noise mitigation. Mr. Daniel said construction could take 6 – 8 months. Mr. Whitaker said they would have to comply with the noise ordinance.
Ian Keller, 140 Cottage Place, said that Covid changed things about how businesses were run and that change could happen again. Mr. Whitaker said that the things that are testified to will be in the resolution, which runs with the land.
Mark Montalbano was sworn and his credentials as licensed architect were accepted.
Mr. Montalbano described the proposed building, which will have a footprint of 32,314 square feet, and the three primary areas- the front portion which will be the office and some storage of parts; the rear portion, where the repair work is done; and the second-floor storage. Mr. Montalbano described the floor plans, stating ghat the garage doors face the parking lot and not the neighbors, and the materials being used. Mr. Montalbano stated that the height variance being requested is for aesthetic purposes and to shield the rooftop equipment.
Mr. Montalbano described the proposed monument sign which will be up lit with shielded lights.
Mr. Whitaker said that the 3 lots in question have common ownership so the Board is looking at 1 lot, not 3 lots.
Board members asked for clarification on the number of bays, and Mr. Montalbano said there will be 22 bays.
Board members asked why there is a breakroom with 36 seats if there will be 15-20 employees. Mr. Montalbano said the sometimes the space is used for training. Board members were concerned about the amount of office space. Board members asked about the number of bays compared to employees. Mr. Montalbano said certain bays are used for specific tasks, such as painting and washing.
Board members asked about the necessity of the height variance. Mr. Montalbano said the height on each floor is needed for the racks and the mechanicals.
Mr. Rutishauser said the signage drawing needs to be signed and sealed. Mr. Rutishauser asked if the building would have sprinklers. The whole building will have sprinklers.
Public questions:
Frank Mortimer, 426 Van Buren Street, commented that the proposed building is doubling the size of what exists and asked about the maximum number of employees that it could hold. Mr. Montalbano said that the code dictates that.
Mr. Semeraro recalled Mr. Daniel. Mr. Daniel testified in regards to the number of bays, stating that they don’t need a technician per bay as they go between the bays. Mr. Daniel testified regarding the training that may take place occasionally, and that it would be after hours, between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m., and would include employees from other locations.
Board members asked how many front office employees there would be. Mr. Daniel stated there would be four, but the front area would also be used for part storage.
Public questions:
Frank Mortimer, 426 Van Buren Street, asked about the after hours training. Mr. Whitaker commented that the hours of operation would be 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., but that doesn’t mean the building cannot be used after that in regards to training, cleaning, etc.
The application was carried to March 14, 2023 without further notice.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:28 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary
Date Approved: February 14, 2023
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