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20180227 Zoning Board of Adjustment



Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.


Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.

Please note: A curfew of 11:00 PM is strictly adhered to by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood. No new matter involving an Applicant will be started after 10:30 PM. At 10:00 PM the Chairman will make a determination and advise Applicants as to whether they will be heard. If an Applicant cannot be heard because of the lateness of the hour, the matter will be carried over to a future meeting to be determined by the Board at 10:00 PM.

Roll call

Approval of minutes:         

Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments

          Members of the public comments

Public hearings

          Old Business:

309 WESTGATE ASSOCIATES, LLC - An application to permit the construction of a new single family residence on a nonconforming lot located upon a steep slope

at 309 Westgate Road, Block 2808, Lot13, in an R-125 zone. (Continued from October 24, 2017) (Carried from December 12, 2017) (Carry to March 27, 2018)


JOSE PUELL – An application to permit the construction of an addition to the existing structure which will result in a front yard setback of 37.12 feet where 40 feet is required; coverage by above grade structures of 23.18%, where 20% is the maximum permitted, for the property located at 671 Newcomb Road, Block 4505, Lot 13, in the R-2 Zone. (Continued from January 23, 2018)



AGENDA – CONTINUATION                                                        February 27, 2018

          New Business:

LOUIS GOLD – An application to permit the construction of a front entry which would result in a front yard setback of 30.5 feet where 40 feet is required at 511 North Monroe Street, Block 1603, Lot 14, in the R-2 Zone.

ROGER SCHNORRBUSCH – An application to permit the construction of a detached garage which will result in an accessory building in a front yard where it is not permitted; a front yard setback on Morningside Ave. of 32.4 feet, where 48.5 feet is required and a front yard setback on Jackson Terrace of 5 feet, where 40 feet is required at 430 Morningside Road, Block 1705, Lot 1, in the R-2 Zone.

          Resolution memorialization:         McKenna, 416 Colonial Road

                                                            Hillman, 233 South Broad Street 

         Discussion:   Sahin, 555 Emker Terrace – One year extension of variance approval




  • Hits: 2185



Meeting Minutes

OCTOBER 24, 2017


The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood was called to order at 7:35 p.m.


Present:      Hans Lehmann, Sergio Alegre, Gary Negrycz, Diana Ruhl, Alyssa Matthews, Greg Brown, Ines Bunza, Jonathan Papietro and Isaac Lebow. Also present were Bruce Whitaker, Esq., Board Attorney, Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.



Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments: There were no comments at this time.

          Members of the public comments: There were no comments at this time.

Public hearings


New Business:

309 WESTGATE, LLC – An application to permit the construction of a new single family residence on a nonconforming lot located upon a steep slope. James Delia, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of 309 Westgate, LLC, and made an opening statement. Mr. Delia addressed why this application would not be considered res judicata, the steep slope ordinance and he described the lot as non-conforming at the time it was subdivided.

Robert Simon, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of the objectors. Mr. Simon stated that the matter should not proceed due to the issue of res judicata and the denial from 1994, and the steep slope ordinance. Mr. Delia rebutted by reading the exceptions from the steep slope ordinance.

Mr. Whitaker instructed the Board on how to proceed and explained the res judicata issue in regards to the 1994 hearing. Mr. Whitaker addressed Mr. Delia and Mr. Simon regarding question of isolated lot and if an offer was ever made to the surrounding property owners to buy or sell. Mr. Simon stated that the applicant needs to comply with the law and the prior resolution before the hearing can continue.

The Board voted to not proceed until the applicant meets the provision of the 1994 resolution. The hearing was carried to December 12 without further notice.

Resolution memorialization:      The following resolutions were memorialized:

-                  Villa Restaurant Group/Office Tavern, 32 Chestnut St.

-                  Jasnosz, 699 Wellington Rd.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary

Date Approved:       February 13, 2018

  • Hits: 1893



Meeting Minutes

OCTOBER 10, 2017




The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood was called to order at 7:35 p.m.


Present:      Hans Lehmann, Sergio Alegre, Gary Negrycz, Diana Ruhl, Alyssa Matthews, Ines Bunza, Jonathan Papietro (8:07 p.m.) and Isaac Lebow. Also present were Bruce Whitaker, Esq., Board Attorney and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.


Absent:        Greg Brown

Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments: There were no comments at this time.

          Members of the public comments: There were no comments at this time.

Public hearings


Chairman Lehmann announced the following:

Coniff/Dombach, 215 Kenilworth Road, carried to November 14, 2017.

McClellan, 612 Wyndemere Avenue, carried to November 14, 2017.


Old Business:

MICHAEL & TARA SARACENO – An application to construct a covered patio which will result in a variance for maximum coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 23.52%, where 20% is the maximum permitted. The applicant also proposes to widen the driveway which will result in a variance request for a driveway width of 20.2 feet where 16 feet is the maximum permitted at 285 South Pleasant Avenue, Block 4307, Lot 29, in the R-2 Zone. (Continued from July 11, 2017) Michael Saraceno made introductory remarks and gave a recap from the July 11 meeting. Mark Stefanelli, architect, was previously sworn and testified as to the revisions. Board members had questions regarding hardship and the benefit to the public. Mr. Stefanelli and Mr. Saraceno said that they could build a 1,000 square foot structure in the rear of the property without a variance. There was discussion regarding that possibility. The hearing was carried to November 14, 2017 without further notice.


MICHAEL & BARBARA JASNOSZ – An application to permit a second floor addition and one story addition which will result in a side yard setback of 15.8 feet where 17.76 feet is the minimum required; gross building area of 34.05%/4,326 square feet, where 32%/4,060 square feet is the maximum permitted and 34.33%/4,326 square feet within 140 feet of the front lot line, where 32%/4,060 square feet is the maximum permitted at 699 Wellington Road, Block 1307, Lot 12, in the R-1 zone. (Continued from September 12, 2017) David Rutherford, Esq., reviewed the prior testimony and explained that revisions were made. Jose Carballo, architect, was previously sworn and testified as to the revisions made in response to Board comments. Mr. Rutherford summarized the revisions and the variances being requested. There were no questions from the Board or from the public for the architect.

The hearing was held until the applicant’s Planner arrived.

New Business:

VILLA RESTAURANT GROUP d/b/a OFFICE TAVERN GRILL – An application to install a sign with a message height of 30 inches, where 16 inches is the maximum permitted at 32 Chestnut Street, Block 3804, Lot 6.01, in the B-1 Zone. David Rutherford, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of the applicant and introduced the witnesses and explained the variances being requested including the size of the proposed sign and the distance of the sign from the building. James Howard, Director of Construction and store planning with Villa Restaurant Group, was sworn and testified as to the renovation of the Office Tavern Grill and the necessity for the proposed sign and the variances being requested. Board members asked why the first three letters needed to be larger, Mr. Howard explained that this design is the logo of this chain of restaurants and the brand name should match. There were no questions from the public.

Grace Ruseskas, graphic designer for GNS Group, was sworn and testified as to the sign design. Ms. Ruseskas described the proposed sign in detail. A rendering of the proposed signage was submitted and marked as Exhibit A-1. A rendering of conforming signage was submitted and marked as Exhibit A-2 and a comparison of what is allowed and what is proposed was submitted and marked as Exhibit A-3. Detail showing how far the signage will protrude from the building was marked as Exhibit A-4. Ms. Bogart had questions regarding the distance of the letters from the façade.

David Jackson, of Jackson Creative Group, was sworn. Mr. Jackson works with Villa Restaurant Group designing their restaurants. Mr. Jackson testified regarding the renovation and design of the brand and image of Office Tavern Group, including the sign. Board members had questions about other options that would make the sign compliant with Village code. Mr. Jackson stated the importance of keeping the brand image consistent and making the sign visible. Ann Dickinson, 151 Grant Street, asked if the flag would be flown continuously and if so would it be lighted properly. Mr. Jackson said the flag would be lighted if flown continuously.

Brigette Bogart, Village Planner, was sworn and testified as per her report dated October 4, 2017, regarding the existing conditions, proposed development and the variances being requested. There were no questions from the Board, the Applicant or the Public.

Joseph Suplicki, 1 15th Avenue, Elmwood Park, Vice Chairman of Ridgewood Historic Preservation Commission (HPC), was sworn. Mr. Suplicki commented on the review by the HPC and that they did not recommend approval of the sign as proposed. The HPC report dated March 9, 2018, was marked as Exhibit A-6. Mr. Rutherford said that the HPC is an advisory committee and that the Zoning Board can grant approval of the proposed sign.

Mr. Rutherford made closing comments and the hearing was closed. Following Board deliberation Mr. Negrycz made a motion to approve, Ms. Matthews seconded, and the application was approved five to two.

Chairman Lehmann announced the following:

-        Purington/Dickinson, 151 Grant Street, application was carried to November 28, 2017, without further notice.

-        Puell, 671 Newcomb Road, application was carried to November 14, 2017, without further notice.

MICHAEL & BARBARA JASNOSZ, 699 Wellington Road, hearing was continued. David Spatz, professional planner, was sworn and accepted as a planning expert by the Board. Mr. Spatz distributed a page of photos of the subject property which was marked as Exhibit A-3, and a page of photos of other homes in the neighborhood which was marked as Exhibit A-4. Mr. Spatz testified as to what was being proposed, the variances being requested and the hardship. Mr. Spatz testified as to the positive and negative criteria and how the proposed improvements are common in the neighborhood and would not be detrimental. There were no questions from the Board or from the public. There were no comments from the public. Mr. Rutherford made closing comments. Following Board deliberation Ms. Ruhl made a motion to approve, Mr. Alegre seconded, and the application was approved.


Resolution memorialization:      The following resolutions were memorialized:

-        657 Ridgewood LLC, 657 Franklin Turnpike

  • New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC (AT&T), 490 Route 17 South (extension of time for temporary cell equipment)


Meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary

Date Approved:       February 13, 2018

  • Hits: 1934

20180213 Zoning Board of Adjustment




Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.


Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.

Please note: A curfew of 11:00 PM is strictly adhered to by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood. No new matter involving an Applicant will be started after 10:30 PM. At 10:00 PM the Chairman will make a determination and advise Applicants as to whether they will be heard. If an Applicant cannot be heard because of the lateness of the hour, the matter will be carried over to a future meeting to be determined by the Board at 10:00 PM.

Roll call

Approval of minutes: October 10, 2017; October 24, 2017

Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments

          Members of the public comments

Public hearings

          Old Business:

FRANK & ROSEMARY HILLMAN – An application to permit the to construct a new front landing and stairs which will result in a front yard setback of +/- 14 inches, where 40 feet is required; coverage by above-grade structures of 37.39%, where 25% is the maximum permitted; coverage by improvements of 67%, where 45% is the maximum permitted at 233 South Broad Street, Block 3902, Lot 8, in the R-3 Zone. (continued from January 9, 2018)


JOHN & ASHLEY FRANCHINA – An application to permit the construction of a rear porch/deck, replace an existing non-conforming front open porch and the enlargement of same, and install a new walkway from the driveway to the proposed front porch which will result in a front yard setback of 33.3 feet, where 45 feet is required; coverage by above-grade structures of 24.6%, where 20% is the maximum

AGENDA – CONTINUATION                                                 February 13, 2018


permitted; coverage by above grade structures w/in 140 feet of the front lot line of 25.3%, where 20% is the maximum permitted; Gross Building Area of 37.3%/3,863 square feet, where 34%/3,500 square feet is the maximum permitted and Gross Building Area w/in 140 feet of front lot line of 40%/3,863 square feet, where 34%/3,500 square feet is the maximum permitted at 208 North Walnut Street, Block 2002, Lot 9, in the R-2 Zone. (Continued from January 9, 2018) (Carried from January 23, 2018)

          New Business:

MICHAEL & ELLEN McKENNA – An application to permit the construction of a one-story rear addition, rear entry steps and walkway and second story addition which will result in coverage by above-grade structures of 22.9%, where 20% is the maximum permitted and coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 23.4% where 20% is the maximum permitted at 416 Colonial Road, Block 3609, Lot 3, in the R-2 Zone. (Carried from January 9, 2018) (Carried from January 23, 2018)

SUNIL & VANITA PATEL – An application to permit the construction of a two-story covered entry and a 2nd story addition which will result in a side yard setback of 10.7 feet, where 20 feet is required; combined side yard setback of 21.8 feet, where

25 feet is required; coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 22.16%, where 20% is the maximum permitted; coverage by improvements within 140 feet of the front lot line of 46.95%, where 45% is the maximum permitted and gross building area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 32.28%/3,391sq ft, where 32%/3,360sq ft. is the maximum permitted at 713 Heights Road, Block 1403, Lot 14, in the R-1 Zone.

SOMERSET TIRE SERVICE/MAVIS DISCOUNT TIRE – An application to replace five existing wall signs and one existing freestanding cabinet sign which will result in exceeding the maximum number of signs for freestanding and wall signs, maximum sign area for freestanding signs, maximum height for freestanding signs, minimum sign setback from property line for freestanding signs, maximum lettering height of wall signs and maximum width of wall signs at 562 North Maple Avenue, Block 1502, Lot 8, in the B-2 Zone.

          Resolution memorialization: Barone, 677 Arcadia Road

                                                     Prasad/Srivastava, 140 North Maple Avenue

                                                     Otten, 426 Jackson Terrace

                                                     SLRC, LLC/Arthur Murray, 125 E Ridgewood Avenue



  • Hits: 2129

20180130 Zoning Board of Adjustment



Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.


Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.

Please note: A curfew of 11:00 PM is strictly adhered to by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood. No new matter involving an Applicant will be started after 10:30 PM. At 10:00 PM the Chairman will make a determination and advise Applicants as to whether they will be heard. If an Applicant cannot be heard because of the lateness of the hour, the matter will be carried over to a future meeting to be determined by the Board at 10:00 PM.

Roll call

Approval of minutes:         

Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments

          Members of the public comments

Public hearings

          Old Business:

          New Business:

BURROUGHS POOLE LLC – An application for preliminary and final site plan approval, use variance, variance and waiver approval to implement a drive-thru component to be used by a Starbucks retail coffee shop at 363-381 Route 17 South, Block 4807, Lot 1, in the HC-Highway Commercial Zone.

SLRC, LLC d/b/a ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO – An application for 1) an interpretation of the Ordinance declaring that the proposed use is permitted in the B-1 Zone as a service business or 2) a use variance to permit a dance studio on the ground floor in the B-1 zone.

AGENDA – CONTINUATION                                                        January 30, 2018

          Resolution memorialization:        

  • SL Ridgewood 2015 d/b/a Serendipity Labs, 45 N. Broad St.
  • Purington/Dickinson, 151 Grant St.
  • Neiley, 660 Linwood Ave.




  • Hits: 2084


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