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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.


Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.

Please note: A curfew of 11:00 PM is strictly adhered to by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood. No new matter involving an Applicant will be started after 10:30 PM. At 10:00 PM the Chairman will make a determination and advise Applicants as to whether they will be heard. If an Applicant cannot be heard because of the lateness of the hour, the matter will be carried over to a future meeting to be determined by the Board at 10:00 PM.



Roll call

Approval of minutes:         

Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments

          Members of the public comments

Public hearings

          Old Business:

TOM & KELLY NAKASONE – An application to permit the construction of a covered entry, 2-story addition, rear covered porch, patio with in-ground pool and detached garage which will result in coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 24%, where 20% is permitted at 321 North Pleasant Avenue, Block 3305, Lot 21, in the R-2 Zone. (Carried and renoticed from June 26, 2018)



AGENDA – CONTINUATION                                                                   July 10, 2018


BURROUGHS POOLE LLC – An application for preliminary and final site plan approval, use variance, variance and waiver approval to implement a drive-thru component to be used by a Starbucks retail coffee shop at 363-381 Route 17 South, Block 4807, Lot 1, in the HC-Highway Commercial Zone. (Continued from April 24, 2018) (Carried from June 12, 2018)


KEVIN & JENNIFER HOGAN – An application to construct a front portico, a rear 2-story addition and a rear covered deck which will result in a side yard setback on the left of 9.16 feet to the first floor and 9.2 feet to the 2nd floor; side yard setback on the right of 8.3 feet to the addition and 8.75 feet to the deck, where 20 feet is required;

combined side yard setback of 15.94 feet, where 16.5 feet is required; coverage by above-grade structures of 23.1%, coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 24.9%, where 20% is permitted for both; coverage by improvements within 140 feet of the front lot line of 46.9%, where 45% is permitted and gross building area of 39%/2,731 square feet where 35%/2,450 square feet is permitted at 82 John Street, Block 3501, Lot 6, in the R-1 Zone. (Carried from May 8, 2018 without further notice)

          New Business:

JAMES & GABRIELLA WILDAY – An application to permit the construction of a 2-story addition and a rear covered porch and a 1-story addition to the detached garage which will result in coverage by improvements 43.7%, where 40% is permitted; coverage by improvements within 175 feet of the front lot line of 45.9%, where 40% is permitted; gross building area of 25.5%/5,092 square feet, where 24%/5,000 square feet is permitted; gross building area within 175 feet of the front lot line of 29.1%/5,092 square feet, where 29%/4,620 square feet is permitted and a side yard setback of an accessory structure of .78 feet, where 5 feet is required at 219 Sunset Avenue, Block 1918, Lot 11, in the R-110 Zone.

          Resolution memorialization:        




  • Hits: 2153




Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.


Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.

Please note: A curfew of 11:00 PM is strictly adhered to by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood. No new matter involving an Applicant will be started after 10:30 PM. At 10:00 PM the Chairman will make a determination and advise Applicants as to whether they will be heard. If an Applicant cannot be heard because of the lateness of the hour, the matter will be carried over to a future meeting to be determined by the Board at 10:00 PM.

Roll call

Approval of minutes:         

Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments

          Members of the public comments

Public hearings

          Old Business:

BURROUGHS POOLE LLC – An application for preliminary and final site plan approval, use variance, variance and waiver approval to implement a drive-thru component to be used by a Starbucks retail coffee shop at 363-381 Route 17 South, Block 4807, Lot 1, in the HC-Highway Commercial Zone. (Continued from January 30, 2018)

          New Business:

MICHAEL and JILL KELLY – An application to permit the construction of a second floor addition, a one-story addition, a new rear covered landing and new front portico over an existing landing, which will result in a front yard setback of 36 feet to the addition, where 40 feet is required; a side yard setback of 9.2 feet, where 10

AGENDA – CONTINUATION                                                               March 13, 2018


feet is required; coverage by above-grade structures of 22.2%, where 20% is permitted; coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 23.5%, where 20% is permitted and gross building area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 35.8%, where 35% is permitted at 631 Frederick St., Block 3503, Lot 16, in in the R-2 Zone.

LAWRENCE and ELIZABETH FRERS – An application to permit the a patio with seating and dining space, a small in-ground swimming pool, an outdoor kitchen and a firepit, which will result in coverage by improvements of 48.73%, where 45% is permitted; a side yard setback to the patio and firepit of 5.75 feet where 10 feet is required and a rear yard setback to patio and firepit of 6.5 feet where 10 feet is required at 618 Morningside Road, Block 1309, Lot 14, in the R-1 Zone.

          Resolution memorialization:         Sahin, 555 Emker Terr. – Ext. of time





  • Hits: 1966

20180227 Zoning Board of Adjustment



Meeting Minutes

FEBRUARY 27, 2018


The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood was called to order at 7:40 p.m.


Present:       Sergio Alegre, Diana Ruhl, Greg Brown, Ines Bunza, Jonathan Papietro and Isaac Lebow. Also present were Bruce Whitaker, Esq., Board Attorney and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.


Absent:        Hans Lehmann, Gary Negrycz, Alyssa Matthews

Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments: There were no comments at this time.

          Members of the public comments: There were no comments at this time.

Public hearings


Old Business:

Vice Chairman Alegre announced that 309 WESTGATE ASSOCIATES, LLC, was carried to March 27, 2018, without further notice.


JOSE PUELL – An application to permit the construction of an addition to the existing structure which will result in a front yard setback of 37.12 feet where 40 feet is required; coverage by above grade structures of 23.18%, where 20% is the maximum permitted, for the property located at 671 Newcomb Road, Block 4505, Lot 13, in the R-2 Zone. (Continued from January 23, 2018) Joshua Levine, Esq., and Brian Murphy, architect, who was previously sworn, were present with Mr. Puell. Mr. Murphy testified as to the plans, revised to February 11, 2018. Mr. Murphy described the revisions and the reduction made to the deck in the rear. Mr. Whitaker clarified the revised zoning table. Board members asked about reducing the addition or the front porch and Mr. Murphy stated that the space is needed in the house. Board members expressed concern about the mass of the house. There were no questions from the public.

Phyllis Goodman, 667 Newcomb Road, was previously sworn and commented that a bigger lot is needed for what is proposed.

Craig Zappa, 681 Newcomb Road, was sworn and stated that he was approved for a variance in the past and spoke in support of this application. Ms. Goodman asked Mr. Zappa about the size of his lot and where the addition was.

Mr. Levine asked for time to talk with his client.

New Business:

LOUIS GOLD – An application to permit the construction of a front entry which would result in a front yard setback of 30.5 feet where 40 feet is required at 511 North Monroe Street, Block 1603, Lot 14, in the R-2 Zone. William Severino was sworn and his credentials as a professional architect were accepted. Mr. Severino testified as to the plans, revised to 01/16/18. Mr. Whitaker clarified the setback to the porch and that the expansion does not exacerbate the existing non-conformity. Board members asked it there would be a new roof, and asked that it be stipulated that there would be no living space in the attic. There were no questions or comments from the public. Ms. Ruhl made a motion to approve, Mr. Lebow seconded, and all members voted yes.

JOSE PUELL – Mr. Levine said that the applicant will make further reductions to the plans and the hearing was carried to April 10, 2018, without further notice.

ROGER SCHNORRBUSCH – An application to permit the construction of a detached garage which will result in an accessory building in a front yard where it is not permitted; a front yard setback on Morningside Ave. of 32.4 feet, where 48.5 feet is required and a front yard setback on Jackson Terrace of 5 feet, where 40 feet is required at 430 Morningside Road, Block 1705, Lot 1, in the R-2 Zone. Ms. Ruhl recused herself from this hearing. Roger Schlicht was sworn and his credentials as a professional architect were accepted. Roger Schnorrbusch, property owner, was sworn. Mr. Schlicht distributed a photo packet which was marked as Exhibit A-1 and described the existing conditions on the irregularly shaped property. Mr. Schlicht stated that the existing garage, which extends into the public right-of-way, will be demolished and the nonconforming driveway width will be eliminated. Mr. Schlicht described the proposed garage and the variances being requested. Board members had questions about landscaping and curbing along the driveway. Mr. Schorrbusch stipulated that he would put foundation plantings along the garage wall. There were no questions or comments from the public. Following Board deliberation, Mr. Papietro made a motion to approve, Ms. Bunza seconded, and the application was approved with four yes votes.

Resolution memorialization:      The following resolutions were memorialized:

-                  McKenna, 416 Colonial Road

-                  Hillman, 233 South Broad Street

Discussion:  The Board discussed a written request from Ray Sahin, 555 Emker Terrace, for a one year extension of variance approval, to April 19, 2019.. Ms. Bunza made a motion to approve, Mr. Lebow seconded, and the extension was approved.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:36 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary

Date Approved:       June 26, 2018

  • Hits: 628

20180626 - Zoning Board of Adjustment




Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.


Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.

Please note: A curfew of 11:00 PM is strictly adhered to by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood. No new matter involving an Applicant will be started after 10:30 PM. At 10:00 PM the Chairman will make a determination and advise Applicants as to whether they will be heard. If an Applicant cannot be heard because of the lateness of the hour, the matter will be carried over to a future meeting to be determined by the Board at 10:00 PM.

Roll call

Approval of minutes:          February 27, 2018; March 13, 2018

Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments

          Members of the public comments

Public hearings

          Old Business:


309 WESTGATE ASSOCIATES, LLC - An application to permit the construction of a new single family residence on a nonconforming lot located upon a steep slope

at 309 Westgate Road, Block 2808, Lot13, in an R-125 zone. (Cont. from May 22, 2018)


ACKERMAN PRESERVATION, LLC – An application to permit a two-story addition, detached garage and patio       which will result in a rear yard setback of 26.8 feet, where 40 feet is required; front yard setback and a patio located within the front yard setback, where it is not permitted at 415 East Saddle River Road, Block 4804, Lot 15, in the R-125 Zone. (Cont. from May 8, 2018)


AGENDA – CONTINUATION                                                                 June 26, 2018

          New Business:

CANDICE PAPAGEORGE – An application to permit the construction of a covered front porch over the existing platform, a one story mud room addition at the rear of the house, an elevated patio and stair and a patio on grade which will result in a side yard setback of 14.4 feet, where 21.44 feet is required; coverage by above-grade structures of 22.5% and coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 22.87%, where 20% is permitted for both, and gross building area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 3,395 square feet, where 3,360 square feet is permitted at 212 Hamilton Road, Block 1305, Lot 5, in the R-1 Zone.

322 S. VAN DIEN, LLC – An application to permit the renovation and expansion of the home and construction of a new two-car detached garage which will result in a front yard setback of 39.3 feet, where 50 feet is required; side yard setbacks of 12 feet and 10.8 feet, where 20 feet is required; combined side yard setback of 22.6 feet, where 22.1 feet is required; coverage by above-grade structures within 200 feet of the front lot line of 21.9%, where 20% is permitted and gross building area within 200 feet of the front lot line of 4,293 square feet, where 4,060 square feet is permitted at 322 South Van Dien Avenue, Block 4107, Lot 21, in the R-125 Zone.


TOM & KELLY NAKASONE – An application to permit the construction of a covered entry, 2-story addition, rear covered porch, patio and in-ground pool and detached garage which will result in a height of 33.3 feet, where 30 feet is permitted; coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 24%, where 20% is permitted and coverage by improvements of 8,893 square feet, where 8,750 square feet is permitted at 321 North Pleasant Avenue, Block 3305, Lot 21, in the R-2 Zone.


WALTER & DIANE KERNER – An application to permit the construction of a rear second story addition which will result in a side yard setbacks of 4.6 feet and 9.4 feet, where 10 feet is required and combine side yard setback of 14 feet, where 16.49 is required at 27 John Street, Block 3502, Lot 22, in the R-2 Zone.

          Resolution memorialization:        




  • Hits: 2082




Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Village Hall Court Room – 7:30 P.M.


Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.

Please note: A curfew of 11:00 PM is strictly adhered to by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood. No new matter involving an Applicant will be started after 10:30 PM. At 10:00 PM the Chairman will make a determination and advise Applicants as to whether they will be heard. If an Applicant cannot be heard because of the lateness of the hour, the matter will be carried over to a future meeting to be determined by the Board at 10:00 PM.

Roll call

Approval of minutes:         

Non-agenda items:

          Board member comments

          Members of the public comments

Public hearings

          Old Business:

          New Business:

BURROUGHS POOLE LLC – An application for preliminary and final site plan approval, use variance, variance and waiver approval to implement a drive-thru component to be used by a Starbucks retail coffee shop at 363-381 Route 17 South, Block 4807, Lot 1, in the HC-Highway Commercial Zone.

SLRC, LLC d/b/a ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO – An application for 1) an interpretation of the Ordinance declaring that the proposed use is permitted in the B-1 Zone as a service business or 2) a use variance to permit a dance studio on the ground floor in the B-1 zone.

AGENDA – CONTINUATION                                                        January 30, 2018

          Resolution memorialization:        

  • SL Ridgewood 2015 d/b/a Serendipity Labs, 45 N. Broad St.
  • Purington/Dickinson, 151 Grant St.
  • Neiley, 660 Linwood Ave.




  • Hits: 1967


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