20220317 - Ridgewood Access Committee Minutes

Ridgewood's ACCESS Committee Minutes

Webinar meeting March 17, 2022


The Webinar meeting opened at 2:09.

Present: Committee members: Ines Bunza, Robin Ritter, Mayor Susan Knudsen, Lisa Gardner, Joanne Stoffa, Danielle Pagani, Erica Dunckley; Public comments: Jan Philips, Siobhan  Crann Winograd

Item  1.  Welcome 

Ines welcomed everyone to the meeting. The minutes from the February 17th meeting were approved, motion by Robin, seconded Lisa and motion carried. Ines confirmed that our new meeting time will be the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2:00. It is important that Deanna Schablik be able to attend for her insight and feedback. She is involved now in the senior programs that take place on the 3rd Thurs. of the month.

Item  2. Housing - Susan

Susan announced that the ACCESS committee members are officially appointed and our term will end Dec. 31, 2025. In addition she let us know that the new space, Ridgewood Commons, was finally able to get a CO for the supportive housing units and they are now able to be occupied. The new sports club replacing NY Sports will be using their roof as additional workout space. They are not planning to install an elevator due to cost. It was not required of them during the planning process. However, in the future, we should strongly encourage the addition of an elevator into a new building space that contains a 2nd floor to make it fully accessible.

Item 3. Treasurer's report - Lisa

Lisa said there were no changes to receipts and debits.

Item 4. New Business

Susan re-visited the storefront idea for our special villagers as a place of employment. She offered to make some phone calls to see if there is any available space. She has a contact who formerly owned a store on Rt. 17. Susan offered to type out a structure for the store. Ines emphasized that this would be a great opportunity for the residents in Ridgewood Commons.

Coordinate with  First  Responders: We would like to have them talk to our new residents. Susan asked if we should invite the chiefs, captains? Ines said that she or Robin will contact Patrick Chieffe from United Way and ask when would be the appropriate time to do this.

Ridgewood Lifestyle Challenge:  Danielle has a flyer and will send it to us. April 7 is the kickoff, both in-person and virtual. Registration is open to all 18 and older. Younger ones are encouraged to participate as well. It is open to all Ridgewood residents and employees. There will be walking groups. Danielle is working with Valley Hospital and Varsity House as well.

Public Comment: The meeting was then opened up for public comments. Jan brought up 3 points of discussion: still no posting of the ACCESS meeting minutes on the Village website; the no vote on hybrid Village Council meetings and Ordinance 3533. Siobhan, too, expressed frustration and disappointment with the Council's no vote on hybrid meetings. She stated that broadcasting meetings instead of having them be inclusive is anti-democratic and quoted the July 13, 2021 news article in Tapinto.net-  "Participation plummets without the online option."

She also expressed dismay that the new sports club wasn't compelled by the planning board to include an elevator in the renovation. Susan said that there were public hearings, and that they are using the roof, not creating another second floor. There was a process here and the renovation was approved.

Respectfully submitted, Erica Dunckley

The next  Webinar meeting  will  be April 14, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.

  • Hits: 393



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