Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes 20180315

Ridgewood’s Access Committee

Meeting Minutes March 15, 2018

The meeting was opened at 7:40 p.m.

Present: Robin Ritter, Amy Stoller, Ines Bunza, Deanna Schablik, Tom Leonard, MC Benintende, Lisa Gardner, Nancy Reilly, Jack Dean, Mayor Susan Knudsen, Corinna Kotrokois, Erica Dunckley, Joann Stolfo

Item 1: Welcome
Ines welcomed everyone to the meeting and motioned for approval of the minutes of the February 15 meeting. Robin Ritter accepted, seconded by Joann Stolfo.

Item 2: Housing
Mayor Knudsen gave us an update on the special needs housing units to be located in the Enclave in the former Sealfon’s building. She mentioned that she didn’t want to get too specific with the conditions as the ownership could change. However, we have met our commitment with the $500,000 COAH trust fund. Everything is subject to court approval. She thinks the judge will approve our agreements. The decision by the judge should come in April/May. Then we can move forward. Fair share housing will probably approve it. There are family-affordable units in the other projects going up in town. We may get two more units in the Enclave as well.

Tom Leonard asked if there would be any medical assistance in the apartments. Mayor Knudsen answered no, as it is independent living. The group home will have two staff members round the clock. However, if someone has a CCW (Community Care Waiver) with that type of care built in, then that person would receive the care.

Ines explained how to contact the United Way and let them know you are interested.

A discussion ensued about what life would be like at the Enclave, based on what Patrick Chieffe from UW had told us at the February meeting.

We also discussed the various agencies offering services like the DDD, Bergen County Social Services, and financial assistance, such as Social Security and NJ Workability.

Item 3: Employment
The World Cafe has been postponed until the fall. Ines has a packet of information about it, if you would like to see it. Also, you can go to the World Cafe website and look up the particulars.

  1. New Business
    Instead of our usual meeting format in the Senior Lounge, the May 17 meeting will be in the Ann Zusy room. Sheila Brogan has organized “Age-Friendly Ridgewood” with Dr. Thomas Perls as the speaker. He is leading the world’s largest study on the longest-living people. The talk will begin at 7:00. Our meeting normally begins at 7:30, so mark your calendars!

Jack Dean has a long-time friend who runs a basketball program called “Upward” for younger special needs kids. He tracks life skills through basketball. Jack suggested that maybe we could do something as a town, possibly through the YMCA or one of the churches.

April 29 is Autism Awareness Day at Van Saun County Park.

Corinna expressed the need for evening activities for kids going to school out of the district. They get home too late for participating in afternoon games or other activities.

The Discovery program at the Metropolitan Museum was suggested.

The next meeting will be April 19, 2018 in the first-floor Seniors’ Lounge Village Hall 7:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Erica Dunckley

  • Hits: 588



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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