Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes 20180118
Ridgewood’s Access Committee
Meeting Minutes January 18, 2018
The meeting was opened at 7:45 pm.
Present: Ines Bunza, Lisa Gardner, Jacqueline Rouse, JoanneVan Sant, Jesse Schwartzman, Gail Tamirian-Mandeli, Paul Aronsohn, Nancy Reilly, Joann Stolfo, Erica Dunkley, Susan Donnelly, Amy Stoller, Susan Knudson, Robin Ritter
Item 1: Welcome Ines welcomed everyone to the meeting
Action Item: Robin Ritter motioned for approval of the November 2017 Meeting Minutes. Gail Tamirian-Mendeli seconded. Motion carried to approve the minutes of the November 2017 meeting.
Item 2: Housing
Mayor Knudson reported that approval of the housing projects will be finalized in April/May. Special needs housing will be in the form of multiple pods with one section for those who require supervision and one section for those who live independently. These housing opportunities will be located in the Sealfons building on the third floor.
Gail Tamirian-Mendeli expressed her concerns for resident’s safety in the building and around the community. She reported that the United Way had asked her for a proposal for Life Opportunity Unlimited to become the service agency and to supervise the special needs housing like a group home with staffing and programming. While LOU has since withdrew their proposal, she expressed her concerns for the safety of the residents.
Mayor Knudson responded that they will be working toward balanced independent living. The housing will be established based on the Fair Share Housing guidelines and solutions will be considered if additional assessments find more supports are needed. She is committed to have ongoing conversations with Sherry DePalma and Tom Toronto and will follow the directions of these identified professionals in this field.
It was reported that the Madeline Corporation of the United Way will be considered for selecting residents and will be the agency that provides daily living supports to the independent living group.
Item 3: Employment Overview of teleconference from November 2017. Joanne Van Sant reported that the November 16th 2017 teleconference with Dr. Erik Carter was successful. It was agreed that we should move forward with our plan to host the World Cafe Community Conversation regarding meaningful employment for the community of people who live with any variety of special needs.
The date of Monday, April 23rd 2018, 6:30-9:00 pm was selected for the event. It was decided that a subcommittee would be formed and will meet on February 5th, 3:30 in the Garden room. The subcommittee is tasked with flushing out the details of place, invite list and event logistics.
It was discussed to invite Brian Ftizgibbons as the event facilitator. Paul Aronsohn had agreed to approach Brian regarding his participation.
Action Items: The World Cafe subcommittee will meet on February 5th and report back to this committee at the February 15th meeting. Paul Aronsohn will contact Brian Fitsgibbons.
Item 4: New Business No new business
Item 5: Old Business No old business
Respectfully submitted, Joanne Van Sant
The Next Meeting is February 15th, 2018 7:30pm in the first floor Senior's Lounge Village Hall
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