20200116 - Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood Community ACCESS Committee 
Meeting Minutes January 16, 2020 

The meeting was opened at 7:40pm. 
Present: Ines Bunza, Jack Dean, Susan Donnelly, Lisa Gardner, Deanna Schablik, Joanne Stolfo 
Item 1: Welcome 
Ines welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes from the November meeting were approved. 
Motion by Lisa Gardner, second by Deanna Schablik, and the motion carried. 
Item 2: Housing 
Jack Dean reported that he met a few weeks ago with Tom Toronto at the site of the future special needs apartments. They are in the process of installing the utilities. The redesign and enlarging of the elevator is taking more time. Move in dates are expected around July and August. United Way is still waiting for the building permit which has been held up in the building department at Village Hall. 
Concerns were expressed over the 30 year limitation of the lease. Parents are hoping an arrangement can be made to make sure their child isn't homeless when they are 50-60 years old. Perhaps the Village Attorney has a suggestion/advice. 
Item 3: Jim Thebery Retirement 
A party to honor Jim's retirement after 30 years of service to our special community will be held at the Fiesta on Route 17 in Rutherford Thursday, January 23 from 6pm to 10pm. All are invited to attend. 
Erica Dunckley will be looking into a gift to give Jim from the ACCESS committee. The members tonight voted to purchase a gift for Jim in the area of $100-150. 
Item 4: New Business 
Lisa Gardner showed the members the committee's balance sheet maintained by the Village. All the numbers were in order. The TD Bank $1000 donation has still not been logged into the records, but will be reflected shortly. 
The next meeting is February 20, 2020 at 7:30pm in the 1st floor Seniors' Lounge Village Hall. 

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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