20200618 - Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood's Community ACCESS Committee 
Meeting Minutes June 18, 2020 

The meeting was opened via Zoom@ 2:05 p.m. 
Present: Ines Bunza, Robin Ritter, Deanna Schablik, Susan Knudsen, Lisa Gardner, Erica Dunckley, Jack Dean, Joanne Van Sant, Jesse Schwartzman, Lori Kislevitz, Liz Dunn, Jan Philips, Sue Donnelly 
Item 1: Welcome 
Ines welcomed all to the meeting. The minutes from the November 21, 2019 were approved. 
Item 2: Finances 
Lisa discussed the difficulties our committee has had in reimbursement for ACCESS Weekend expenses from the Finance Dept. There has been confusion about the frequency with which the checks are cut. Outside vendors remit a voucher with a receipt. But they have purchase order numbers. It's not appropriate for us. Lisa commented that we should have our own form as a Ridgewood Community Foundation. Deanna also suggested sending an email to Bob Rooney and Steve Sanzari to say that we'd like clarification on when we will be reimbursed. 
Item 3: Housing 
Robin had spoken with Patrick Chieffe from United Way about the Sealfon's Building renovation for Special Needs housing. He let her know that they should be sending out the applications for the independent apartments by Sept. and the apts should be ready for occupants by the end of the year. There will be six single and two doubles apts and two 4-person group homes. The Community Care Waiver is applicable for the group homes only. The ODD is not involved with the independent apts. Two service providers for the group homes are being considered, FLC and We Focus. The selection of occupants will be by lottery. However, United Way looks for a tie within the community, such as a close family connection. 
Jack has been in communication with Tom Toronto of UW. Progress has been slow due to Covid, although they have been working everyday. There have been some structural issues. The rough plumbing is in and the floor is being put in. Probable completion will be January. The finances are still short, but Tom said the project is going through. They have been fund-raising. Occupants will be looking for jobs. That should go on an agenda. 
Susan let us know that they are working on the intersection of Franklin and Maple, which is not friendly to pedestrians, and quite dangerous as it is currently laid out. The planning board is working with the county to make a change. A plan is in the works. The Village Council will adopt an ordinance, which needs to be accepted. 

4: New Business 
ACCESS Weekend will not take place this year due to Covid but will happen next year. We discussed the possibility of having a Zoom event anyway using tablets at the group homes. Joanne Van Sant said she could use about 15 for her group homes. 

Action Items: For July meeting, let's discuss ideas on how to provide her with the devices and figure out how to use them for this year's event(s). 


The next meeting is July 16 at 2:30 via a Zoom call. Details will be provided via email.

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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