20220217 - Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood's Community ACCESS Committee 
Meeting Minutes February 17, 2022 

The ZOOM meeting opened at 2:05 p.m. 
Present: Ines Bunza, Robin Ritter, Jan Philips, Lisa Gardner, Joanne Stolfo, Deanna Schablik, Lisa Trent, Marianny Fermin-Cornelio, Jim Theberry, Siobhan Crann Winograd, Erica Dunckley 
Item 1: Welcome 
Ines welcomed everyone to the meeting. 
Item 2a: Special Needs Housing 
In the new housing, Ridgewood Commons, most of the tenants are now moved in. Kudos to United Way/Madeline Partners for creating such a wonderful space for our population. 
Ines presented the idea of having the Ridgewood police meet with our Ridgewood Common residents and explain certain situations and emergencies so they would know what actions to take. Jan mentioned that our Police Chief, Jackie Luthcke, does this at Ridge Crest; in Allendale they also do this on a regular basis. 
Jim brought up the topic of the intersection at Franklin/Maple and how dangerous it is for pedestrians. We all agreed that this needs to be addressed, and soon, as it is one block away from the new building! He suggested a field trip on possibly a monthly basis in order to reinforce safe practices. Lisa Trent suggested that all the lights turn red at the same time; all cars will stop and pedestrians can then cross. 
Item 2b: Master Plan 
We were happy to hear that our special needs villagers were included in the development of the Master Plan for the village. Ines, Robin and Mayor Knudsen attended the Master Plan Team meeting on Feb. 15, as did an architectural group who expressed concern for our population and for our seniors regarding crossing safety and traffic issues. Robin said it seemed like they were really focusing on that and that their needs were heard. The train station was discussed, as well as housing, employment and transportation. Marianny was asked if the Board of Health had had any input but she was not aware of any. The Pedestrian Safety Committee did have input however. 
Item 3: Treasurer's Report 
Lisa Gardner said that no checks have been paid, nor have any funds been received. She has not received any recent P&L statement nor any balance sheets. 
Item 4: Old Business 
Jan expressed frustration that the minutes from our ACCESS meetings still are not posted on the Village website. She has asked several times for this to happen, and noted that we are the only Village committee whose minutes are not posted there. Robin and Ines indicated that other committees do not have their minutes posted on the Village website. 

Item 5: New Business 
Siobhan brought up the important issue of the Village Council meetings being exclusively in-person, instead of hybrid which they had been last year until the summer. She has not been able to get it on the agenda for the Council meetings. She said that this is something that should 
be voted on by the Council, as it is a Council of equals. The reasons for not going back to hybrid have not been stated. Siobhan noted that when the meetings reverted to in-person only from hybrid last summer, attendance dropped off dramatically, from 100 to just 10 people attending in person. Couples who work and have young children, people for whom accessibility is an issue, such as those who have trouble getting around physically or don't drive at night, or those who must travel for work or who work nights are not able to attend these meetings. When more people can attend, our village gains from a greater number of perspectives and ideas. 
The next Village Council meeting is Feb. 23. 
The meeting adjourned at 3:05. The next ACCESS meeting will be Thurs. March 17 via ZOOM. Time TBD. 
Below are the responses from the ACCESS Committee Council Liaison, Mayor Susan Knudsen, who was unable to attend the meeting. 
Siobhan brought up the important issue of the Village Council meetings being exclusively in person, instead of hybrid which they had been last year until the summer* Village Council NEVER held hybrid meetings 
She has not been able to get it on the agenda for the Council meetings* Residents to do not create or participate in the setting of an agenda - the item was on several agendas in the summer of 2021 
She said that this is something that should be voted on by the Council, as it is a Council of equals* VC doesn't add every item to the public meeting agenda if there's no support 
The reasons for not going back to hybrid have not been stated* again, VC never held hybrid meetings 
Siobhan noted that when the meetings reverted to in-person only from hybrid last summer, attendance dropped off dramatically, from 100 to just 10 people attending in person* There is no basis for the 100 to 10 attendance number provided by the individual - the number appears to be purely speculative and is not supported by VoR 
Couples who work and have young children, people for whom accessibility is an issue, such as those who have trouble getting around physically or don't drive at night, or those who must travel for work or who work nights are not able to attend these meetings. When more people can attend, our village gains from a greater number of perspectives and ideas. Village Council meetings are broadcast streamed live and available via Youtube: ideas and perspectives are easily shared via email, Village Hall is ADA compliant and fully accessible. 

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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