20220630 - Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes

ACCESS for ALL Committee

Meeting Minutes June 30, 2022


The Zoom meeting opened at 2:03 p.m.


Present: Robin Ritter, Mayor Susan Knudsen, Lisa Gardner, Joanne Stolfo, Ashley Loria, Deanna Schablik, Caroline Meier, Erica Dunckley


Item 1: Welcome

Robin welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes from the April meeting were approved. Motion by Erica, seconded by Ashley and motion carried.


Item 2: Employment

Following up on the discussion at April’s meeting regarding available storefront space for a bakery to employ our special population, Susan found a possible shared space on So. Broad St. She contacted Bill Gilsenan and John Saraceno but hadn’t yet heard back from them. There are also a few other empty spaces but a kitchen would have to be added. She is continuing to look.


Item 3: ACCESS Weekend - Oct. 7-9

Deanna spoke about her senior folks who, due to Covid restrictions, have only listened to presentations the last 2 years. She came up with an idea for participatory GAMES - fun, memory- games to get them involved. She envisions game tables on the patio.


The Community Fair will be held on Sat.


Robin commented on the popularity of the fashion show videos and how many of the participants are more comfortable modeling in their homes, rather than on the stage. Caroline agreed but also mentioned that it can be a positive thing for certain models to stretch themselves by doing it in person. So it was decided to make it a hybrid event.


Robin asked if we will have entertainers too - musicians? She will reach out to Karen who created a video this past spring.


Food - we will return to the outdoor patio and approach our past vendors and explore new options as well, such as World Flats, Piccolo Bistro whose new owners grew up in Ridgewood. The restaurants have had challenges with staffing and costs so we will keep that in mind when approaching them for food donations.


Banks - Lisa will visit her banks this month.


Item 4: New Business

Susan completed the $20K the ROID grant writing.

Caroline expressed gratitude for the Spec Wired program at the Stable.


5. Old Business - there were no items presented this month.


Joanne Stolfo announced that her daughter Diana and her partner, Matthew celebrated their relationship with a commitment ceremony. Very exciting news!




6. Public Comment

Jan Philips

Village of Ridgewood Ordinance 3533, created the Ridgewood Community Action Network (May 11, 2016) as a standing committee- it established the Committee's purpose and defined the committee's organization: Chairperson, VP, Council Liaison, staff Liaison and defined membership (Open membership to anyone who wants to participate). This information is on the Village of Ridgewood Website:



Resolution 22-102 established Guidelines for Purpose and Terms of Members for Ridgewood Community Action Network (ACCESS)

                22-103 Appoint Members to Ridgewood ACCESS. Jan questioned the legality of Resolution 22-102/103 replacing Ordinance 3533 which established purpose & organizational guidelines.


Resolution 22-102/103 further creates a treasurer for a Village standing Committee; Jan questioned this standing Committee's ability to receive budget funds from the Village.


Additionally, the Resolution appointed members to the Committee without their knowledge/consent. Jan questioned what would be the impact of Ordinance 3907 which established an absence policy for volunteers serving on Ridgewood Boards, Committees and Commissions. If appointed committee members do not know they have been obligated to attend, the quorum count impacts the effective committee process. Karen Sheehy, Joanne Van Sant and Jack Dean are not certain that they are on the committee. Mayor Knudsen said she would reach out to them.


Mayor Knudsen spoke about her talks with John Saraceno to create job opportunities for people with disabilities. Jan mentioned that she has repeatedly suggested this Committee think outside the box, step aside from the second hand clothing store-concept for jobs. More than once, she has reminded the committee that Rev. Dr. Joanne Van Sant organized a career/job networking program with the former Community Relations Advisory Board and at that time, various shop owners and businesses came forward with experiences and opportunities. 

Jan gave a current example of this with Gail Mandeli, a resident and business owner, who approached a local cafe and successfully, networked a job for one of her residents.


The meeting adjourned at 2:36 p.m.


The next ACCESS Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, July 28th at 2:00 p.m. via ZOOM.


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