20150930 Village Council Public Work Session




Mayor Aronsohn called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.  At roll call, the following were present:  Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon and Mayor Aronsohn.  Also present were Roberta Sonenfeld, Village Manager; Heather Mailander, Village Clerk; and Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney.  Mayor Aronsohn led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and asked for a moment of silence in honor of the American men and women serving in our Armed Forces, as well as those serving as first responders.


Mayor Aronsohn asked if there were any comments or questions from the public. 

Anne Loving, 342 South Irving Street, thanked Matt Rogers, the Borough Attorney for taking on the job of amending the Village Code, which was recently announced.  Ms. Loving spoke about the ordinance pertaining to the hiring of individuals at a salary higher than the base salary, which is required by the Village ordinances.  She referred to a recent article in the Ridgewood News where the Village Manager indicated that if an ordinance is outdated; it is fixed, not ignored.  Ms. Loving said that it appears to her that in this case, an ordinance is simply ignored. 

Marcia Ringel, 250 Ferris Place, said that she was confused, when at about 6:00 P.M. she went online to review the agenda for tonight’s meeting.  One link indicated that the Ridgewood Baseball Softball Association (RBSA) donation was on the agenda, and the other link did not have it listed.  One of the links did not include information about the Special Public Meeting, and she asked if someone could double check that the agendas are being correctly posted on the Village website.  Ms. Ringel pointed out that this is a very important meeting, and there is nothing on the first page of the agenda that would indicate that fact. 



a.                Award of Contract - Rental of 1057 Hillcrest Road

Ms. Sonenfeld stated that this is an exciting public/private partnership and she thanked Janet Fricke for all the work she has done on this matter.  Ms. Sonenfeld introduced Ms. Fricke who would provide more details of this program. 

Janet Fricke, Assistant to the Village Manager, explained that the residential tenants who have occupied the house at 1057 Hillcrest Road, located on the Irene Habernickel Family Park for the last ten years, have decided to leave.  The Village took the opportunity to re-evaluate the situation, and consulted a real estate broker.  The real estate broker conducted a baseline evaluation, and advised the Village that rent should be set at a monthly amount of $3,700.  The house was advertised for rent at this amount several times on the New Jersey Multiple Listing Service, and there were several open houses.  Ms. Fricke stated that only one bid was picked up, but nothing was submitted.  The Village took the opportunity to use the time to perform some maintenance and repairs to the house.   

In August, Ms. Fricke learned of a program looking for a home that would probably work well within this structure.  A bid was put out for a nutrition and outdoor recreation program, and a submission was received which met all of the Village’s requirements.  The real estate broker was consulted again to make sure that the correct amount of rent was being requested for this type of activity, and he agreed that it was.  Because grant funds from Green Acres had partially funded Habernickel Park, Green Acres was consulted.  They reviewed the activity to be conducted on this property in the existing building.  They agreed that this would fit with their rules and approved the use on this property.  Ms. Fricke noted that Green Acres requested that the Village hold a public hearing on this because the use is being changed from a residential use to an educational and recreational programming use.  This hearing will be held on November 4, 2015. 

Mr. Fricke introduced Stacey Antine, the owner of the Health Barn, who distributed flyers describing the activity she would be offering as part of this program.  Ms. Fricke said that the Recreation Department has used this program as a vendor, and the Parks and Recreation Department feels that this is an opportunity to expand the program in Ridgewood.  Both the outdoor and indoor facilities at the Habernickel Park will be utilized by Health Barn.

Stacey Antine explained that she is a registered dietitian, with a Master’s Degree in Nutrition, and she has been running this program for ten years at Abma’s Farm.  She works with children ages three to fifteen.  They offer school and scout field trips, camps, school assemblies, and have a good relationship with the schools in Ridgewood.  Most of the programs are comprised of ten to twenty children, and the camps have a maximum capacity of thirty-five children.  School field trips accommodate twenty to twenty-five children, and there would never be more than two buses in the drop-off area. 

Councilwoman Knudsen asked if only one group meets per day, and Ms. Antine indicated that this is the case.  Upon questioning by Councilman Pucciarelli, Ms. Fricke confirmed that no one would be living in the house.  He commented that this program is a much better use for the house from a park perspective than a private residence.  Ms. Antine said that the house offers a better classroom space, and she intends to build out a demonstration kitchen.  She also intends to add a children’s production garden, and she noted that the park is a perfect match for the curriculum.  Councilman Sedon agreed that this is an appropriate use for the property which will be beneficial to the residents of Ridgewood. 

Mrs. Fricke noted that there is a parking lot in the rear, with 36 spaces and surrounding sidewalks.  Councilwoman Knudsen said it would be helpful to see the class schedule in order to know what the anticipated traffic would be.  She also agreed that this is a good match between this program and the park. 


At 7:47 P.M., Councilman Pucciarelli made a motion to suspend the Regular Work Session and convene a Special Public Meeting.  Councilwoman Knudson seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None

At 12:52 A.M. on October 1, 2015, the Village Council reconvened the Regular Work Session.


Ms. Sonenfeld stated that Desman Design Management will be making a presentation to the Village at the October 7, 2015 Work Session.  They will submit preliminary drawings regarding the Hudson Street Parking deck. 

Ms. Sonenfeld announced that also at the October 7, 2015 Work Session, Village staff will present an updated plan for the Schedler property.  The RBSA gift request will also be on the agenda.  A public hearing is scheduled for October 14, 2015, relative to the grant application for the Schedler property. 

Ms. Sonenfeld stated that “Meet the Manager” is scheduled for Saturday, October 17, 2015 from 9:00 A.M. until noon.


Library – Councilman Pucciarelli reminded everyone of the “Mad Men” fund raising event for the Library on October 17, 2015. 

Good Life Ridgewood Health Festival – Councilwoman Hauck reported that the Good Life Ridgewood Health Festival will be held on Sunday, October 4th, rain or shine.  She added that a lot of time and effort has gone into this event, including assistance to promote health related businesses in Ridgewood.

Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee (REAC) – Councilman Sedon reported that REAC has partnered with the Bergen/Passaic Native Plant Society.  There was a speaker at the


Library last night, Christina Chrobokowa, who is the owner of Dragonfly Design.  Ms. Chrobokowa gave a presentation on planting native plants to help reduce water use.    

Councilwoman Hauck stated that Councilman Pucciarelli lead a Central Business District Parking Forum on Wednesday, which was extremely informative.  She was disappointed that only ten members of the public attended this meeting relative to a topic that is so important to the Village.  This highlights the fact that people don’t seem to be interested in these presentations and discussions until the item is almost over.  Councilwoman Hauck commented that the public could be better informed if they attended these meetings.


Mayor Aronsohn stated they would again have comments from the public, and asked anyone wishing to address the Village Council to come forward.

Boyd Loving, 342 South Irving Street, stated that a question was raised earlier this evening about why Village Hall was chosen as a venue for tonight’s meeting instead of the High School.  The answer was because a live broadcast of the hearing can only be done from the Village Hall.  Ms. Reynolds pointed out that there was live television when the Valley Hospital hearings were on-going several years ago. 

Melinda Carley, 139 Richards Road, referred to the meeting on the parking garage, and said that if she had been aware of this meeting she would have been there.  She asked if there was a transcript available.  Councilman Pucciarelli said that there are no transcripts or audio of the meeting available due to the expense.  There was no formal procedure, and the audience was encouraged to speak.  There will be more meetings, as this is a work in progress, and the architects/engineers for the Hudson Street parking garage will be giving more details as time goes on.  She asked how to find out about further meetings, and Councilman Pucciarelli said that there is information on the website, and he makes announcements at Village Council meetings.  The next meeting is Monday, October 26th, 2015, at 7:30 P.M. for the Central Business District Forum. 

Ms. Mailander referred to Mr. Loving’s question, and explained that there was an agreement with the High School to broadcast the meetings at the time of the Valley Hospital hearings.  She is not sure if a live broadcast would be available at this time.  Ms. Sonenfeld thanked the Village staffs, who are still here at 1:00 A.M.




7.           ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Councilman Sedon, seconded by Councilman Pucciarelli, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 A.M. on October 1, 2015.




                                                                                      _________________________________                                                                                                                       Paul S. Aronsohn                                                                                                                                                      Mayor



_________________________________                                                                                                   Heather A. Mailander                                                                                                                                            Village Clerk

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