20210706 - Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of July 6.2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mayor Knudsen called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.


Reorganization of Planning Board


Administration of Oaths of Office to New Members and/or Reappointments – Mayor Knudsen administered the Oath of Office to Chief James Van Goor, Class II Member; Councilwoman Lorraine Reynolds, Class III Member; Darlene Johnson, Class IV Member, Igor Lyubarskiy, Alt. 1 Class IV Member and Sergio Alegre, Alt. 2 Class IV Member.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Chief Van Goor, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Melanie Hooban, Darlene Johnson, Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre. Also present were Richard LeBlancq, Esq., substituting for Stephen Wellinghorst, Board Attorney; Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Dianne O’Brien, Debbie Patire and Frances Barto were absent.


Election of Officers


Chairman – Richard Joel was nominated and elected as Chairman.


Vice Chairman – Dianne O’Brien was nominated and elected as Vice Chairman.


Board Attorney – Appointment and Resolution of Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., for the year July 6, 2021 through June 30, 2022 was adopted.


Alternate Counsel Appointment and resolution of Glenn Kienz of Weiner Law Group, LLP as Alternate Counsel for the year July 6, 2021 through June 30, 2022 was adopted.


Planner – Appointment and resolution of Maryann Bucci-Carter and Peter Van Den Kooy of CME Associates, Consulting and Municipal Engineers as Planners for the Planning Board for the year July 6, 2021 - June 30, 2022 was adopted.


Conflict Planner – Appointment and resolution of Elizabeth McManus of Kyle + McManus Associates, as Conflict Planner for the Planning Board for the year July 6, 2021 - June 30, 2022 was adopted.


Site Plan/Subdivision Review Committee – Mayor Knudsen, Ms. Johnson and Mr. Alegre were appointed to this committee.


Site Plan Exemption Committee – Chief Van Goor was appointed to this committee.


Master Plan Reexamination Committee – Mayor Knudsen, Ms. Hooban, Ms. O’Brien, Mr. Joel were appointed to this committee.


Historic Preservation Commission –  Ms. O’Brien was appointed to this committee.


Open Space Committee – Ms. Barto was appointed to this committee.


Resolution re: Compliance with the Requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act. The resolution was adopted.


Reorganization portion of the meeting was closed. Regular Meeting was called to order.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Mayor Knudsen announced that a discussion regarding the Master Plan professional services was added to the agenda.


Mayor Knudsen said that the Historic Preservation Commission meetings should begin again in September.


Correspondence Received by the Board – There was none.


Historic Preservation Commission reviews:

  1. Piero Gabucci, Architect, Visions Federal Credit Union, 179 E. Ridgewood Avenue – proposed storefront and signage – Mr. Gabucci was present and presented the proposed improvements at 179 E. Ridgewood Avenue for Visions Federal Credit Union. Board members commented that it was a more modern look. The proposed sign would be backlit. Board members recommended approval of the changes as proposed.


  1. Town Home, 171 E. Ridgewood Avenue – proposed sign. There was no representative for the applicant to present the sign. The Board reviewed the sign and recommended approval as shown on the submitted documents.


Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, Block 3106, Lots 20.01 and 20.02 – Application for Amended Major Subdivision approval, related variances and proposed easement. (Continued from May 18, 2021 and carried from June 15, 2021 without further notice and without prejudice to the Board) David Rutherford, Esq., reviewed the list of exhibits. Rafael Corbalan, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue.


Tibor Latincsics, engineer, previously sworn, testified regarding the recent exhibits, showing the proposed construction for Lot 20.01, and comparing the changes made to what was originally approved and what was previously proposed.


Photo of the tree on Lot 17 was shown and marked as Exhibit A-16. A survey from 1/29/2018, provided by Marylou Posten, was marked as Exhibit A-17.


Board members asked about the driveway and if it would be better to taper the driveway. Board members had questions about the setback of the proposed house on Lot 20.01. Mr. Latincsics said it had a front yard setback of 60 feet. Board members had concerns that the street scape is disrupted by having a home set back so much farther than others along the street. Board members asked why the existing home was not being preserved.


Mr. Rutherford referred to the 2018 resolution where it states that the existing home would remain. There was further discussion with the Board regarding the resolution and what were considered conditions of the approval. Mr. LeBlancq said it would require further research and Mr. Rutherford said he would look into that and that they would look at the setback of the proposed house for Lot 20.01.


Board members had more questions for Mr. Latincsics. Ms. Bucci-Carter asked that architectural plans be shown.  Mr. Rutherford said that this application regarded a subdivision, not a site plan. Ms. Bucci-Carter said that variances were granted for the original application based on what was presented.


Fran Monton, 323 E. Glen Avenue, asked when the existing house could be demolished as it is an eyesore.


Marylou Posten, 418 Sterling Place, asked about discussion regarding tapering of the driveway and was concerned that there would be damage to the tree on her property. There was discussion as to how the driveway could be tapered without risk to the tree.


Joe Tasko, 132 Sunset Avenue, owner of the property, was sworn. Mr. Tasko testified that the existing house on Lot 20.01 cannot be salvaged. Mr. Tasko stated that he secured the home earlier in the day.


Mr. Rutherford will prepare a legal memorandum outlining the applicant’s position on the various conditions in the resolutions and Mr. Latincsics will address the Board members concerns on the dwelling on Lot 20.01 and the driveway.


Rafael Corbalan, Esq., commented that a condition of approval for a renewed access and easement agreement between the properties that are a part of this driveway addressing concerns regarding snow and leaf removal, utilities, needs to be addressed in a written agreement.

Mr. Rutherford agreed that a revised easement agreement would be needed due to the addition of Lot 20.02. Mr. Rutherford asked the Board if they would consider any approvals at this time for Lot 20.02, to bifurcate the application. Mr. Joel said the Board will wait to consider that request.


The hearing was carried to August 17, 2017 without further notice and without prejudice to the Board.


Discussion re: proposed Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code to modify allowed fence heights for residential uses – Mayor Knudsen explained that this ordinance is being revisited because residents have expressed the desire to have a six-foot fence for different reasons and it is only permitted if they have a pool or abut a commercial property. Residents have felt that it was unfair that you could only have a higher fence if you have a pool and would need to take it down if the pool was demolished. There are other reasons that residents would want six-foot fences. Ms. Bucci-Carter commented that it is difficult to enforce the removal of a six-foot fence when a pool is removed. Ms. Bucci-Carter said the amendment would allow a six-foot fence, with the uppermost foot required to be 50% open, and allowing this for everyone in the rear and side yard, and a four-foot fence being permitted in the front yard. There was Board discussion regarding this and the matter will be discussed further at the next meeting.


Discussion re: Planning Services for Master Plan Update – Mayor Knudsen said the Master Plan Committee met with two professional planners, CME Associates and Heyer, Gruel and Associates. Mayor Knudsen said that after discussion, the Committee recommends that the Council retain Heyer, Gruel and Associates.


Approval of minutes – The minutes from May 18, 2021 were approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Jane Wondergem

                                                                        Board Secretary


Date Approved:           July 20, 2021


  • Hits: 1313


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