Village Council Public Meeting Agenda 10/14/15


                VILLAGE OF RIDGEWOOD

                   VILLAGE COUNCIL


                  OCTOBER 14, 2015

                      8:00 P.M.

1.   Call to Order - Mayor

2.   Statement of Compliance with the Open Public       Meetings Act

3.   Roll Call - Village Clerk

4.   Flag Salute and Moment of Silence

5.   Acceptance of Financial Reports

6.   Approval of Minutes

7.   Proclamations

  1. National Diabetes Awareness Month
  2. Recognize Alzheimer’s Awareness Week

8.   Presentation of Certificates of Recognition -

     Junior Baseball Champions

9. Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 5             minutes per person - 30 minutes in total)

10.  Public Hearing - Village of Ridgewood’s 2015    Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund Municipal Park   Improvement and Development Grant Application -      Schedler Park Property – Phase 1

11.  Manager's Report

12.  Village Council Reports


3507 – Amend Bond Ordinance – Change in Description and    Average Useful Life – Ridgewood Public Library

3508 – Amend Fine for CBD Employee Parking


3501 - Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic –              Prohibited Turns at Intersections – Benjamin           Franklin Middle School Drop-off

3502 – Amend Chapter 174 – Holiday Displays – Display          Regulations

3503 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Permit Fee for               Holiday Displays

3504 - Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic –              Establish Stop Sign at Stevens Avenue and             Laurel Road

3505 – Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic –              Establish Stop Sign at Morningside and                Hamilton Roads

3506- Capital Ordinance – Building Repairs to the         Traffic and Signal Building ($31,000)



15-309    Title 59 Approval – Landfill Disposal of             Solid Waste

15-310    Award Contract – Landfill Disposal of Solid               Waste

15-311    Title 59 Approval – Line Stop and Valve                   Insertion     Services

15-312    Award Contract – Line Stop and Valve                 Insertion      Services – Ridgewood Water

15-313    Title 59 Approval – Siding Repairs – Traffic              and Signal Building

15-314    Award Second Portion of Contract – Siding            Repairs – Traffic and Signal Building

15-315    Award Contract under Middlesex COOP Contract              – Mini Excavator

15-316    Award Contract under State Contract –                Equipment      and Training – Occupational                Wellness and Fitness Program – Fire                    Department

15-317    Award Contract under State Contract –                Purchase of Snow Plow and Fittings

15-318    Award Contract under State Contract – Parts               and Equipment for Traffic Signals

15-319    Award Contract under State Contract – 2016           Ford      Dump Truck – Ridgewood Water

15-320    Award Contract under State Contract – Dodge               Charger – Police Department

15-321    Award Contract under State Contract – Tandem              Axle      Trailer - OEM

15-322    Extend Contract – Operation and Maintenance               of Chestnut Street Dumpster Pad

15-323    Authorize Change Order – Lester                      Stable/Graydon     Pool ADA Ramps

15-324    Authorize Change Order – Replacement TV                   Camera for Sewer Jet Truck

15-325    Establish 2015 PILOT Fees and Guarantee Bond              for Ridgewood Senior Citizen Housing                Corporation

15-326    Approve Encroachment Agreement – 257 East           Ridgewood Avenue


15-327    Endorse Community Development Block Grant –               SHARE, Inc. – Improvements to and Generator            for 104 Cottage Place

15-328    Endorse Community Development Block Grant –               SHARE, Inc. – Improvements to and Generator            for 130 Prospect Street

15-329    Endorse Community Development Block Grant –               West      Bergen Mental Healthcare – Replacement               of Elevator at 120 Chestnut Street

15-330    Endorse Community Development Block Grant –               Housing Specialist

15-331    Endorse Community Development Block Grant –               Village of Ridgewood – Ramp to the Gate House      (1057 Hillcrest Road) – Irene Habernickel             Family Park  

15-33     2    Accept and Authorize Execution of Agreement               for Acceptance of Community Development Block        Grant – Barrier-free Ramps at The Lester              Stable

15-333    Establish Building Department Change Fund

15-334    Approve Policy - Special Service Charge for               Voluminous/Extraordinary OPRA Requests

15-335    Appointment of Planning Board Members

15-336    Appointment of Zoning Board of Adjustment            Members

15-337    Award Extraordinary Unspecifiable Contract –              Tink      Claw Bucket

15-338    Authorize Submission of Open Space,                  Recreation, Floodplain Protection, Farmland &          Historic Preservation Trust Fund Project            Application – Schedler Park Development –            Phase 1

15-339    Accept Donation – Ridgewood Baseball/Softball        Association – Grant for Schedler Park                  Property

16.  Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 5 minutes    per person)

17.  Resolution to go into Closed Session

18.  Closed Session


  1. Personnel/Contract Negotiations – Police Department
  1. Legal – COAH Litigation

19.  Adjournment

  • Hits: 3058


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