Village Council Public Meeting Agenda 20150812


                VILLAGE OF RIDGEWOOD

                   VILLAGE COUNCIL


                   AUGUST 12, 2015

                      8:00 P.M.

1.   Call to Order - Mayor

2.   Statement of Compliance with the Open Public       Meetings Act

3.   Roll Call - Village Clerk

4.   Flag Salute and Moment of Silence

5.   Acceptance of Financial Reports

6.   Approval of Minutes

7.   Proclamations

  1. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over 2015 Statewide Crackdown
  2. Declare September Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
  3. Declare September National Preparedness Month


8. Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 5 minutes     per person - 30 minutes in total)

9.   Motion to Suspend Regular Public Meeting and           Convene Special Work Session

10. Special Work Session – See Attached Agenda

11. Motion to Adjourn Special Work Session and             Reconvene Regular Public Meeting

12.  Manager's Report

13.  Village Council Reports


3494 – Amend Chapter 265 - Vehicles and Traffic – 15           Minute Parking Meter – Establishes a third

     15-minute parking meter on the east side of         North Walnut Street, closest to East Ridgewood           Avenue

3495 – Capital Ordinance – Construction of Handicapped         Ramp at Graydon Pool Parking Lot ($35,000)–         Appropriates this money for the construction of          a handicapped ramp at the Graydon Pool parking        lot. The amount appropriated will be paid back          through a Community Development Block Grant.

3496 – Amend Chapter 249 – Streets and Sidewalks -         Barricades – Establishes the use of Village         barricades in residential areas as well as in          the Central Business District for various events

3497 - Amend Chapter 145 - Fees – Establish Deposit        Fees for Use of Barricades – Establishes a             deposit fee of $125 for the use of barricades in  residential areas and $500 as a one-time fee for    the use of Village barricades by groups,            churches, and non-profits. This deposit will be          returned as long as the barricades are returned      and are not damaged. If the barricades are not           returned or are damaged, the deposit will pay           for the replacement or repair of the barricades.

3498 – Establish Policy for Maintenance of Tree Wells –    Establishes a policy whereby the owner of a          property is responsible for the maintenance of           the interior of the tree wells located in/on the      sidewalk by weeding, removing debris and           maintaining the overall clean appearance of the        tree wells

3499 – Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic –              U-Turn Prohibition and Parking Restrictions at          Willard School – Establishes no U-Turns on              portions of Morningside Road and California          Street; no parking on portions of Morningside            Road and no stopping or standing areas on               portions of Morningside Road in the area of         Willard School


3485 – Prohibit U-Turns in Various Locations in Central    Business District

3486 – Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic –              Establish Stop Signs at Westbrook Road and          Norgate Drive

3487 – Amend Chapter 265 – Additional Valet Parking        Loading Zone – Chestnut Street

3488 – Lease of 1057 Hillcrest Road





15-228    Title 59 Approval – Snowplowing Services –           Approves the plans and specifications for               Snowplowing Services (November 1, 2015                 through May 1, 2016, inclusive) in the                    Village of Ridgewood, prepared by the                Engineering Division, pursuant to Title 59

15-229    Award Contract – Snowplowing Services –                   Awards a contract to the lowest responsible            bidder, ConQuest Construction, 20 Carver               Avenue, Westwood, NJ

15-230    Award Contract – Snow Removal - Sidewalk and              Deck      Clearing Services – Awards a contract to        the lowest responsible bidder, Downes Tree               Service, Inc., 65 Royal Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ

15-231    Award Contract – Printing Services ($50,000)              – Awards a contract to Ridgewood Press, 609            Franklin Turnpike, Ridgewood, NJ. This is            necessary due to payments exceeding $17,500            with this vendor during the 2015 calendar            year.

15-232    Award Contract – Emergency Repairs of Graydon        Pool      Well (NTE $15,118.75) – Awards an                    emergency contract to Rinbrand Well Drilling              Co., Inc., 14 Waldron Avenue, Glen Rock, NJ

15-233    Award Professional Services Contract –                    Consulting Engineering Services – Ridgewood               Water (NTE $147,300) – Awards a no-bid                professional services contract to Arcadis              U.S., Inc., 17-17 Route 208 North, Fair Lawn,        NJ. The required Pay to Play forms have been        filed.

15-234    Award Professional Services Contract –                    Emergency     Laboratory Services – Water                Department (NTE $33,865) – Awards a no-bid            professional services contract to Agra                 Environmental Laboratory Services, 90½ West               Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ. The required           Pay to Play forms have been filed.

15-235    Award Professional Services Contract – Lead               and Copper and Water Quality Parameter                   Testing &      Compliance Services – Ridgewood            Water (NTE $68,100) – Awards a no-bid                   professional services contract to Agra                    Environmental Laboratory Services, 90½ West               Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ. The required           Pay to Play forms have been filed.

15-236    Award Professional Services Contract –                    Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of            Surface Water – Ridgewood Water (NTE $88,250)         – Awards a no-bid professional services                contract to Leggette, Brashears & Graham,            Inc., 600 East Crescent Avenue, Upper Saddle              River, NJ. The required Pay to Play forms             have been filed.

15-237    Title 59 Approval – Siding Repairs to Traffic        and Signal Building – Approves the plans and               specifications for Siding Repairs to the               Traffic and Signal Building, 561 Prospect           Street, Glen Rock, NJ prepared by the                Engineering Division, pursuant to Title 59

15-238    Award Partial Contract – Siding Repairs to           Traffic and Signal Building (NTE $33,478.22)           – Awards a partial contract to the lowest              responsible bidder, Stone Creek, Inc., 10            First Street, Lodi, NJ

15-239    Award Professional Services Contract –                    Maintenance Agreement for SCADA System and           Software Support (NTE $15,625) – Water                 Pollution Control Facility – Awards a                  professional services contract to Keystone           Engineering Group, 590 Lancaster Avenue,             Suite 200, Frazer, PA

15-240    Award Contract Under State Contract – Ford

          F-150 Pick-up Truck – Parking Utility (NTE           $29,335) – Awards a contract under State              contract to Winner Ford, 250 Berlin Road,            Cherry Hill, NJ

15-241    Award Contract Under State Contract –                Snowplows (NTE $9800) – Awards a contract            under State contract to Van Dine Motors,

          135 Railroad Avenue, Hackensack, NJ

15-242    Award Contract Under State Contract –                Bulletproof Vests (NTE $22,800) – Awards a             contract under State contract to Lawmen                    Police Supply - New Jersey, 7115 Airport             Highway, Pennsauken, NJ

15-243    Authorize Change Order – Emergency Service           Repair to Water Pollution Control Facility           SCADA System (NTE $3,824.58) – Authorizes a            change order to Keystone Engineering Group,               590 Lancaster Avenue, Suite 200, Frazer, PA.        This change order is necessary for the labor           effort related to troubleshooting the                   existing Thickener Feed Pump #1 and Wet Well           Pump #3 controls in the WPCF’s SCADA system.

15-244    Rescind Change Order – Benjamin Franklin             Middle School Drop-Off – Rescinds the change           order awarded to J.A. Alexander, Inc., by               Resolution #15-216 on July 15, 2015, due to             the fact that the award was erroneously made,        based on a different contractor’s prices

15-245    Authorize Change Order – Benjamin Franklin           Middle School Drop-Off (NTE $89,000) –                 Authorizes a change order to Rockborn                  Trucking and Excavation, Inc., 12 Taylor             Road, Wharton, NJ. This change order is             necessary in order to create a drop-off at              the Benjamin Franklin Middle School.

15-246    Authorize Change Order and Approve Agreement              with Washington Township – Paving – Hampshire        Road and Standish Road – Authorizes a change               order to Rockborn Trucking and Excavation,             Inc., 12 Taylor Road, Wharton, NJ. The                   change order will allow the Village’s                contract to be amended to allow for paving             both the Ridgewood and Washington Township               sides of Hampshire Road and Standish Road.             It is agreed that Washington Township will           pay an amount not to exceed $118,000 for             this change order.

15-247    Approve Shared Services Agreement – Fuel           (Ridgewood Board of Education) – Approves a           Shared Services agreement with the Ridgewood           Board of Education for the remainder of 2015              and the full calendar year of 2016 to provide        designated vehicle fueling to designated              Board of Education vehicles

15-248    Approve Membership in Middlesex Regional             Educational Services Commission Cooperative            Purchasing Program – Approves the Village’s           membership in the Middlesex Regional                 Educational Services Commission Cooperative               Purchasing Program and authorizes the Village         Manager to enter into an agreement with the           Lead Agency for said Cooperative Purchasing               Program

15-249    Establish Green Business Recognition Program              – Establishes a Green Business Program which           will be administered by the Village of                 Ridgewood Green Team and will recognize                    businesses in the Village that practice and               promote sustainable practices

15-250    Approve Renewal of Liquor License – M & C            Drugs, Inc., t/a Harding Pharmacy – Approves            the annual renewal of the liquor license held          by M & C Drugs, Inc., t/a Harding Pharmacy

15-251    Approve Annual Renewal of Liquor Licenses –               Approves the annual renewal of liquor                licenses for Ridgewood Lodge No. 1455 BPOE,             and the Upper Ridgewood Tennis Club

15-252    Approve Person to Person Liquor License                   Transfer – M& C Drugs, Inc. t/a Harding             Pharmacy to Maple Avenue Liquors, LLC –                 Approves the person to person transfer of the         liquor license held by M & C Drugs, Inc., t/a        Harding Pharmacy to Maple Avenue Liquors,            LLC. The new owner of the liquor license           will retain it in pocket status, with no            licensed premise, until such time that a             suitable location is found to site the                    license.

15-253    Authorize Execution of Settlement Agreement               with NJDEP – Authorizes the execution of the   

          Stipulation of Settlement and Withdrawal of               Request for a Hearing Agreement and                authorizes the settlement of the matter in           the amount of $55,000.00             

15-254    Hire Professional Consultant for COAH

          (NTE $2000) - Approves the payment to Dr.            Burchell as the Principal Investigator to              prepare the Burchell Fair Share                         Analysis to establish the Village of                 Ridgewood’s obligation

15-255    Award Emergency Contract – Cleaning of Water              Tanks (NTE $27,000)- Awards a contract for            emergency services to Liquid Engineering           Corporation, 7 East Airpot Road, Billings,           Montana to achieve compliance with the USEPA              and NJDEP regulations

15-256    Award Contract – Leasing and Maintenance of               Police Vehicles (NTE $30,000) – Awards the             second year of a three-year contract to                  Enterprise Fleet Management, 1550 Route 23            North, Suite 101, Wayne, NJ



15-257    Acceptance of Open Space Committee                        Recommendations Concerning the Schedler                   Property

15-258    Apply for Grant - Schedler House 

15-259   Award Contract – Financial Feasibility Study             for Hudson Street Parking Lot



17.  Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 5 minutes    per person)


19.  Adjournment

  • Hits: 3233


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