Village Council Public Work Session Agenda 20150225




FEBRUARY 25, 2015


1.         7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor

2.         Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

            Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin             board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and           time of this meeting.”

3.         Roll Call – Village Clerk

4.         Flag Salute/Moment of Silence

5.         Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)

6.         Discussion

a.         Parking

1.         Purchase of Enclosed Canisters and Transport Carts

7.         Motion to Suspend Work Session and Convene Special Public Meeting

8.         Special Public Meeting – See Attached Agenda

9.         Motion to Adjourn Special Public Meeting and Reconvene Work Session

10.       Presentation

            A. Wayfinding Signs

11.       Discussion:

            a.         Parking  

1.         Park Mobile Presentation

2.         Part-Time Central Business District Employee and Part-Time Ridgewood Commuter Proposal

            b.         Budget

            1.         Removed from Agenda

            2.         Award Contract – Pipe, Appurtenances and Service Materials

            3.         Award Contract – Purchase of Chevy Tahoe

            4.         Award Contract – SCADA System

            5.         Award Contract – Polymer for Water Pollution Control Facility

6.         Extraordinary Unspecifiable Service - Leaking Sanitary Force Main – Andover Pump Station

b.         Budget (continued)

7.         Construction Code Fee Changes

8.         Interlocal Agreement – Mechanical Maintenance and Repairs - Paramus

            c.         Operations

            1.         Streets and Sidewalks - Required Deposit & Maintenance Period

12.       Manager’s Report

13.       Council Reports

14.       Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)

15.       Resolution to go into Closed Session

16.       Closed Session

            A. Personnel – Residency Requirement

            B. Legal – Settlement Payment Authority Request; Engineering Department

17.       Adjournment

  • Hits: 1114


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