CSAC Meeting Minutes 20180920
CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sheila Brogan, Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Robert Fuhrman, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks, Jane Shinozuka, Councilman Jeffrey Voight
Others: Richard Corkery, Jane Remis, Meggan Wolf
1) Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/ Traffic Calming-- Survey work continues-- construction documents 90% done; goal is to shorten crosswalks with "bump-outs" and similar measures; CSAC re-affirmed recommendation to include bike lane in Franklin Avenue in accordance with Village's Complete Streets Policy.
2) Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/Hampshire Road--ADA-Compliant ramp scheduled for installation by October, 2018.
3) Pedestrian/Bike Safety SRTS Grants-- Some projects include: in-fill sidewalks-construction possible in 2019.
4) CBDAC-- New Master Plan will include a special CBD section.
5) CSAC By-Laws-- Comments collected on draft. Consensus to retain two year appointments to stagger terms and provide continuity; set January as the "annual meeting" with Chair selected; and, other corrections/edits. Councilman Voight will collate comments and submit a final version for CSAC review.
6) Proposed Parking At RR Station/Pedestrian Walkway-- Contract will require a bidding process based on public advertisement. Construction no sooner than Spring 2019 based on concept approved by Council. No further discussion by CSAC expected.
7) Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue-- STOP logo expected to be added along Kenilworth Road approaches. Tree branches are obscuring view of existing STOP signs and low-hanging branches along Spring Avenue impede safe pedestrian path and driver visibility.-- Engineering will request remedial action by Public Works staff.
8) Starbucks/ Jersey Mike's Driveway Turn Restrictions-- Ordinance introduced. No further discussion by CSAC expected.
9) Long-Term Programs/ Policy Discussions(On-Going)
- a) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- New and repaired sidewalks planned between Oak Street and Heights Road expected in 2019. Need for Capital Budget item to initiate concept/feasibility plan for more-challenging sections between Heights Road and Monroe Avenue.
- b) Senior Walkability Workshop/Sidewalk Condition Audit--Repairs by property owners continuing.
- c) CSAC Input to Village Master Plan Review--Councilman Voight will continue to coordinate this effort with the Task Force.
- d) Pedestrian Safety Awareness Program--- Ms..Shinozuka offered to lead this initiative. She asked for additional ideas. CSAC will ask Ms.Jeanne Johnson to offer input to Ms. Shinozuka.
1) North Hillside Place-- Mr. Corkery expressed concern regarding speeding and failing to keep right on curves along the street. He mentioned Ridge School traffic and drivers using North Hillside Place to avoid the traffic control signal at Monroe and West Glen Avenues. The speeding issues will be addressed by the Police Department. It was noted that the street was recently resurfaced and furnished with double-yellow centerlines on the curves. The experience in Ridgewood shows this traffic calming technique has effectively slowed traffic and enhanced safety. The CSAC consensus suggested watching if these measures improved the safety issues reported by Mr. Corkery.
2) Sherman Place-- Ms. Wolf described conditions along Sherman Place between Washington Place and the dead-end. Curb parking serving medical building users often hampers residents' access to driveways and narrows the travel lanes making safe use of the street problematic. Ms. Wolf asked Village staff to consider a recommendation to limit parking during weekday hours to one side (possibly alternate side). CSAC members noted the likelihood of displacing parkers to nearby streets (Garfield Place and Pomander Walk were mentioned) if parking restrictions were added to Sherman Place. As occurred in this area before, CSAC suggested including the residents of nearby areas of the potential impact if changes in parking regulations were implemented and gathering the input of nearby residents.
3) North Walnut Street-- As a follow-up to the discussion at the August 16th meeting, CSAC expressed support for the staff's recommendation for a double-yellow centerline to address the speed question raised by residents.
4) New NJ TRANSIT Bus Shelter-- A question about possibly re-routing of eastbound buses to Dayton Street from East Ridgewood Avenue was discussed as a means to reduce traffic and pedestrian/vehicle conflicts.The consensus concluded the suggestion was not practical as it would require circuitous routing, a left turn from Dayton Street at North Maple Avenue and a wide turn across opposing traffic at North Maple Avenue and East Ridgewood Avenue.
5) County Traffic Signals along Franklin Avenue-- Councilman Voight reported appearing at the September 12th Freeholder's meeting to request programming for new, modern traffic control signals along the County Road Corridor (North Maple Avenue between East RIdgewood Avenue and Franklin Avenue; Franklin Avenue between North Maple Avenue an North Broad Street). Ms. Brogan also attended. The Freeholders were reported to be polite with reserved enthusiasm for the proposal.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.
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