CSAC Meeting-- December 20, 2018-- MINUTES


CSAC Members/Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sheila Brogan, Melinda Cronk, Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Robert Fuhrman, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Martin Walker, Councilman Jeffrey Voigt

Others: Aaron Deutsch, Matt Kuiken, Andrew Kupiec, Lauren Kupiec, Chris Mehlenbacher, Jane Remis, Caitlin Schirripa, Gavin Zou



NOTE: The CSAC meeting scheduled for November 15, 2018 was cancelled due to inclement weather.


1) Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/Traffic Calming--Survey not complete. Consultant, NV5, is engaged. CSAC affirmed support for including bike lanes as part of project.

2) Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/ Hampshire Road-- Drainage work done; completion in 2019.

3) Pedestrian/ Bike Safety SRTS Grants-- NV5 examining in-fill projects. Meeting held with NJDOT--awaiting comments. Oak Street to Hillcrest Road along south side will be Village project. NJDOT denied funding for Hillcrest Road to North Monroe Street as part of the grant.

4) CBDAC-- No update to report.

5) Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue-- STOP logos to be installed by Signal Division in Spring 2019.

6) Sherman Place-- Engineering continues review of recommendations including time limit revisions.

7) North Walnut Street--Several residents requested recommendations to minimize traffic volumes and reduce vehicle speeds. Several measures were discussed as possible approaches including: a double-yellow centerline while maintaining curb parking (both traffic calming techniques); pavement markings delineating parking spaces ( a traffic calming technique): " Speed Limit XX MPH.....Your Speed Is ___MPH" signs; additional enforcement; a marked crosswalk at Robinson Lane. Residents were requested to inform Police of specific vehicles and times of travel when the speeding is most prevalent. Engineering will review possible measures with Police and report back to the CSAC when recommendations are available.

8) Grove Street-- No discussion. Item will be removed from agenda pending more information on the issue from resident.

9) Parking in ROW at RHS-- Village met with PSE&G. Village owns the property and PSE&G retains utility easement rights. Concept requires NJDEP approval to construct in a Flood Hazard Zone, vehicle barrier between ROW and HoHoKus Brook, protection of shallow underground gas mains and utility poles carrying electric transmission lines and review by PSE&G Site and Land Use Unit. The concept remains active although the cost and time to further pursue the proposal may render the concept impractical. Councilman Voigt will inform CSAC of any future movement by the Village on the concept.

10) Union Street-- Engineering will review the issues discussed at the October 18, 2018 meeting.

11) Parking Ordinance Audit-- Councilman Voigt noted the complexity of a parking audit and the effort which would be required by staff. He agreed to ask the Village Council members for an opinion on the concept of an audit. He also asked for any specific suggestions to alter ordinances be sent to Engineering which routinely reviews such matters. Pending a positive response from Council, Mr. Di Marco asked CSAC members interested in participating in a Parking Ordinance Review Task Force to volunteer at the January 17, 2019 meeting.

12) Pershing Avenue-- Engineering will examine the issues raised by Ms. Spino at the October 18, 2018 meeting. Consideration will include additional signage, pavement markings and warning devices.

13) CSAC Agendas/ Meeting Minutes-- The Village website now contains this information from 2018. Earlier records from 2015, 2016 and 2017 are available from Mr. Di Marco.

14) Long-Term Programs/Policy Discussions(On-Going)
a) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks--See Item 3 under OLD BUSINESS.
b) CSAC Input To Village Master Plan-- Ms. Bamberg, Ms. Remis and Mr. Di Marco attended the November 5, 2018 briefing on the " Our Village, Our Future" visioning project. Mr. Di Marco distributed information on the process and referred all to http://www.visionridgewood.org for more information and access to the community input questionnaire. All residents are encouraged to participate. Beth Abbott of Age-Friendly Ridgewood prepared an e-mail on the visioning project which was sent to all CSAC members on December 21, 2018 by Mr. Di Marco.
c) Pedestrian Safety Awareness Program--See Item 2 under NEW BUSINESS.



1) Glenwood Road/ Upper Boulevard-- STOP sign enforcement concerns referred to Police.

2) Safe Streets Action Task Force-- CSAC endorsed the proposal to HSA to fund a new " Stop/ Look/ Wave...." campaign. Councilman Voigt will relay the CSAC position to the Village Council. Task Force members need to be confirmed-- Ms. Bamberg? Ms. Shinozuka? also Ms.Johnson? Ms. Remis?

3) Mr. Di Marco noted the CSAC's recently-adopted By-Laws require selection of a Chair at the January meeting from among the seven appointed members. A secret ballot can be used or any other method agreed to by the members. A Vice Chair to conduct the meetings in the Chair's absence and a Secretary may also be appointed. Additionally, the 2019 schedule of meetings will be determined (the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall) and published on the Village website.


NEXT MEETING: Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.



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