CSAC Meeting Minutes 20190221 - Revised

Revisions shown in {BOLD ITALICS}

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From: csdimarco@verizon.net <csdimarco@verizon.net>

To: Sue&Charley Di Marco <csdimarco@verizon.net>

Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019, 4:23:04 PM EST

Subject: Fw: CSAC Meeting-- February 21, 2019-- MINUTES

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From: csdimarco@verizon.net <csdimarco@verizon.net>

To: Jeff Voigt <jvoigt@ridgewoodnj.net>; Beth Spinato <bspinato@ridgewoodnj.net>; Melinda Cronk <dougandmelindacronk@gmail.com>; 'Brian Pullman' <bpullman@ridgewoodnj.net>; Robert Fuhrman <bobf49@optonline.net>; Anastasia Bamberg <abamberg@gmail.com>; Sheila Brogan <smbrogan@aol.com>; Joyce Docktor <jdocktor@gardenstatesecurities.com>; Barbara Sacks <citymanagernj@aol.com>; Jane Shinozuka <mj@shino.us>; Raymond Tarino <rtarino@ridgewoodnj.net>; Martin Walker <walkerdoc@aol.com>; Jacqueline Luthcke <jluthcke@ridgewoodnj.net>; John Chuck <jchuck@ridgewoodnj.net>; Christopher Rutishauser <crutishauser@ridgewoodnj.net>

Cc: Dylan Hansen <dhansen@ridgewoodnj.net>; Mishi Deo <mdeo@ridgewoodnj.net>; Heather Mailander <hmailander@ridgewoodnj.net>

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019, 3:52:15 PM EST

Subject: CSAC Meeting-- February 21, 2019-- MINUTES


CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Sheila Brogan, Melinda Cronk, Charles S. Di Marco, Robert Fuhrman, Barbara Sacks, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Councilman Jeffrey Voigt

Others: None



1)  Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/ Traffic Calming-- Village staff met with Bergen County Engineering on February 8, 2019.  County is preparing a draft plan to include a Corridor improvement between East Ridgewood Avenue/ North Maple Avenue and Franklin Avenue between East Ridgewood Avenue and North Broad Street. Topographic survey is complete.

2)  Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/ Hampshire Road-- No changes to report.

3)  Pedestrian/ Bike Safety SRTS Grants-- NJDOT comments received- not yet reviewed by Engineering.

4)  CBDAC-- Village Council will consider any CBDAC recommendations regarding modifications to specific parking regulations as suggested at January 17, 2019 CSAC meeting. Ms. Shinozuka, CSAC liaison with CBDAC, to coordinate and handle.

5)  Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue-- No changes to report-- awaiting suitable weather to install STOP Logo.

6)  Sherman Place--Sgt. Chuck and Engineering will attend next Village Council workshop meeting to discuss issues and any recommendations.

7)  North Walnut Street-- Under review as noted at December 20, 2018 meeting.

8)  Union Street-- Engineering to review October 18, 2018 recommendations.

9)  Parking Ordinance Audit-- See ITEM 4 above.

10) Pershing Avenue-- Engineering to review comments at October 18, 2018 meeting.

11) Pedestrian Safety Awareness Program-- HSA grant approved according to Ms. Cronk. Task Force to proceed.

12) Starbucks Driveway--  Two-Lane exit furnished with a single " ARROW (to right) ONLY' sign (MUTCD R 3-5R) which could be misinterpreted as applying to right lane only. Suggest replacing this sign with two, "NO LEFT TURN" ( MUTCD R 3-2 ) signs posted adjacent to each exit lane near sidewalk. Engineering to review.

13) Hope Street/ Gilbert Street-- Engineering reports no crashes and no warrants to change current traffic control devices.

14) Long-Term Programs/Policy Discussions (On-Going)

   a) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Oak Street-Hillcrest Road segment along south curb scheduled for construction in 2019. Hillcrest Road/ North Monroe Street needs Capital Budget Item to initiate concept study.

   b) Village Master Plan/ CSAC Input-- Councilman Voigt has received no response from Visioning consultant, NV5. He will follow-up and try to schedule NV5 appearance at next CSAC meeting.


1)  Mr. Di Marco reminded members of the NJ Bike/ Walk Summit scheduled for February 23, 2019-- Seminar Flyer was included with the CSAC agenda.

2)  Ms. Sacks discussed potential {positive} safety aspects of permitting "back-in" parking at angle spaces which has been prohibited within the Village in the past. Mr. Rutishauser noted a change in the ordinance about two years ago which now permits "back-in " parking.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room At Village Hall.

  • Hits: 1650


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