Open Space Committee

    Did you know that open spaces (and especially green open spaces) have a strong impact on suburban economies?  Open space enhances the value of nearby property and makes the community more attractive overall as a place to live and work.  Our vision, therefore, is to ensure that Ridgewood achieves the right balance between a vibrant economy, recreational areas, and preservation of our ecological resources, history and cultural assets.

    Goals of the Open Space Program

    • Identify properties the Village of Ridgewood may acquire or maintain as open space and advise the Village Council as to necessary funding
    • Assist and advise the Planning Board in preparing the Open Space and Recreation Plan as it relates to the Village Master Plan
    • Encourage the public’s understanding as to why open space is important and to build support within Ridgewood organizations for an Open Space Preservation Program
    • Make recommendations consistent with the Municipal Open Space, Recreation, Floodplain Protection, Farmland and Historic Preservation Act, N.J.S.A. 40:12-15.1 et seq. and the purposes of the original Village Ordinance No. 2773; and
    • Coordinate with similar committees in neighboring communities.

    Committee Members

    Nancy Bigos (Village Staff Member) 
    Frances Barto (Planning Board liaison)
    James Bostler (Secretary)
    Ralph Currey (Chair)
    Fred Jubitz
    Robert Lasky (Fields Committee liaison)
    Pamela Perron (Village Council liaison) 
    David Sayles (Parks and Recreation Conservation Board liaison)
    Yu Sun

    Please share your ideas with the Open Space Committee at: or (201) 670-5500, ext. 3110


    The Open Space Committee meets remotely via Zoom on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  Visitors are welcome.  Please contact the Open Space Committee at the above e-mail address with any questions or concerns regarding your participation in our meetings.

    A Brief History

    In November 2001, Ridgewood residents voted to approve a supplemental real estate tax of ½ of one cent per $100 of assessed property value (~$40 a year for the average home) to fund the preservation and acquisition of open space in the Village.  The Ridgewood Village Council created the Open Space, Recreation, Farmland and Historic Preservation Committee in January 2002, which has been instrumental in the acquisition of active and passive recreational areas for residents, e.g., Habernickel Family Park, the Schedler property, and the expansion of Citizens’ Park.  The Open Space Committee continues to monitor properties and address funding in pursuit of its mission.

    Additional Links to Information

    Visit for rotating highlights and videos of each of our open spaces.


    If you have any trouble with accessing information contained within this website, please contact the MIS Department - 201-670-5500 x2222 or by email
