This 4-day multi-sport camp for students in Grades 1-7, will be held Monday through Thursday, April 9 through 12. It offers a half-day session from 9 am to 12 pm ($145) or a full-day session from 9 am to 3 pm ($170). Rain make up will be Friday, April 13th if needed.
Introductory classes provide fundamentals of each game, teaching skills that increase in difficulty as the players progress, with the promotion of teamwork, spirit, respect, fair play and much fun. Sports include golf, tennis, cheeerleading, flag football, floor hockey, lacrosse, ultimate frisbee and volleyball. Activities are held at Maple Park, Leuning Park, the Hockey Rink and Graydon Pool (check-in at Maple Park each morning).
Registration can be made online at CommunityPass,, or in person/by mail to the Stable, 259 N. Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450.