20170926 Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes



Meeting Minutes

SEPTEMBER 26, 2017




The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood was called to order at 7:38 p.m.


Present:       Hans Lehmann, Gary Negrycz, Diana Ruhl, Alyssa Matthews, Greg Brown, Ines Bunza, Isaac Lebow and Jonathan Papietro. Also present were Bruce Whitaker, Esq., Board Attorney; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Brigette Bogart, Village Planner; John Jahr, Traffic Consultant for the Board and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.


Absent: Sergio Alegre


Non-agenda items:

            Board member comments: There were no comments at this time.

            Members of the public comments: There were no comments at this time.

Public hearings


Chairman Lehmann announced that the following applications were carried to October 10, 2017 without further notice:

            Michael Coniff and Amy Dombach, 215 Kenilworth Road

            Michael and Tara Saraceno, 285 South Pleasant Avenue

            Richard Purington and Ann Dickinson, 151 Grant Street


Old Business:

PANICO – A request that the approval of variances for the property located at 152 Valley View Avenue be extended for a period of one year, through September 22, 2018. Chairman Lehmann made a motion to approve, Ms. Ruhl seconded, and all Board members voted yes.

657 RIDGEWOOD LLC – An application for amended preliminary and final site plan approval with use and bulk variances in order to construct a quick service restaurant with drive-thru service and gasoline refueling operation at 657 Franklin Turnpike, Block 4703, Lot 14, in an OB-2 zone. John Marmora, Esq., was present on behalf of the applicant and Robert Inglima, Esq., was present for the objectors. Mr. Marmora stated that they had met with Ms. Bogart and Mr. Jahr and briefly described some of the revisions made to the site plan.

John Palus, previously sworn civil engineer, explained the revisions to the site plan, which was marked as Exhibit A-14. Mr. Palus addressed the issues in the report from Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer. Mr. Rutishauser referred to correspondence regarding site remediation and Mr. Marmora said that the applicant would do whatever is required of them. Board members asked for clarification regarding the width of the sidewalk, Mr. Palus explained that it is code and ADA compliant.

Nicholas Verderese, previously sworn traffic engineer, testified regarding the additional counts which were done and the revised parking and circulation. John Jahr, traffic expert for the Board, was sworn. Mr. Jahr commented that the applicant addressed the Board members concerns and that the changes on the site would be a benefit to the community.

The Board members had questions regarding the revisions, traffic counts and peak hour traffic and pedestrian safety. Board members had questions about the number of parking spaces and the number of tables and seats. Mr. Verderese explained how they collect the data and compare with other locations.

Ms. Bogart asked about relocating the door to help with the issue of ADA access. There was discussion about the ramp and relocating the ADA parking space. Mr. Verderese and Mr. Palus agreed that the parking space could be relocated.

John McDonough was sworn and accepted as a Professional Planner. Mr. McDonough showed aerial photos and photos of the existing site which was marked as Exhibit A-15. Mr. McDonough testified regarding the variances being requested and the positive criteria. Elevation drawings were shown and marked as Exhibit A-16 and Exhibit A-17. Board members had questions regarding the necessity of the second sign and they agreed to remove that sign. Mr. Rutishauser asked about the landscaping and Board members asked if there could have more green. Mr. Marmora said they would submit a landscape plan subject to Board approval.

Brigette Bogart, Village Planner, was sworn. Ms. Bogart testified as per her review of the application. Ms. Bogart said that some parking spaces could be identified as green to reduce the impervious coverage and be used as additional parking spaces in the future if needed. Ms. Bogart explained that she and Mr. Jahr had met with the applicant’s professionals and they have addressed the Board’s concerns.

Board members expressed concern over the increase in impervious coverage. Mr. Marmora stated that the applicant would consider trading a parking space for some green area.

Robert Inglima, Jr., representing Bergen Convenience Flagship, Inc., said he had no questions but said that his client was in favor of the revisions and that the issues had been resolved.

There were no other public questions or comments.

Mr. Whitaker clarified the stipulations and what will be in the resolution and addressed the issues regarding the landscaping and the parking spaces.

Mr. Marmora made closing comments. Following Board deliberation Mr. Brown made a motion to approve the proposed improvements with the discussed stipulations, Ms. Matthews seconded, and 5 members voted yes, 2 voted against.


Chairman Lehmann made a motion to have the landscape plan show a reduction in the parking to 10 spaces to add landscaping, Ms. Matthews seconded, and 6 members voted yes, one voted against.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:37 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary

Date Approved:        November 14, 2017

  • Hits: 676


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