20210608 - Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes



Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2021




The virtual public meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood was called to order at 7:34 p.m.


Present:  Sergio Alegre, Greg Brown, Gary Negrycz, Diana Ruhl, Isaac Brown, Jonathan Papietro, Matthew Bandelt, Daniel Perlman and Michael Pickholz. Also present were Bruce Whitaker, Board Attorney; and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. 


Approval of Minutes: The minutes from April 27, 2021 were adopted.


Non-agenda items:


Members of the public comments: There were no comments at this time. 


Board member comments: Meetings will be held in the Village Hall Courtroom starting in July.


Public Hearings:


Chairman Alegre announced that the Katzevich, 244 Ackerman Avenue, application was carried to July 13, 2021 without further notice; and the Reynolds, 128-130 Ackerman Avenue, application was carried to July 13, 2021 without further notice.


New Business:


SHAWN and JILL BRUNO – An application to permit the construction of a two story addition which would result in a side yard setback of 12.7 feet where 17.64 feet is required; a rear yard setback of  27.8 feet where 30 feet is required; and for the construction of a two story and second story addition which would result in a side yard setback of 12.2 feet where 17.64 feet is required; and a rear yard setback of 27.7 feet where 30 feet is required; and to widen the driveway to 25.7 feet where 15 feet is permitted at 384 Beveridge Road, Block 1303, Lot 6, in an R-1 Zone.


Shawn and Jill Bruno were sworn.


Kiersten Osterkorn was sworn and her credentials as a professional engineer and planner were accepted. Ms. Osterkorn shared her screen and testified as to the existing conditions as per the survey, and described the lot and the existing non-conformities. Ms. Osterkorn testified that the proposed addition would not significantly change the footprint of the house as they were squaring off the rear of the house and not exacerbating the existing non-conformities. Ms. Osterkorn stated that by moving the entrance to the garage to the front of the house it is becomes more accessible and they can remove the asphalt from the rear of the house. Ms. Osterkorn stated that the proposed changes have a de minimus impact on the streetscape.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruno commented on the functionality of what is proposed and the benefit of having more grass in the backyard.


Board members asked about the gross building area. It was determined that there is an additional variance being requested for gross building area within 140 feet of the front lot line. Board members asked about tree removal. Mr. Bruno said one unhealthy tree had already been removed, but they hope to keep the rest.


Board members asked about the current survey and the zoning table. The applicant agreed to submit an updated survey and corrected zoning table.


There were no questions or comments from the public.


Ms. Osterkorn made closing remarks.


Following Board deliberation Mr. Papietro made motion to approve, Mr. Bandelt seconded, and the application was approved with the condition that the requested documents would be submitted prior to the adoption of the resolution.


JOHN and SUE MOLLOY – An application to permit the construction of a second story addition which would result to be 8.58 feet from the existing garage where 12 feet is the minimum required at 663 Delaware Avenue, Block 4504, Lot 26, in an R-2 Zone.


John and Sue Molloy were sworn and represented themselves. Mr. Molloy shared his screen to show the plans and described the existing conditions and what is proposed. Mr. Molloy stated that the footprint was not changing, but that the cantilever will be slightly closer to the garage. Mr. Molloy went over the zoning table.


Board members asked about a discrepancy between the zoning table and the plans.


There were no questions or comments from the public.


Following Board deliberation Mr. Bandelt made a motion to approve, Mr. Negrycz seconded, and the application was approved.


ANDREW and JACQUELINE AHLBORN – An application to permit the expansion of the home, front and rear porch, and detached garage which would result in a side yard setback of 17.8 feet, where 20 feet is required; coverage by above-grade structures within 140 feet of the front lot line of 22.7%, where 20% is permitted; gross building area within 140 feet of the front lot line of 33.8%, where 29% is permitted; and coverage by improvements within 140 feet of the front lot line of 42%, where 40% is permitted at 313 Bedford Road, Block 1311, Lot 5, in an R-1 Zone.


Ms. Ruhl recused herself from this application.


David Rutherford, Esq., entered his appearance and made opening remarks commenting that this application is not a hardship case under c(1), but is justified under c(2) criteria.


Roger Schlicht was sworn and his credentials as a licensed architect accepted. Mr. Schlicht shared his screen and testified as to the drawings he prepared, revised to 5/19/21. Mr. Schlicht went over the calculations. Mr. Schlicht displayed the photos of the property, describing the Dutch gambrel style and showing an existing addition to the rear of the home which was not architecturally consistent with the home, as well as a rear loading garage which is not functional. Mr. Schlicht described the floor plans, existing and proposed, as well as the proposed porches.


Mr. Schlicht displayed photos of the surrounding houses in the neighborhood showing that the proposed size and scale of this home is comparable to what is existing on either side.


Mr. Schlicht showed renderings of the proposed house from all sides.


Board members asked about the 3rd floor as there are windows there. Mr. Schlicht stated that the ceiling height of the 3rd floor is under 7 feet. Board members asked if they considered squaring off the house and removing the proposed turret. Board members asked how the rear porch factored into the c(2) criteria. Mr. Schlicht explained that the house could be moved back and built without variances, but that would have more of a negative impact on the streetscape.


There were no questions from the public.


Andrew Ahlborn, homeowner, was sworn and explained why they wanted to leave the house in its existing location as opposed to rebuilding further back and how they liked the character of the home and wanted to preserve the stone.


The hearing was carried to June 22, 2021 without further notice.


Resolution memorialization:   The following resolutions were memorialized:

  • Devins, 79 Park Slope – extension of variance approval
  • Baum, 532 Spring Avenue


Discussion – There was Board discussion regarding 129 Undercliff Court and the shades around the porch which was previously approved by the Board with the condition that it would always remain open. Ms. Wondergem will alert the Zoning Officer about the issue.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:37 p.m.



Minutes submitted by:  Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary


Date Approved: July 13, 2021


  • Hits: 1055


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