Village Council Public Work Session Agenda 20140806



AUGUST 6, 2014

1. 7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor

2. Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

Mayor: "Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting."

3. Roll Call – Village Clerk

4. Flag Salute/Moment of Silence

5. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)

6. Presentations

     a. Bergen County Improvement Authority – Parking Decks

     b. Don Liebreich from Community Center Advisory Board – Donations towards Patrick A. Mancuso Senior Center Improvements

7. Discussion:

    a. Budget

              1. Award Contract – Sidewalk Snow Removal Services

              2. Award Contract – Ridgewood Water - Pipe, Appurtenances and Service Materials

              3. Award Contract – Resurfacing of North Van Dien Avenue

              4. Award Contract – Police Interceptor Sedan

              5. Award Contract – Leasing of Unmarked Police Vehicles

              6. Award Contract – Hydraulic Model of Ridgewood Water System

              7. Award Extraordinary Unspecifiable Contract – Remediation of Maple Park Turf Field

     b. Policy

              1. Valet Parking in Central Business District

              2. Residency Requirements Ordinance

              3. Removed from Agenda

       4. Discussion of Ordinance 3066 – Amending Filing Fees for Development Applications and Establishing Procedures            to Request Amendments to the Village Master Plan or Development Regulations

             5. Establishment of the Ridgewood Growth and Development Stakeholders Committee

             6. Proposed 2015 Village Council Meeting Dates

             7. Designate the Village of Ridgewood as a Stigma-Free Zone

            8. Approve Place to Place Transfer (Expansion of Premises) of Liquor License for Park West Tavern

            9 . Donation for Patrick A. Mancuso Senior Center Improvements

           10. Request for Turn the Towns Teal for Ovarian Cancer Awareness

      c. Operations

             1. Ridgewood Wildscape and Partners – Ho-Ho-Kus Brook Corridor Cleaning Program

8. Review of August 13, 2014 Regular Public Meeting Agenda

9. Manager’s Report

10. Council Reports

11. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)

12. Resolution to go into Closed Session

13. Closed Session

       A. Personnel – Fire Department, Human Resources Consultant

       B. Contract Negotiations – Construction for The Lester Stable

14. Adjournment


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