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June 13, 2023 meeting




Call to order. Introductions. Approve minutes from May 9, 2023. Tree City Application (finally) approved. (Thank you Dina.) - (3 minutes)


GUEST: Village Manager Heather Mailander (15 minutes)




- Resource Management: “Adopt-a-Sapling” proposal presented to VC -

Adam B/Nancy B-H (10 minutes). CBD Tree well maintenance - C. Jacoby, Siobhan W (10 minutes).


- Communications: Tri-fold brochure; Social media outreach; Village web page; press releases; Community outreach - Tim G, Alexis G, Grace K, Siobhan W, Mahmoud H

(15 minutes)


- Tree Ordinance: update - George W, Maria D (10 minutes)


- Funding: Budget update: Capital expenditures 2022-2023; Carolyn J (15 minutes)




- Tree inventory, Phase II - Carolyn J (10 minutes)

- Form Sub-committee - alternate funding sources through donations and contributions. Grants - no follow up from members.

  • Hits: 153

 Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 7:30pm, Garden Room


 - Call to order, attendee introductions
 - Approve April 11th meeting minutes
 - Village Council Liaison report - Siobhan (10 min)


 - Sub-committees: Confirm leadership and member participation (10 min)
 - 2022/2023 Budget report - Andrew (20 min)
 - “Adopt-a-Sapling” proposed project update - Nancy B-H (20 min)
 - Grants - George, Carolyn (10 min)
 - Earth Day - Carolyn (5 min)
 - Project Pride/CBD Tree well maintenance - Siobhan, Carolyn, Andrew (5 min)
 - RHS tree planting - Carolyn (5 min)
 - Outreach to Clerics - Mahmoud (5 min)
 - STC Brochure - Tim (5 min)

 Other Discussions
 - Dunham Trail tree removal - Andrew (10 min)
 - Schedler property - Carolyn (3 min)

  • Hits: 229

STC Meeting, Tuesday, April 11th, 

7:30 pm, Garden Room, Village Hall


 - Organizational: Call to order.  Approve minutes from March 14th meeting.  Attendee introductions (3 min).


- Special Attendee: Mathew S. Rogers, Esq., Village attorney.  Discussion of legal issues/liabilities of volunteer participation in tree planting on municipal property. 

(15 min).  N. Brennan-Hill and A. Brown will present their proposal for resident volunteers planting trees on municipal strips (5 min).


 - By-Laws: Approval for Amended By-Laws, (G. Wolfson, 5 min).  



 - Sub-committees: Establish Sub-committees and related projects.  Members are required to at least one Sub-committee (G. Wolfson, 10 min.)



- Floor nominations/voting for 2023 STC Chair and Vice-Chair.  Maria Damasco is Recording Secretary. (S. Winograd, 10 min).



- 2022 Tree Planting: Lessons learned and suggested changes for 2023 tree planting (A. Lowry, 10 min).



- 2023 Capital Budget: “Final” appropriations by the VC to be voted on in April, effective May.  Review cuts and allocations and implications.  (C. Jacoby, 20 min).


 - New Business: 

 - Re-implementation the Adopt-a-Tree program (G. Wolfson, 5 min).

 - Project Pride (S. Winograd, 5 min). 

 - Dunham Trail/PSE&G right-of-way tree removal (A. Lowry, 5 min).




Note: Time allotments are only guidelines as discussions may require more/less time.  

  • Hits: 144

20221117 - CSAC Agenda

AGENDA--CSAC MEETING-- Thursday, November 17, 2022-7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall



1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor-- Update on Bergen County Review and Scheduling. Re-Paving Status/ Schedule.(Engineering)

2)  Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- Construction in 2023. Updates? (Engineering)

3)  CBDAC-- Activity Report. (Bamberg)

4)  Glen Avenue Sidewalks--Update on Concept Study Status. ( Engineering)

5)  Smart Streets NJ-- Bracket Height? Plans for 2023.( Remis/ Engineering)

6)  Sight Triangle/ Obstructions-- Locations reported for review?  E-News item? ( Engineering/ Reynolds)

7)  Union Street-- Refurbish Thermoplastic Markings (Engineering)


1)  Crosswalk at Franklin Turnpike/ Nagle Street . Ped-Activated Signal? Criteria? SRTS Plans?(Police/ Engineering)

2)  Other


NEXT MEETING: Thursday, December 15, 2022

  • Hits: 204

20220915 - CSAC Agenda

AGENDA--CSAC MEETING-- Thursday, September 15, 2022-7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall



1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor-- Update on Bergen County Review and Agreements; Re-surfacing Schedule; Letter to Village on Interim Measures? (Engineering)

2)  Pedestrian/Bike Grants-- Update on Construction Schedule/ Progress. (Engineering)

3)  CBDAC-- Activity Report. Arts in Streets Initiative? Comments on Draft Final Master Plan. (Bamberg)

4)  SSATF-- Activity? (Bamberg/Remis/Micale)

5)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks--2022-23 Construction Plans? Status of Special Treatment Areas?(Engineering)

6)  Smart Streets NJ-- Banner Installation; Future Plans? (Remis)

7)  Parking Guide/Map for BOE/ Rec Fields-- Report/ Status? (Micale/Remis/ Sacks)

8)  Morningside Road/Hamilton Road--Design Options/ Schedule. (Engineering)

9)  School Bus Stop Warning Signs-- Newcomb Road/Midwood Road Review. (Police)

10) Cross-Hatching at Ackerman Avenue/ Doremus Road; East Ridgewood Avenue/ Broad Street. (Engineering)



1)  Warren Place/ Vet's Area Parking Enforcement. (Sacks)

2)  Intersection "Blind-Spots"-Sight Triangle/ Village Ordinance. (Prieto/ Engineering)

3)  Other

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2022

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