Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes 20171114-

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2017


The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:35PM on November14, 2017 by Andrew Lowry.

Commission members -  Andrew Lowry, George Wolfson, Monica Buesser, Tim Cronin, , Melody Corcoran, Carolyn Jacoby, Bron Sutherland

Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes for October 10, 2017 was made by Carolyn Jacoby, seconded by Tim Cronin, and approved by all present.

Fall Plantings
Conquest will be planting the adopt-a-trees week of Nov. 20th.
Jacobsen will be planting the CBD test tree wells at a cost of $10,000 for four wells. New soil, watering system and mulch are included; Andrew plans to observe and ensure proper planting.
JA Alexander will be planting the trees in areas C and D. These trees will be held at the Lakeview site where there is a security camera.

All adopt-a-trees will get a gator bag. Perhaps in the future the STC logo could be placed on the bags. The CBD gator bags need to be retrieved.
A plan needs to be made to monitor the adopt-a-trees a year after planting. The condition of the tree needs to be assessed, the gator bags and stakes removed, and perhaps a new door hanger placed reminding the homeowner of proper care of the new tree.
A copy of the addresses where all new trees have been planted will be obtained from the Parks and Recreation office.
Carolyn Jacoby and resident Siobhan Winograd will meet on Nov. 20 to discuss tree planting in the CBD; all tree plantings there must go through the STC.

Tim Cronin reported that the village has hired a grant writing company. The company will research grants for which the village may be eligible and will write the grant proposals. The STC would like to pursue a grant to cover the $50,000 cost of a tree survey and the $10,000 cost of a 5 year software license to maintain and update the tree survey. These costs are listed as an item in the 2018 budget.

The STC commission should consist of 7 members, 2 alternates, 1 village employee and 1 council member. New members need to be recruited.

Nursery Update
The tree nursery is status quo until the spring when volunteers will be needed to plant the trees. The trees will be winterized in place and moved in the spring. The nursery will be staked out this week.
Perhaps the overpass adopt-a-tree sign could be placed by the trees now as an advertisement for the STC.
Locations are needed to put the non-street trees (paw paws and persimmons).

Tree Protection Ordinance
The sections on non-native and invasive species have been removed. The sections on the replacement program and permit process for homeowners have been clarified. A list of state suggested trees to be planted on homeowners property is included. The village arborist will make all decisions on street tree removal, pruning, etc. Need to get council members on board before the ordinance goes to the council for consideration.

If possible, speakers need to be scheduled on a night when there is not a council or other meeting occurring. Council members and other village officials need to be encouraged to attend these meetings because they contain information vital to maintaining our trees and getting trees to thrive in the CBD.

Core Training
All STC members are encouraged to attend the NJUCF core training sessions. The information on tree care, planting, pruning and risk management, and the laws governing shade tree commissions is invaluable.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:10PM by: Andrew Lowry.
Minutes submitted by: Melody Corcoran

  • Hits: 1454


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