20210608 - Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2021


The regular meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission was called to order at 7:35PM on June 8, 2021 by Andrew Lowry. The meeting was held virtually on Zoom.


Andrew Lowry, Melody Corcoran, Ian Keller, Carolyn Jacoby, Steve McCabe, Mahmoud Hamza, Manish Shrimali

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes for May 11, 2021 was made by Andrew Lowry, seconded by Carolyn Jacoby, and approved by all present.


Community Forestry Management Plan

Our 5 year CFMP plan is up for renewal. The next CFMP plan needs to be presented to the village council in September and submitted to NJDEP in December. Ten year plans may now be available. The STC would like to hire Ron Farr again to assist with the plan.  Ron Farr’s fee is $3500. Goals for the plan include planting 350 trees a year, approving a protective tree ordinance, EAB removal, maintaining the tree inventory, and hiring an urban forester. Our village arborist is not well utilized and must perform tasks not directly related to tree care. An urban forester would reduce tree department work by directing the undertaking of preventative actions. Instead of handling problems after they occur, the tree department would be looking out for the welfare of the trees.


A motion was made by Ian Keller that the STC should authorize Manish Shrimali to engage Ron Farr to assist with the next CFMP application. Carolyn Jacoby seconded the motion and all present approved. Andrew Lowry will work with Nancy Bigos and Mike Sedon to find the $3500 in funds to engage Ron Farr. Ideally, the needed funds would come from the village tree planting budget.



Treatment of ash trees for emerald ash borer is scheduled to start in early June. The village manager has approved the removal of 90 ash trees. Ian Keller wrote an e-notice explaining EAB and ash tree treatments and removals. Heather Mailander will send this notice to residents. This notice will also be posted on the STC Facebook page.

Newly Planted Tree Care Information to Residents

Nancy Bigos and Dina Kat have sent letters to residents with information about watering newly planted trees. Andrew Lowry has taken on the task of getting stickers to place on the gator bags with information about watering. The sticker will also have an arrow pointing to the fill port which is not always obvious. He plans on having this task completed by July 1.

Tree Plantings

Sixty residents have requested trees. Andrew Lowry will follow-up with Mike Sedon and Chris Ruitishauser about the necessity for the current tree planting bid to include at least two waterings.



The Franklin Avenue renovation may allow for 10-15 trees to be planted. Bump-outs are planned and perhaps will allow for tree wells. Proper tree well design needs to be followed.



Mahmoud Hamza is in contact with Jeannie Johnson who has expertise in grant writing. Andrew Lowry has previously invited Jeannie to STC an meeting. Mahmoud will also invite her to a meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM by: Andrew Lowry.

Minutes submitted by: Melody Corcoran


Volunteer Hours: 6

  • Hits: 530


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